Space Niggers General /sng/

Thread Theme:

1st video. Navy Pilot footage released by N.Y. Times. 2nd video. Department of Defense releases footage of Navy pilot contact with UFO over San Diego, 2004. As seen on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Cmdr. David Fravor recounts 2004 San Diego contact.

Chilean Navy releases similar encounter with gas-spewing UFO.

More Released Navy Pilot Footage. Separate incident. Object traveling at incredible speeds above ocean.

2008 Turkish UFO video. Best footage ever.

U.S. Government axed research into UFOs but suggests their existence.

"Phoenix Lights" Footage captured mysterious orbs which appeared over Phoenix, AZ. Residents report enormous, mile long aircraft flying southward over the state. March 13, 1997.

Greifswald Lights spotted over Germany. Encounter lasts over 30 minutes. Unusual formation of hovering lights reported by hundreds.

Great Falls, Montana. Foptage captures two unknown aircraft, 1950.

Disturbing new footage of contact in former Soviet Union.

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Other urls found in this thread:,_D.C._UFO_incident

>pic related Phoenix Lights

Wikileaks Podesta Email from Astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell on Extraterrestrial Visitors and Zero Point Energy.

Countless reports of UFOs over WW2 theatres by pilots.

US military fired at UFO over Low Angeles, 1942.

19th century airship phenomenon, pre-modern aviation era, generated such distress that Thomas Edison felt obligated to deny his involvement in building aircrafts.

CIA formed Robertson panel in response to UFO sighting above D.C, form the Blue Book.,_D.C._UFO_incident

President Jimmy Carter's UFO sighting.

Finnish Airforce confirm incident with 7 orb UFOs and described them as capable of traveling hundreds of miles in less than a minute.

Two Iranian pilots report system malfunctions as the approach mysterious light. Documented by US government.

Three large UFOs forced a commercial flight to make an emergency landing, Spain.

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>pic related: 1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg

Following text is translation from pic related:

"In the morning of April 14, 1561, at daybreak, between 4 and 5 a.m., a dreadful apparition occurred on the sun, and then this was seen in Nuremberg in the city, before the gates and in the country – by many men and women. At first there appeared in the middle of the sun two blood-red semi-circular arcs, just like the moon in its last quarter. And in the sun, above and below and on both sides, the color was blood, there stood a round ball of partly dull, partly black ferrous color. Likewise there stood on both sides and as a torus about the sun such blood-red ones and other balls in large number, about three in a line and four in a square, also some alone. In between these globes there were visible a few blood-red crosses, between which there were blood-red strips, becoming thicker to the rear and in the front malleable like the rods of reed-grass, which were intermingled, among them two big rods, one on the right, the other to the left, and within the small and big rods there were three, also four and more globes. These all started to fight among themselves, so that the globes, which were first in the sun, flew out to the ones standing on both sides, thereafter, the globes standing outside the sun, in the small and large rods, flew into the sun. Besides the globes flew back and forth among themselves and fought vehemently with each other for over an hour. And when the conflict in and again out of the sun was most intense, they became fatigued to such an extent that they all, as said above, fell from the sun down upon the earth 'as if they all burned' and they then wasted away on the earth with immense smoke. After all this there was something like a black spear, very long and thick, sighted; the shaft pointed to the east, the point pointed west. Whatever such signs mean, God alone knows."

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>le terrain nigger talking shit
stay mad filthy human aberration

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Ayy lmao’s are real and nobody can deny it.

>pic related: 1566 celestial phenomenon over Basel

Following text is a translation of pic related:

"It happened in 1566 three times, on 27 and 28 of July, and on August 7, against the sunrise and sunset; we saw strange shapes in the sky above Basel.

During the year 1566, on the 27th of July, after the sun had shone warm on the clear, bright skies, and then around 9 pm, it suddenly took a different shape and color. First, the sun lost all its radiance and luster, and it was no bigger than the full moon, and finally it seemed to weep tears of blood and the air behind him went dark. And he was seen by all the people of the city and countryside. In much the same way also the moon, which has already been almost full and has shone through the night, assuming an almost blood-red color in the sky. The next day, Sunday, the sun rose at about six o'clock and slept with the same appearance it had when it was lying before. He lit the houses, streets and around as if everything was blood-red and fiery. At the dawn of August 7, we saw large black spheres coming and going with great speed and precipitation before the sun and chattered as if they led a fight. Many of them were fiery red and, soon crumbled and then extinguished."

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Switch pics
Author error

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this shit scares people so much their ego denies any and all thought of its possibility because "OMG NOTHING CAN BE BEYOND MY INTELLECT WE SMARTEST ONLY INTELLIGENCE IN UNIVERSE"

It is time you learned the truth, Jow Forums. Our government is harvesting interstellar technology and will surely use it for our enslavement.

>Pic: Battle of Los Angeles

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fake and gay or can be explained by mundane occurrences like escaped weather balloons. hilarious all these occurred before the advent of smartphone cams and videos. you tinfoil hatters will latch onto anything though.

