One chance in life

>One chance in life
>Born r*ssian
What do?

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Commit Russuicide.
Kill youRuself.
Jump in front of a bUSSR.

Vote for Putin 20 times

Let me in, I'll make your country better. Not Jewish.

These are good. Got anymore?

It doesn't even matter who rules this semi-Asiatic Mongol Khaganate, it will always be a frozen shithellhole full of muslims and alcoholics.


Paдyйcя cyкa, чтo нe нeгp и нe чypкa

Just go there. It's not like anybody will weed you out among all the illegals in California.

We live like white niggers.

believe me it's not what you think it is. Stay there and help the 4th Reich when* it marches on Moscow again

what a loser

Don't compare your dirty muslim asian shithole with California, it's more like Germany-tier.

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you can thank Americans for turning your country into what it is but helping communists keep their death grip on your country an extra 60 years

Launch some nukes across the whole globe so that we may finally perish in eternal peace.



Petition for a BoR.

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Be yourself Ivan.
Maybe listen to uamee hardbass and squat on sidewalk. Just don't be a faggot or a nigger and you will be just fine, I am sure.

Love putin
Hate murca
Live in bloc
Have babushka
Drink vodka

Hardbass is a Western meme.

Fine fine fine
>Smoke cigs
>Look sad all the time
>Listen to Kino tracks on loop

the places great and the people suck. not ideal situation for a russian here

I'm not sure why you're telling me this, I am all for your moving to California if that's what you want. If you don't want to live high life of an illegal you can try being useful and ask your employer to apply for H-1B. Trump cracked down on it but there should be some opportunities left. You want to emigrate to the land of opportunity but all you do is whine on an imageboard, what kind of faggotry is that?

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Move to Miami like the rest of the Ruskie diaspora.