The war on mugs edition.
You're an idiot, seriously dude.
The war on mugs edition.
You're an idiot, seriously dude.
Other urls found in this thread:
Well what can i say? I go directly, head on. Fuck, I feel strung out now ugh
I wish I could make money selling dick
I want to be successful and leave a lasting legacy but I'm autistic and have significant mental health problems wat do
I'm a coward.
My coworker looks sad these days. I wish I could talk to him but judging by how cold he's being to me I don't think it should be me.
And I'm also this (to an extent)
Why? Why do I care so much about her? She left me for another guy. All I wanted was a longterm relationship where I'd grown along side one another just taking life on day by day. That's what she said she wanted too, it clear she didn't when her "best friend" came along. Threw it all out the window for him right? Then when the two were finally alonee, oh no. He wasn't the guy she thought he was, so she comes around and tries to "start over" while im still trying to forget about her. Yeah, I see she's unhappy with her decision. I see it clear as day, and I want to get away letting her soak in her own shit sge dug herself in. But another part of me wants ger back, alot. 2 years just gone so she can have drunk sex and then regret it. Oh did I mention? She told me no sex till mariage, I'm a virgin at 21. She has sex with the guy on the first date. A day after we broke up. How do I get away from her? Is my attachment psychological? Because im really tired of thinking about that bitch.
You can't know how happy I am about our meet up, it feels like forever since the last one
Now, I just hope you don't have any bad news to tell and that we'll be able to have a great time
I can barely drag myself out of bed. I can't sleep. I am so sad.
I've made the decision to stop taking antipsychotics. I suffer from bipolar disorder and my depression has been in check for almost ten years now, but I have severe issues with mania and I've had to withdraw from university and spend a week in an in-patient facility because of it. I can no longer tolerate the side effects of zyprexa. I'm stable and I'm able to function, but I can't drive a car or have any sort of social life because the drowsiness is so severe. The other two medications I've tried are seroquel and saphris, both of which my body couldn't tolerate. As far as I know, those three are my only choices.
I'm going into dangerous territory and I'm scared, but I don't have a choice. My therapist has offered to see me once a week instead of biweekly if things get out of control and I have a stable support net from my family, but it might not be enough. I feel like I'm a prisoner to my medication and my disorder in general. I'm worried that I might eventually have to file for SSI and live off the government, and I'd rather die than do that.
I'm already in the beginning stages of mania. I feel like I'm on top of the world, that nothing can go wrong even though I know everything will. It's one hell of a high. I'm just left to try to manage this on my own. I really don't have any other choice.
Can you try lamictal or lithium?
I thought I escaped from depression for the first time in over 10 years. Somehow, transitioning from uni into a full time job had made me happy - I had a sense of purpose, I was going out more with friends, and I've been getting promoted ahead of all of my peers. I was even getting fit for once.
But my mother is destroying it all by reminding me that I'm single. My lack of success with women is a real sore spot. I've been trying, and even with rejections and dates that don't work out I've managed to stay happy, but somehow whenever my mum mentions it I end up becoming extremely anxious and lose all motivation to do anything.
I wish I could stop this from happening. I love my mother, she's done so much for me and I love spending time with her, but the fact that she keeps bringing this up even when I ask her not to is forcing me to avoid her. Each time she mentions it the anxiety lasts longer, has worse effects on my health, and brings on suicidal thoughts.
I've been to a therapist and it's helped a bit, but I still feel awful.
What sucks is that I'm finally getting close to a girl that really has the same interests, goals and mindset as me in general and yet I feel like my mood is going to ruin my chances with her.
I need to get my shit together, even if it means avoiding my mother for the next several months. But the prospect of hurting her feelings through no fault of her own, or missing out on quality time with her (she's got some health problems so she may not live for more than another 10 years or so) is really eating me up inside.
Last month I broke off my 7y marriage because I wasn't happy living with her. The relationship in total lasted for 13 years.
Turns out I am not happy without her, either.
I've fallen back to my old behavior of falling in and out of love with every pretty girl I see on the street and / or talks to me.
I'm on both right now. My original treatment plan was lamictal, lithium, and zyprexa and that worked for several years, but like I said earlier, I can't deal with the side effects anymore. I'm already concerned about the long term effects of lithium, but it's either that or I'd end up committing suicide. That type of depression is unlike any pain there is, and there's only so much someone can tolerate before they just can't handle it anymore.
