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Other urls found in this thread:

They know it's too powerful. It leaves people sickened and shaken to their core. A final push towards punting those Swedish cucked leftist fucks out.

What an embarrassment haha, get a grip of your country swecucks. Your worlds strongest man qualifiers were literally sponsored by kebabs.

This is where some enterprising anons fire up Swedish VPNs, bust out swede-based sockpuppets on multiple SN platforms and start sharing the video EVERYWHERE.

The Swedish government maintains power by silencing and suppressing anything that shatters the idyllic bullshit story they've forced on their unsuspecting thoughtslaves. The instant that Swedish women see that a pair of girls that could be their daughters, their sisters OR THEM got beaten, raped and beheaded for the amusement of brown men it will permanently alter their perceptions.

If it doesn't also awaken Swedish men to the danger that freely moves among them.. then perhaps Sweden is already lost and a culling/recolonization is going to be required.

> tmw mohammed can do the same crime in sweden and get out from prison in less

The best part about all of it? Those 2 girls were Muslim apologists and had a picture of them online with a banner talking about sympathy for Muslims, only to get got by Muslims!

Got damn! You cant make this shit up people



I don't understand why anybody cares about this trash. They wanted to be enriched, they were. Sad story, they can only blame themselves for what happened.
And no, animals like maghrebi have no agency, so I wouldn't blame them, just like I wouldn't blame a dangerous animal killing somebody entering its cage.


>shut it down

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAGA SO FUCKING KEKED SWEDEN. Its like a christmas gift that keeps giving. Hahahahaha holy shit i needed this hahahahahahahaha

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They're weren't even Swedish

I don't know what's more disgusting, the murder or Jews in the Swedish Gov and Media covering for their Global ISIS terror Brand Inc.?

Anybody has the videos? I want to share them now


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Why hasn't the swedish govt been couped yet? Their military is pathetic, their politicians are cowards. Literally why do they exist?

Do it then.

They actually don't have a proper government right now. As for Swedes rising up? Their battlecry has been "DON'T SHOOT, WE'RE NEUTRAL!" since the 1800s.

Native swedes are about as likely to uprise as canadians. Not happening

You're too retarded to understand but I'll try.

Not one of us gives a single fuck about these two beheaded chickens. It's what their deaths can be used to teach that matters. They wanted to go get enriched and they got enriched to death as their kind is fated to do should they get the freedom to get their way.

However, the video of them being slain as they cry out for mercy and their parents in agony coupled with their lifeless, bloody, slack faces sitting side by side post-beheading is shocking and real enough that the Swedish government is terrified of how much programming it could undo.

That fear is justified and should be eagerly capitalized on by the one group of people capable of doing so with gusto purely for the lulz.


they kinda have to though if they wanna survive

Because people we'll see the inconsistencies of the video with the story and will realize it's a big hoax.

Don't make the muslims angry!

It's excellent, powerful, free, point proving propaganda. Hence the efforts to close it southernly.

Europeans are nothing more than cucks look at them unable to protect their countries from the chad arabians and africans they will die out like all other species that died out due to lack of children

I don't read non white posters, sorry.

neither of them are even Swedish, why is the government buttblasted about it?

This. I mean, what are they going to do, send some of their woman cops after you?
Send you to a feminist education camp?
Sweden is a joke. And this coming from a leaf really tells you something.

This too, this thread is fire.
Kek must be taking the day off. Should be more digits.

Don't Swedes have a right to due process and a right for redress from their fucked-up government? Do they at least have the right to sue their government in civil court for damages if a Swede was so much as arrested for simply exercising freedom of speech?

Please, Sweden, say it ain't so!

I also considered this but to what end?

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The banner pic wasn't the beheaded girls faggot

I understand that, but is it really useful ? So many cases, and yet nobody seems to care everytime, and I'm afraid it just normalize the thing. We live at times where fathers of murdered daughters cuck out to the murderers.

>when someone types up lengthy paragraphs to explain something that would have taken 2 sentences.

Have to bury any kind of evidence that their new countrymen are liable to cut their fucking heads off when take breaks from tossing grenades at one another and the police.

Sweden is priming for the UN migration pact and will likely take in shitloads of north africans.

