Please stop deleting my threads.
I can't afford a doctor and I know Jow Forums is the next best thing.
I'm concerned about the red chunks in my waste. What's your prognosis?
Please stop deleting my threads.
I can't afford a doctor and I know Jow Forums is the next best thing.
I'm concerned about the red chunks in my waste. What's your prognosis?
try /b/
change your diet. stop eating bullshit. factory farmed meat and dairy. reduce processed food intake, especially added sugars. stop drinking alcohol, or reduce intake. get some exercise. stop smoking if you do smoke, etc.
I hate to break it to you, user, but you're going to die of ass cancer.
small shit lol
>What's your prognosis?
You are poor and will continue to be poor.
eat only meat and see what happens. whole cuts only, so no sausage or shit. Bacon is good, steak is good, don't trim the fat off it. that type of shit. no sugar. only meat and water. see what happens
May be blood. You may have diverticulitis from now eating enough fiber. See a doctor.
U have AIDS. And now, it seems, u have ass cancer.
That would be the inside of your intestines. Could be an underlying disease or could be you not drinking enough water so your shits are rock hard.
Go back to plebbit you filthy fetishistic poofag.
Remove all high fructose corn syrup from ya diet
Looks like intestinal lining, it happens to me when I take particularly hard shits.
Either intestinal lining from some type of inflammation or partially undigested food. It should pass in a few days.
It's called poo
eat less red things
Nigga thats tomato
I only eat a call of ravioli a day and a few 2 liters of off brand cola. Not sure if that plays a factor
It's been going on for years honestly
if your shit is coming out weird, it's probably what you're eating. Switching to straight up carnivore let's you reset your gut and gradually reintroducing foods allows you to identify what the problem food was
youre shitting parts of your intestine user
enjoy your gangrena
tits or gtfo no way that's not a mans shit.
stop eating crap/shit/or anything else that you very well know you shouldn't eat
Hemorrhoids, drink plenty of water and increase your fiber intake. Lose some weight fatass, do not sit around and fill your tub with warm water and soak in it to help alleviate your buttpain.
Looks like you have super-AIDS.
Start eating blue green algae.
Drink more water.
Eat some ginger.
Get more fiber.
Stop eating processed junk.
Probably food that’s not getting broken down in your stomach. That’s why you find corn in yer poo.
Do a detox, and start eating right. Get a little exercise. And use lots of extra virgin olive oil on your food to help line up your insides.
>get more fiber
Note how this thread is up for an hour but SIG threads will be deleted in no time
I used to have shit exactly like this. Now I have perfect shits. Want to know my secret? Don't eat any fiber or coffee. Eat mostly meat, and dairy. Problem solved. Good luck