Same user
I cry every time I think of my ex-wife because I put her through so much shit during our marriage, and now she's sad and she's having a hard time making friends... and I am still to blame for her unhappiness even though we're not together anymore...
I feel like I still can't move on because she needs to move on first. But I also feel like if she moves on I wouldn't be able to go back to her should I begin having romantic feelings for her again. I know that this last part is pretty selfish of me... and this is killing me slowly. Can't focus on work, can't do anything right.
I know ;_;
I have bipolar too and stay untreated for most of the time. I'm almost always depressed and usually only get hospitalized when I'm manic. I have the worst kind where I get delusional.
You're right to want to avoid ssi, going on that was the worst thing I ever did. I lost my independence and I'm now I'm scared to get off it because I'll lose my Medicaid. I recently started taking lithium again because I thought I might kill myself... I want to try lamictal. Fuck bipolar... I'm so lonely because I lost most of my friends due to isolating from depression.
>be me
>hate my dad
>blame my shitty personality and weird obsessions on him
>it's also his fault I'm so fucking short
>share an apartment with a bunch of fucking weirdos
>they're all either violent sociopaths or just obsessed with sex
>literally want to die
>mfw I'm Muggy, the tiny neurotic securitron.
I'm sorry you're going through that, man. I'm the same way with friends, I haven't been anywhere with anyone outside of family in three years. It's hard to be around someone who feels like they're larger than life and is trying to live like a rock star when they aren't. It's all about the "now" when I'm manic, I don't care what happens tomorrow because it's all about what feels good in the present.
Tell your prescriber that you'd like to try lamictal. I've had success with it, and you might too, but people react differently to medication. If you try it, I hope it works for you man.
I tend to like "larger than life" peeps
I'm glad someone does. It's hard to be around Freddie Mercury 24/7.
I'm fucking sick of this shit.
I leave to study abroad in one of the shittiest universities in the country, my long term gf cheats on me, then humiliates me, I can't do any fucking work, I try to get better, I come back home and now they say I need to retake the year. I just can't fucking win can I ?
What the fuck do you want?
Just found out one of my old friends started taking estrogen, I always knew he would but what the fuck.
Why do I want to be close to you... so badly? What is it about you? I'm not spiritual but you make me believe. I feel that we're meant to be together, I'm the one who's supposed to make you feel good. We'll never meet and I'm okay with that because I don't know how I was even lucky enough to know you exist. Anything after that is a bonus. Most of all, I want you to love me but I know you never will.
I'm getting really sick and tired of this alpha male/beta male bullshit, even outside of the actual classifications, everything feels like a race to be the biggest banter swinging douchebag and anything said against that paints me out to be some salty butthurt bitch.
In my relatively small circle of friends I even have to deal with this, they constantly disrupt conversations they have nothing to add or digest and then immediately throw in shitty 2 cents and oneliners to establish some sort of higher ground and feed into they're ever running narrative about themselves, and immediately start shitposting and throwing the conversation off the rails, how do you do you prove someone wrong when they deliberately destroy the topic just so they cant be? And why does everyone else eat this shit up, I can't get away with it, why can they. Why does it have to be a race of who can be the first to establish that "they just dont care brah" and then that's it, they win.
If I call them out on it in any way, I'm the one that's in the wrong, I'm the one that takes it too seriously, simply because they drag it down to nonsense in the first place. It's so fucking aggravating. The same kind of politically left, social norm defying liberal piece of shit is always the first to use social conventions for their own gain. "hurr durr i'm all for and changing the status quo but only when i can post about it on social media to look like i'm so woke, that won't stop me from using the same traits, behaviors and (((problematic))) tactics for me own benefit"
The worst part is I know it's just because I'm insecure and unstable and I'm too scared of them leaving me and everyone else around it leaving with them if I call them out. Why can't people just be civil. I'm so fucking mad.
To whom
From whom
warning i am only asking for initials out of curiosity to any user that gets upset I apologize.
Why does she keep texting me when she has nothing to talk about? I try to keep the conversation going but her replies get shorter and shorter until I've just got nothing to work with. I figure, "She doesn't want to talk that much" so I stop responding, only for her to text me again hours later restarting the conversation to do the same thing. I don't want to ignore her but it's like do you want to talk to me or..