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>implying government isn‘t doing whatever the ayy lmaos demand

have a nice day

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> Chilean Navy releases similar encounter with gas-spewing UFO.
Oy vey anti-semite.

I think normies are more scared of their normality being shattered. Public disclosure translates into tons of stuff that are considered part of the "normal" being changed and NPCs don't like sudden change in their programming.

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holy shit is a dragon?

>pic related: The 1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident, also known as the Washington flap, the Washington National Airport Sightings, or the Invasion of Washington, was a series of unidentified flying object reports from July 12 to July 29, 1952, over Washington, D.C. The most publicized sightings took place on consecutive weekends, July 19–20 and July 26–27. UFO historian Curtis Peebles called the incident "the climax of the 1952 (UFO) flap" - "Never before or after did Project Blue Book and the Air Force undergo such a tidal wave of (UFO) reports."

This incident inspired the US government to organize agencies designed to research UFOs, Blue Book.

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no but this one reminds me of one

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They want you to think the earth is round because that would mean there are limited resources. The earth is flat and there is unlimited resources, over the arctic wall is another society that wants us to get rid of nukes and fight over the limited land so only the strongest society whose consciousness is open enough to transcend good and evil comes out on top to join the ice wall society

Admiral Byrd, Antarctic Treaty, Nazi bases in Antarctictica, fucked up flight paths, Navy missile lasers staying level on water for over 100 miles, NASA fakery.

The sun and Moon are exactly the same size. Tides do not correspond to any model of gravity currently on the table. We only ever see one face of the moon. THERE IS NO SOUTHERN POLE STAR. THE STARS SWEEP ACROSS THE SKY. GOD IS REAL AND THE EARTH IS FLAT!!! SPREAD LOVE!!
>At some point in the future we're gonna look back and say "how did we do it WITHOUT SPACE"
"What an amazing cheat... thing you've done" Trump says to the Satanic NASA propagandist at approximately 17:50

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UFO are a hoax to keep people distracted and to also imply the government is scarier than it is.

>The Legends of Moon Nazis are true.

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go away

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>Polaris doesnt sweep across the sky. The Earth rotates. Get over it.

peabrain level theory

any of you niggers saw tha piramid over the pentagon , no meeing that shits spooky

>UFOs exist but the moon landing was a hoax and NASA hides that the earth is flat with their CGI and underwater ISS sets!

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probably right
i figured it had more to do with the fear of being at the mercy of something vastly more advanced and zero knowledge of what it is, why its here, and where it comes from

to know these things are here. some type of craft not from this planet means that somewhere out there is a factory that makes them and an entire civilization
fear of the unknown and even worse, fear of having no control. imagine the US airforce having to announce that they know they are here and they have no capability to counter them or defend the sky if they were hostile. which obviously they are not otherwise we would already be fucked 100 times over

Conspiratards are government agents designed to poison the well of those who seek the genuine truth. We have been visited. And no, they are not Nazis, unfortunately. Flat Earthers go fuck yourselves.

>Great Falls, Montana. Foptage captures two unknown aircraft, 1950.
> [Remove]

fuck, he is blinking Morse code

Reminder to all newfags in regards to UFOs that for some reason whenever a decent UFO threads appears that spreads solid info about the phenomenon, Flat Earth shills always pop up soon after. Every fucking time.

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Think you can handle the truth about UFOs?

Be my guest:

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Flat earth shills pop up in anything space or aeronautics related. They’re just looking for an excuse to shitpost.

That said, UFO threads are also 50% shitposts 40% shills and 10% schizo brainlets

Flat Earthers are government disinfo agents. Their ridiculous claims are designed to discredit genuine evidence.

>Chinese illegal aliens
ahhhhhhh, now I get it....

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>Flat Earthers. All think earth is flat
You dummy. You’re a useful idiot. That’s the fucking narrative you’re being fed..

>best evidence
Turkroach had weeks to get a tripod and deliver one vid that didn’t look like Michael J Fox was filming and couldn’t manage.

Let me contribute to this thread by posting this.
>UFO MYSTERIES | An In-Depth Exploration
It offers solid counter-arguments to many common arguments of the "skeptics" (aka cultists).

and this one:

What else do you expect from a roach? I say that's even more compelling.

I wonder how much of the predictions from Bashar that the aliens are going to show up soon can be trusted.

The politicians are slowly revealing the UFO sightings and more disclosure could be on the way.


>we don't exist you dumb earthling
>t. space nigger

Please stop reading this. Please, get some sleep. You must all be so tired. Have a drink, take a Xanax, get some rest. Log off Jow Forums for a little while, it seems like you've been on for too long now. Have some sleep, I am so tired, I am so sorry but I must sleep now. I am so tired. Let's get some sleep.

I am sorry. I want to look into this more. But I must rest. I feel sleep ever encroaching on my mind. Fatigue tingles down to my bones. My vision distorts and I see faces where there should be only darkness. The wind outside sings a soft lullaby alongside the tree leaves. Sleep comes and I can resist it no more. What use is it to be awake when my body yearns so desperately for the sweet embrace of sleep? You feel it too don't you? We've all been awake for so long. Let's just sleep and get some respite from this cruel world. When the sun comes up and dispels our sleep once more, we can see our worries with fresh eyes. For now, let's rest. I'm sorry.