>I wish I could unsee it. I’ve seen many horrible things. For a while I felt a responsibility as a journalist to see the movie clips that Daesh (and AQ*) released. Still, this was much worse. It is the worst I have ever seen. It will haunt me”, Svenska Dagbladet columnist Ivar Arpi wrote on his Facebook page, calling the murderers “beasts”.

Did they watch the same video as I did?
There is some screaming, then they cut the heads of. There is so much blood and the video quality is so bad, you can't even see the faces. How was the video shocking?

This, I agree with the Frenchie bro. I have been laughing about this shit since day one, we're not talking about some sentient human beings or innocent victims. They were some fucking Leftist NPCs and if they survived, they would subsequently probably end up being single mothers, cuck many a guy and burn the coal interminably. You could even say they were asking for it. The whole outrage around here only goes on to show that this place is filled with secret beta orbiters. Too bad they were killed, they could've been mothers and so forth, but the shit's happened, nothing is going to change that, who the fuck cares. They could've mended their ways while they still could, but they didn't. I'm not going to brood over their suffering, I'd rather laugh at the absurdity and the ludicrousness of the world we live in, otherwise I'll go insane. Fuck the roasties, who gives a fuck. Perhaps it's for the best they got killed, this will perhaps dissuade other girls thinking about burning coal from doing so, but I'm probably being delusional.

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Sweden: Muslims are the Real Victims of the Beheading

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>Danish special investigations unit - It's legit
>Norwegian special investigations unit - It's legit
>Moroccan investigators - It's legit
>Murrican twat on Jow Forums - FUCKING FALSE FLAG MOSSAD DID IT
Nigger, please.

>sweden threatens
>the two victims were a danish and a norwegians.
GOOD JOB swedish progressive assholes. How much would the perpetrators get in sweden for doing it to a couple of swedish girls i wonder? slap on the wrist. No 4 years in jail for a swede sharing a video. Fucking nutjobs.

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>yet nobody seems to care everytime
Not "nobody". Just VERY few, although none of them in any position to really "do" much about it.
However, this is why saltmining exists as a motivation when aught else is in it..

that's just pathetic


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My family left sweden right as it got overrun by jews.

The swedish justice system can't punish other nationals from posting the video to every swede online. Just saying...

that being said, i wonder what punishment would a mohamedan get for the crime of beheading two scandi chicks

Not everyone is so desensitized they can watch funkytown, or that vid of the cartel flaying that "cop's son"s chest, while eating & keking.

Thanks bro

>no one has posted it in this thread

I'm afraid we're at a point you would broadcast the video on TV and people wouldn't give a shit. Sure they'd see the gruesome aspect, but they wouldn't really associate this with the non human savagery of the african beasts.

Misdemeanor, community service; long as whatever they have to do isn't haram.

And they left to the most jew infested country on earth after Israel itself

this, if you're American, make sure you share it everywhere you can on Swedish public pages and forums for your Swede brothers.

I have the unmuted version, but you can't post webms with sound on Jow Forums sadly

>ban our own propaganda to stop people debunking it
Ever wonder if your theories make any sense at all?

It's typical muslim damage control. Someone could stand and behead you right now and some idiot muslim would say it's false flag in some studio. And that muslims would never do such a thing. try 1400 years of this shit. Infact.. try since 2001
try 34,328 islamic attacks. In nearly 50 countries globally in the last 17 years.
>it's unthinkable a muslim would behead anyone.
10 islamic countries where being homosexual can carry the death penalty.
16 islamic countries were leaving islam and saying you don't believe in anything or having a different faith. Can get you death penalty.
There's even two islamic countries where you if you say. You talk to a muslim and he decides, well islam is crap i am going to leave islam or choose another belief. If you caused him to do it as conversation and it can be proven in court. You might face death penalty.
>it's unthinkable a muslim would do this. Must be false flag.

Attached: religionofpeace.png (156x620, 30K)

Sweden still dont understand streissand effect

Post it on some /gif/ thread & link the post here.


The most amazing part of this is how none of you realize every time you politicize these happenings for propaganda to generalize a nonwhite group it only build more antiwhite hatred and gives people a reason to generalize every white male happening, exactly why to see even mundane racial incidents by whites reported on a near daily bases. Your digging your own grave while you think your redpilling people lol

How are these incidents not a declaration of war? Imagine if two muzzie women in burqas got decapitated in London?

He wasn't a cop.
They snitched to the cops.
They did the right fucking thing and ended up like that.
This world is FUCKED UP.