Tell her to open up, even if you have to push her
I think she might like you user. I can relate to her because I'm very shy and awkward, therefore not a really good speaker. But I did enjoyed talking a lot with the guy I liked (and eventually became my boyfriend.)
You know when you like someone and it's nice to just sit near them and not talk at all? Maybe that's what she wants. She may have nothing to say but she just wants to be around you.
I had a terrible breakup in February. She was one of the only people I talked to. I'm currently at home from uni for the summer and, aside from my family, I only talk to 2 people. The last two weeks have been some of the worst ones in my life. I'm starting to wonder if there's even a point. I keep trying to find meaning, but I can't. I feel like I'm in a rat race.
People are so gross when they're in love
just so you guys know the scars on my face are from when I had chicken pox as a kid. They aren't "Drug Addict Sores" from face picking or whatever the fuck they are trying to tell people.
Yeah, I'm self conscious of them. I always have been. It fucking sucks. So calling me moon man is super fucking dickish.
Gross how?
Fucking hell I just realized I might have wasted the last three years of life trying to reach something impossible for me. Fuck every single cunt who influenced me, and also fuck me for being so god damn arrogant thinking I can do everything.
This is why I only have female friends.
I kinda have to agree. I make myself cringe but it can't be helped. Being in love is a bit like losing control, it's freeing and very humbling. I enjoy it.
A girl in love is a girl that is beautiful.
Im so so sorry i was awkward with you. I have got some severe anxiety, and didnt know how to respond when you did that. I really like you, im trying my best
I'm still not really happy that I got ghosted by an user desu
user to whom and from whom.
If you contact them would it help. Or do you want them to contact you?
well, I dunno, maybe
i told them to contact me on a throwaway if they want, then they did, small back-and-forth, and then I gave my actual contact
and that was that
eh maybe they're busy or w/e, it didn't mean anything, I was just excited to get to know them
meeting random strangers online can be fun sometimes
I really dislike this texting culture of who ghosts who and when and how early should you reply and playing games and not trying too hard because apparently giving a shit is bad and so on
I'm starting to think I might be past the point where I get any real value out of Jow Forums. I'm 21 and have been posting here for 7 years, and both the "community" here and I have changed a lot over those years. I know I was bitter and angry for a lot of those years, but now that I'm not, it just feels like this place drains my energy and puts me in worse moods.
I think I'm gonna go for a walk.
Fuck her, pursue your dreams. Judging by what she DID, not what you think of her, she isn`t worth it at ALL. Don`t poison your life with women like that. Follow your dreams, women will come along.
You can. Just expected most of your buyers to be gross and older gay/bi men. If you are downright georgous and have a big dick you MIGHT find females willing to pay.
Brother, forget about your mother, see her every 4 months not more often than that. In the meantime DONT communicate with her. Say you are busy be gentle and polite. In the meantime, stop pursuing girls. You don`t know when she will come, you cannot control it. Anyone can act like a jerk and fuck hundreds of whores, thereby wasting his time and chance to meet something far better. Follow your dreams instead - either girls will come, or they won`t. Either way you will be a fulfilled man.
>21 posting here for 7 years
>on Jow Forums at 14
jesus christ dude
but yes, I've been here for about the same time and share your impression
my needs have simply changed and the perennial nature of discussions and thoughts here is killing my mood sometimes
on a lot of boards it's the same discussions same questions same shitposting everything repetitive
so I stick to a few boards/generals that I like, and only hang around Jow Forums a few times a year
slowly tone down your posting would be my Jow Forumsice, and replace the time spent here with other hobbies, reading, whatever
preferably not at the computer
im 23 girl and am scared of my future because im too picky towards men and i actually want to date a foreigner but dont know any
I'm a foreigner :3
I LIGHTLY tapped some truck's bumper while parking at a bookstore. He was double parked, and I thought I could make the turn. Before I knew it I ran into it, didn't even make a sound. There was no damage on the truck and just light paint chips off of mine, so I parked in the space anyway and left it alone. I left shortly thereafter. I seriously doubt I'll get in trouble, and yet I can't help but feel anxious about it. What if somebody saw me? What if there was a surveillance camera? Should I have left a note anyway? The car looked in bad condition so it also ran through my mind that if I left my information the guy might try to fool me into paying for additional damage. Any experience with this? I was with my friend and she just thought it was funny, so I guess there's that for a second opinion.
