Anons, I'm going nuts. Aparantly I have a 'German work ethic' here in the US, but I simply just hate being bored. They don't need me at work, and school is out for a month. But I'm going stir crazy, and simly need to be utilized. These days off are dumb as fuck, and all I want to do is be productive.
German Work Ethic
Also, for the record, I am a Half-German midwesterner. Myself, my Fater, and Brother usually work 50 hours a week, but I am not needed this week. Its killing me.
Think of what your dream job or a better job would be
Think of the skills you will need for it
Go on udemy or some shit and learn those skills
Why would you use Germany's failure colors on our flag its disgusting
Fucking hell OP use the imperial german colors, they are so much better than the current trash flag.
Try masterbating user. Smoke weed and play overwatch. Your frustration with your team and balancing will make you forget all you woes
Already beat one off and hit up my boss for work. He has nothing. Been drinking to slow my roll, bt this boredom is killing me.
>german work ethic
those socialist fags get off at work at like 17 h
we work 12 hour days
if you are employed
cursed image
seriously, no hobbies? people will confuse you for a serial killer
What's the problem, you retard?
Go learn some useful skills or gain some knowledge.
Make your life more efficient by figuring out how to eat cheaper or something.
There's so much shit you can do
Doesn't this come from one of the german states pre-unification?
it's associated with garbage now but so are a lot of flags today
fuck off kike
lmao, youre a hobbyless fag. Go die unhappy.
Been trying. Took up painting models, but it just isn't very fulfilling. And not being very goodatitis a bit of a buzzkill.
absolutely pathetic, enjoy holidays while you still can, faggot.
Fuckin suck 12 cocks, faggot. This is why people don't hire Anglos.
And, before you respond, yes, you're 'German'.
Get off the pep pills and go move to Switzerland
You need a real hobby.
Read up on luther and calvinism
What's commonly reffered to as "german work ethic" is a protestant trait with it's origins in the neatherlands
I heard the amish have a similar work ethic
So Bavarians are lazy then?