Guys i'm finally talking to a girl on tinder and i can't fucking calm down

guys i'm finally talking to a girl on tinder and i can't fucking calm down

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anger or am i misinterpreting the pic?


guys she's taking a while to respond, am i screwed?


Dont read into it, for everyone one girl you match, she's got ten guys

what was your opening line? asking for a friend.

also, what topics do you talk about? when do you ask her out on a date?

IKTF, copped this QTs number but having extreme anxiety texting her. Completely overanalyzing everything and have the nagging feeling that it's all pointless and I will sperg out if we ever meet IRL again. This shit is stressful

her last response was over an hour ago

Dude she’s over you. Kill yourself

okay :(

Opposite for me. I'm a total sperg over text. Nothing sounds natural and It's all a big interview. I think in person I'd do a lot better. But without decent text game you never get there.

Forget him.
Bring yourself back from the dead and have another go at it.

been 12 hours without a response, bros


Clearly the world is ending...
Please go full autist and REEEEE in chat, leaves more girls for me to match with who are tired of guys who get super clingy if they don't get attention

>Being sad you got ghosted is being clingy.

Literally the exact same thing happened to me
I feel you bro

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its okay, just accept youll probably fuck up and use the convo as a learning experience. you will be more suave in the next one.

At least you didn't get a shitty one word answer.
Best we can do is to move on and don't let some dumb hoe drag us down.

>its okay, just accept youll probably fuck up and use the convo as a learning experience

She only texted me twice

Use it to get a thicker skin. Do it enough and you won't get so invested into it anymore.

Try setting up a date sooner next time.

i wish she would just unmatch me if she's lost interest

this wait is killing me

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Get ghosted by 30+ girls. Now that is a self esteem booster. But there is always another chick. Which will ghost again. Kek, I started ghosting some of them too. A doomed circle of heartless rude online behaviour.

I remember when I first installed tinder and my heart would literally jump when I got a message.
It dosen't do that any more

This, big time. Get a phone number and never text it. This is called "building self-esteem", unironically

Never going to make it with that kind of desperation. Women can smell that shit a mile away.
There are more vaginas on this planet than you can even imagine. You're obsessing over a grain of sand at the beach.

what if shes my only match


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and its back to radio silence

can she smell desperation if i reply within minutes and she replies in literal days

I order up girls like pizza
just kidding this is my first in like a month
she seems nice

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I tried to tell you. You're the kind of person that needs to learn the hard way apparently. Good luck.

Still hasn't replied, bros :(

>am I screwed

No, but she probably is

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Why are you THAT desperate for a Tinder slut?

They are not worth it. I promise you are wasting time and energy. I tried Tinder for 3 years and all it did was make me depressed as fuck. Tinder isn’t healthy

>Why are you THAT desperate for a Tinder slut?

It's my only hope for getting a girlfriend. Real life is a bust.

im sure you have heard this a hundred times but there is someone

This is absolutely true, and if she only had 10 guys talking to her I'd be surprised.

It doesn’t work like that. These are the girls you find on Tinder:

1. Girls who want casual dick
2. Girls who want validation
3. Girls who want attention

That’s it. Don’t waste your time. You honestly should delete the app. All that will happen is you’ll keep swiping right on girls thinking “ohh I hope she matches me!”... she never will. Tinder will wear you out mentally and destroy your self esteem.

in for a wild ride, it's a dude.

No, there really isn't. Not only do girls think I'm ugly, they all have boyfriends already.

>Not only do girls think I'm ugly,
Then why do you think Tinder would work? Tinder is literally 100% based off physical attraction.

Because my desperation overrides my logic.

what country do you live?

Well... Odds even for a normie are low because it's all a hit or miss game so if you're freaking out I got news. More likely than not you're going to fail. That's normal. Don't have a fucking existential crisis over it. If you don't fuck this up, nice good


make an account on, it’s a pen pal website that is absolutely full of qt girls. The benefit of this is that girls will actually give you a chance because they aren’t exclusively looking for relationships. But if you get to know them, you had good odds. I’ve met several girls from there IRL (and I’m not very attractive).

Also, go to this thread. Its a General about that exact website. Many of the anons there gained gfs from that website. You’ll fit right in.

Yeah, a full 24 hours without a response

I hate my life

Thought it's mostly for ldr. I just came from a long ldr and just wsnt someone close to me now. I want to learn a new language soon so maybe I'll try it out.

Lads I got my penis sucked
It was okay