Hold me Jow Forums
I told you I'm super sorry about that. You were just so god damn pretty and totally out of my league. You even said that you would never, ever be with a chubby guy. When you said that it just ate away at me the entire timmmeee.
I knew there was no way in hell you would be ok with being with me. I got nervous and hid away from the world for a month. It doesn't help that I was really, really sick and had nothing to do but think about how miserable i was.
tfw abandoned ur cats :(
s-she'll survive in the wild, right?
You've really let yourself go, and I'm not attracted to you any more.
I should write a Rom-Com about what I'm going through right now. It's seriously nutty.
Brief greentext?
w-why are you replying to me user
literally the devil
why the fuck would abandon a kot
then who was phone???
I'm sorry, K.
You deserved better, which is why I let you go (which is just a flattering way of saying I dumped you even though I was your first love) and even though we barely kept in touch in the years since and I deleted facebook, from what I saw you did end up being better than me, and that's what alleviates some of the guilt I think about some nights around 3AM.
It's almost like I knew ahead of time what kind of dark hole I was going to get into those following years, and I didn't want to drag you down. Maybe you would have been my life line? Maybe we would have patched out differences and lived happily ever after? Could have would have should have. I had it all and I threw it away. It was for the best though, probably.
That day when I broke up with you and you ran out the door, tears streaming down your face after only asking "is there nothing we can do?" a single time is burned forever in my mind. You probably think of me as some "pump and dump" asshole, or maybe now you think back and laugh about it and how we were dumb kids blindly stumbling through life and we happened to find each other for a while. I just hope you're happy.
My social life is shot to shit..
I've become shunned, or in best case, I get reluctantly invited for things by... Well basically my whole social circle.
There was some girl drama involved in this, ultra short version:
>break up
>shared social circle
>went.. Alright anyway, for a while
>She meets new guy, much quicker then I had anticipated.
>My brain stops working
>tell some friends about how I feel about the situation, using some harsh words (hey, they asked for my honest opinion on it!)
>Friends now consider me the "bad guy" of the break up.
It's been 5 months since I have truly felt "part of the group" now... What do?
There were girls who liked me in the past who liked me and I didn't do anything because I didn't know what to do.
I hate that this bugs me.
I should have kept seeing that therapist
and if you guys are so god damn butthurt that I don't like cock.
Just give those girls the money and set them off on their own. They still have one another. I can't fucking change my sexual orientation. A straight person can't change no more than a gay person can.
I don't like cock. You can't force me to like cock. This doesn't make me a terrible person.
This isn't their reward. This isn't their fantasy. They are not the ones that were tortured their entire lives. They are not the ones that were literally tortured to death. They are not the ones that had their lives stolen from them and all of their rights stripped from them. They are not the ones that saved the world... multiple times.
Why are you guys so god damn fixated on fulfilling the fantasy of people that didn't do a god damn thing?
I was extremely clear about this like two years ago. I did not want any dick in my life. I was pretty god damn clear about this. If they hung around, if they were building a fantasy in their head about me wanting to suck their dicks, that's fucking on them. I didn't waste their time, they wasted their own god damn time.
And let's be fucking clear about this, they are the ones that FUCKING HARASSED ME FOR THE LAST YEAR AND A HALF. They constantly tried to push their fucking agenda on me. They constantly sexually harassed me, constantly shoved their love of cock into my life despite me saying NO. In a "NO MEANS NO" kinda way. If anything, people should be glad they are gone. They were shitty fucking people.
They tried to make something that had nothing to do with them, about them, while sexually harassing people and trying to rape them. They are shit people and we should be glad they are gone.
All of this will go way over their heads and you bet your ass they will try to play the victim.
been here for like 10-11 years and got into it in my early 20s, god damn. If it managed to fuck me up that much as a grown ass adult I can't imagine what it did some to some kid going through adolescence.
but yeah, this and and like youtube comments and a lot of social media especially when it comes to politics and shit are just cancer. Jow Forums's userbase changed for the worst too, it went from "lol" to "lulz" and finally the cancer of "kek". The internet is just used as a machine that people get mad on.