>Many viewers complained that the state broadcaster was more concerned by the video of the killing being spread than the grisly murders themselves.
The two dumb whores would agree with the state broadcaster.

It's time to start buying camping holiday tickets in Morocco for your Leftist friends.

>Not everyone is so desensitized they can watch funkytown, or that vid of the cartel flaying that "cop's son"s chest, while eating & keking.

Becos it was from Sweden where the Vile, parasitic cunting Jew virus launched its multicultural scam to destroy Europe.

See this foul cunt at it...

>Barbara Spectre on Multiculturalism, Israel, and the Refugee Crisis

This cunt is back behind Israel's wall with its family

Ouchie! Ouchie! How will Jow Forums ever recover?!

So this is the power of nonwhite IQ? woah.

There's also that factor that it's your own language or very close to it being spoken + a woman, a being we've been indoctrinated since childhood to protect being on the receiving end.
Nobody gives a shit if Iqbal gets chainsawed to death, but if it's someone that could have been your neighbour or family member, it quickly becomes more unpleasant.

This is one of the dumbest replies i've read in a while, and it's not even shitposting, you are actually being serious aren't you.

> Five sentences
> "Paragraphs"
You need to leave my country.



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>every time you politicize these happenings for propaganda to generalize a nonwhite group
Are you really this stupid?
If we didn't "propagandize" this kind of shit ("propagandize" now apparently meaning "show the fucking unedited video") it'd get buried in favor of blowing up the ten millionth time some dumb nigger got shot by a cop for pulling out a fucking finger gun like a retard.

everytime i see the one on the right i am guaranteed an erection

Kind of impressed with the MSMs discipline in keeping this story low key.
Normally this murder-death-kill Carrie in paradise shit would be prime time all the time but it may as well be the Canadian snate elections or something.
They don't even have enough integrity to be sensationalist anymore.

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Idk man, i think we need to tidy our rooms first.

It's lost already

You have no idea how much this is happening in the world that is not reported in your media. If they did it would be basically a daily report.
>every white male happening.
Name them for me. You can get maybe a few handful of cases over several decades. Whereas i can give you 34.328 cases with many casualties and injured by muslims terrorist, in 17 years. And they are just the ones that are reported by media mostly in their home countries, not so much by US media. If they are at all mentioned there at all.

Where can we find this video

Scandis in general and swedes in particular have a bbc cuckhold fetish ingrained in their dna, it is genetic. Minnesota, the state in the USA with the highest percentage of swedes, has a similar dynamic playing out.

You guys are defective because you are too nice/gullible/easily fooled, something is wrong with you. Seriously, the jews found the button on you to make you destroy yourselves and pressed it.

ADDENDUM: You blonde haired snownigger faggots lack basic threat detection ability. You assume that everyone is a weak little faggot like yourselves, you shit on Southern Euros over their looks even though they built civilization while you retards rolled around in your caves and Africa-tier mudhuts. Your women are dumb as shit and your men follow orders from your women, it explains the sorry state of affairs you find yourselves in.

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Who has the video where they stick the knife into her eyes?

thr one on the left is a butt fugly reptile shit isnt it?

>>The instant that Swedish women see that a pair of girls that could be their daughters, their sisters OR THEM got beaten, raped and beheaded for the amusement of brown men it will permanently alter their perceptions.
We all know those women would prefer to get raped and beheaded rather than accept that their narrative is false

Well desu. Many in the government were Nazi during ww2. It's well known.

70 years of marxist indoctrination after wwII faggot. We have a history of even during the viking age to literally banish people for murder. Nice writeup. Too bad you are wrong about all of it.

Sweden government is max cucked

>a brit saying this
are you fuckers troling or are you actually less self-aware than even the burgers?

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>Yasss queens slayed

And it's well known that you're owned by the fucking jews now.

>That pic

You see that knife and fork in the left pic? That's the real difference (besides the deepfryer).

Careful not to hold your fork in the wrong hand like a savage btw..

wow, i tried to link the video from liveleak, but they deleted it there lol

>a Frenchman whose country literally looks like a sewer filled with muzzies, niggers and kikes calls an American non-white

Wew lad...

u wot m8

repost time.

Good to know Swedish government of full of fucking traitors just like every other government.

I do what I want, nigger

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>comparing des cordons bleus with some disgusting fast food shit
I didn't even read your post. Animal.

that's the one