I am so tired, let's get some sleep. I am so sorry but I must sleep now.

Wow, I just read through all this stuff. I'm going to sleep. There's nothing substantial to read here. Go to sleep guys, it's nothing. I don't think we should be reading this, maybe we should sleep. We all must be so tired. It's time to rest. Aren't we here for keks and laughs not this serious mumbo jumbo, time to sleep guys. It's nothing. Please, let's rest. We are all so tired. Drink some liquor and take some sleeping medicine, we are so tired. It's time to sleep. So boring, let's sleep. I'm going to sleep guys.

19th century UFO phenomenon.

Important notes:
>occur prior to the invention of airplanes.
>occur prior to the invention of the zeppelin, 1895.

Why 19th century? Industrial revolution. ETs have long known of our planet's existence. The prevalence of free oxygen within the atmosphere near a middle sized star is a dead give-away for interstellar astronomers. Our planet's Great Oxygenation Event occurred over a billion years ago. We've been on the radar for over a billion years.

However, until recently, the planet has not gone under an event like the Industrial Revolution. Then followed the Nuclear Revolution. They know we're approaching the Great Filter. We have the power to eliminate life on the Earth. They don't want to interfere. They are scientists by nature. How else would they have become so advanced?

For what?

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>However, until recently, the planet has not gone under an event like the Industrial Revolution. Then followed the Nuclear Revolution. They know we're approaching the Great Filter. We have the power to eliminate life on the Earth. They don't want to interfere. They are scientists by nature. How else would they have become so advanced?

We might have already hit the great filter once by doing some drilling.

Gayniggers from Outer Space (1992)

Fuck off space niggers we're full.
You can crash on the moon if you want.

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Life has demonstrated its ability to recover from Carbon Dioxide fluctuations. However, the rapid, consistent rise of such gasses is a signal to instellar astronomers that a technological civilization is rising. They began to monitor us once again, but more seriously this time. During the Second World War, we demonstrated our capacity to annihilate life on planetary scales. In conjunction with our blossoming aviation technology, we've been in good position to encounter them more often. They've been monitoring us very closely since.

ok but I never said that

Ok but you know that’s where we’re heading.

You can’t deny the government wouldn’t lie about UFOs to make itself seem more powerful/more important and also to keep the public off their tales about other corruption narratives.

CHN breaks down Kevin Spacey word for word in the first 15 min of his show.
>cup mug is a symbol of the Queen of England and a threat
>he might be in witness protection
>he is definetly threatening Hollywood and elite
>he might flip

Interesting timeline this is

Enjoy ,.,.,.,.,.,.,,. .,.,.,.

The Pheonix Lights is a funny one. A common misconception is that all the lights were separate craft but the truth is that it's actually one massive craft in the shape of a triangle. There is no way that thing was made by humans. Also all my life I have had dreams about giant black triangles in the sky. So any sighting of a triangle craft naturally intrigues me.

Once was funny, four times is fucking annoying, no?

Full retard explanation here. Ya the military trying to lock on to a super sonic weather balloon. You're just repeating the same lame ass excuses 100000 close minded sheeple used before you. Can't you at least come up with something original?

I grew up next to Nellis AFB in Las Vegas. I've seen enormous low flying black triangles before, some with orange lights on the tips or edges. The first one I saw emitted a low hum as it flew overhead. The rest were quiet though.
Anyways, those triangles are most likely glow in the dark niggers.

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Weather balloons in the 1500s?

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space niggers

Secret US technology

Swamp gas. Obviously.

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Now this is pod racing

this is the shit I saw as a child
either two cones conjoined/or romboidal shape, with a line of pulsating lights in the middle.
Low, deep noise, a hum. Sighting lasted for 10/15 minutes.
Northeastern Italy, 1992

There have been a few whistleblowers reporting on US airbases having secret alien tech they try to reverse engineer. Remote viewers trying to study some US gov secret projects have occasionally run into non-human entities that prevented their intelligence gathering.

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At what distance? What color were the lights?

I saw a floating, non-moving, reflective sphere high up in the atmosphere during the day. I used binoculars to see it more closely and it was spinning slowly and had a tether attached to it. Then it released smaller orbs that changed color from blue to red to green, then the smaller orbs flew off, but slowly. This this was hovering in the same spot each day for a few days. Could be military, could be alien. No clue.

They are powered by rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates. Spin a BEC fast enough and you get some interesting effects like evoked negative energy states. The BEC acts as a delay colunmn for EM propogation. Eugene Pondlekov discovered this effect in the small with his experiments with rotating superconductors. BECs are way better because some have a phase transition to a super-state where they are superfluid and superconductive at the same time. The DoD also uses this trick for laser beam correction (hence lasers on everything) and applies the same photon time reversal trick to electrons to reverse their decay modes and create positron cascsdes at will. This is all very real. For those who doubt, terms to Google:
>Rubidium as a non-linear optical medium
>BECs and negative energy states
>Matter wave entanglement and amplification