But you know what? Turn your computer off or put your phone away and just walk away and suddenly it just stops existing like magic and you can go about enjoying your day and being productive or at least not completely miserable.
Lol i've been here since 14 too
I didn't have many friends back then and needed something to escape to and this place helped with that tremendously
I've spent 5 years here
It's a pretty bad headspace to fantasize about alternate timelines for your own life but maybe things would have been different. I just made friends finally in this last year.
All that empty space in my memories.
>mfw these kids think they've got it bad
I showed up at 14 for the second wave of the 12th July raids. I am now 26, almost 27, and I am nearly incapable of interacting with polite society. Not in the autism robot way, I've been here since long before that was a thing, but because my way of thinking and my worldview are so dramatically different from anyone who has never been here.
Is it weird that I get a chub whenever a girl tells me that they appreciate me?
No, you're just starved for attention like most of us.
ok cool I'm fine with that.
If Vicky or Iris or Renee think they have any god damn chance in the world to even just TALK to me ever again...
They need to throw those hopes in the trash and go fuck themselves. I never want to see any of those god damn cunts ever again. I don't want to hear their fucking excuses, their apologies, or their criticisms. They can go fuck themselves.
I don't care if they had the best surgeons in the world turn them into beautiful super models, they are still ugly little troll beasts on the inside. They are still horrible fucking people and they will never change.
And no, that kid isn't mine. I know it isn't mine. I know that she wishes it were mine but I know for a fact it isn't. I don't even care to find out whose it is.
I just want you people to leave me the fuck alone. Just let me be. For some fucked up reason you think that trying to fuck with my life even more, to take even more control over me is the way to help me when it's you fuckfaces that did all this shit to me.
When I was a sophomore in high school I remember an incident where a girl talked with me on my way to class and I got rock hard just from her company.
That was 3 years ago and I am no longer so potent...
pls post pics of vicky and/or iris
I get a mini anxiety attack everytime I even look at an image of another man. It's not sexual in any way (and its not just with guys that would be considered attractive), and I've always been straight. Just that terrible feeling, mustering everytime I see a guy. The more exposure I get to it, the worse it gets. I haven't felt the urge to leave my room in weeks, for fear of seeing a guy. I can't take this anymore. And I don't even know what the problem is, cause I havent read anything that points to this being any particular disorder or anything, so I can't help myself either.
I gave you the whole of my trust, heart, and logic for you to be unhappy with the vast amount of attention I give to you and only you, thinking me retarded as you told harmless white lies about dominating your coworkers, sexual encounters, personality, and you work up the nerve to say you're a murderer with autism logic in order to whore for attention with zero concern on how it would weigh on my mind every day until that too became blatantly obvious? You're not my friend anymore and I wonder if you really could be considered one after all this is done and set in stone when I reflect back on the negative shit you did because for all you knew you were always getting away with it and never under an investigative eye and scrutiny. Its better to be underestimated than overestimated. I wanted your every day to be brighter and motivate you to do something other than stagnate away in clear to see unhappiness. I dont trust a word you say, I dont want to waste more effort empathising with you, and I dont really want to see you again at this point. You've lost someone who was nothing but a friend even when they saw you underestimating them so hard for years and still considered you a friend I wanted to help and make smile. You're dead to me.
I came here in 2004 at the ripe age of 10 years old. I entirely place being ahead in grades and an overall angrier person on this site as it introduced me to a niche adult community I could lurk for laughs and unwillingly learn different values from. I do not care how someone feels about their argument or stance whatsoever if they are objectively wrong or making sensational claims and I'll actively debate why someone is holding a retarded belief regardless of who they are. If I could go back I wouldn't change a thing because I value everyone getting to speak but also being fair game to be called out on stupid shit they present as reality.
i think youre a shitty person but ultimately you have given me a gift. im tired of falling into the same pitfalls i have been for the last few years, and this is a wake up call to work on my weaknesses and be a better person.
>these kids
> I am now 26, almost 27
I'm 33 years old
it sounds like you're attracted to men and in denial of it to the point you're terrified of what you feel when you see a good looking guy. Repressing and rejecting that feeling is only going to stress your mind out, why not just take things a day at a time and let yourself feel whatever it is you're feeling rather than locking yourself indoors and literally hiding from potential exposure?
but user he's older in Jow Forums age
you age differently when you're here
your body decays much faster while your mind instead regresses into infancy
desu I like how sometimes i think "pfah by the time I hit 30+ I will surely be over this place" and I thought the same a few years ago and I'm 28 and I doubt I'll be out
I don't even know if that's such a bad thing in itself, it's not like I go to /b/ or Jow Forums or Jow Forums
why do you come here user?
I'm not attracted to men though. I don't get turned on by gay porn (I had thought that might have been the problem, so I checked) and there is nothing positive or happy involved as when I see an attractive woman.
I really wish i spent hs focusing on freinds and relationships instead of studying all the time. I dont blame society or my parents, just my god complex
What gift is that user?
you all know who these people are and I wish you faggots would stop pretending.
I want to go ohome.
I want my kitty. I want snugs. I NEED snugs so god damn badly. So god damn badly. I'm so fucking stressed out.
>inb4 the gift is love
Are you the original user who posted that post?
awww user I'd snug you no probs
no idea who those people are but I assumed they're hot thots
where's your home user?
here's pic related for you :3
Looks like you just left me hanging. A message would've been enough for me. But maybe you don't care enough.
no, it was that she lied, manipulated, used and cheated on me. but now i know and its over so i can try again a little wiser
Unless part of your brain is retarded or english is not your first language you have no excuse to speak or write like a fucking moron. GRAMMAR IS NOT HARD.
>you have no excuse
>you're not allowed to be tired
>not allowed to be distracted
>no such thing as not giving a fuck
>mistakes literally never happen
>you can never miss a typo
>people never use keyboards they're not used to
>nor shitty autocomplete slabs of plastic nobody uses to call anymore
>keyboards in general are engineered to perfection
>cats never walk over keyboards
your right user
no excus
Message them say why are you leaving me hanging?
I don't want to act clingy. Besides I can't know for sure if she had a real reason for it.
dont message her. if she gives a fuck at all shell come back, and if not, then you dont look like a jackass
>don't want to act clingy
see this is the kind of shit I hate about texting culture these days
basic human decency is now somehow considered acting clingy
(not directed at you user, just proving my point from )
that's it, tomorrow I'm reprimanding them for not saying jack shit after I was open and sincere; not rudely or so, just stating the fact
I don't even give a fuck anymore how they react, this isn't how you treat a human being and this shit has to stop at some point
you should do that too user, we can share stories about it afterwards
There's a difference between human error and talking like a retard, faggot.
but think about it, if it was your male friend that you said some shit to but he never responded, youd be like fuck it right?
women are no different, if they want to be around you theyll be around you and they dont have to respond every time. if they dont respond, fuck em dont get mad just let it be what it is. everything is revealed in time, no use getting upset.
That sucks user.
It sounds like some one has been sending dick pics to girls under my name. This is what people have been telling me, or hinting at. I have never, ever sent a dick pic to anyone unsolicited.
Same thing for that time you faggots accused me of having a shit ton of dating site profiles or signing up to shit like Ashley Madison. The last time I used OKCUPID was like... in 2014 and I deleted it after I met my ex. I have never even installed tinder or any of that.
I really wonder how much shit like that you people have been doing. They had access to my emails, my accounts, sites, everything. They had access to my computer for fuck's sake.
The funny thing is that they are all in prison and the ones left are going to be by the end of this. I wonder if anyone bought it or if they all knew that it was people trying to fuck with me. And like... they would have to have known who those people were too.
What the fuck did I do? I did absolutely nothing to these people. They are just shit fucking trash people. It's amazing how bitter and pathetic people can be. Or how god damn delusional they can be because you know a lot of these people were doing these things to me because they considered me to by racist and sexist. Which means they considered themselves to be the moral good in all of this. How can people do such shitty fucking things and consider themselves morally right?
Can I go now?
an old friend pulled this shit on me too and I straight up told him it was a dick move, because that's what I thought about it
I just dislike this behavior, and without telling people you dislike it, it's highly unlikely that anything will change; for all I know they think it's perfectly normal
they can choose to ignore my input for all I care, but if I give them my time and attention, I expect the same in return, or at least some excuse for it
turning the other cheek is also an option indeed, just not for me