Name one good thing about black people

Let's try to get to ten, and let's cover the breadth of human achievement. Name something that black have done in the following fields.

>the arts

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Don’t tip, bringing closer the demise of the perverted, sick and antiquated tipping culture. Respect. I wish I had the guts.

They invented JENKUM, an intoxicating gas from fermenting their own shit, so they could get high.

Why do nogs do this?
>driving around with bros
>see group of nogs
>they look a little scary!
>see dora explorer backpacks, teletubbies and blues clues backpacks


Ok. Isnt it GOOD that nig. I mean black people hate the cold and cant swim, i live in New England on a lake.
Thats good right ?

They love abortions

The rules of football and basketball were modified, adding all sorts of time outs and breaks and commercial interruptions, to accommodate blacks' lack of stamina so they could play the same games that whites could play straight through without stopping.

They stole them from kids

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they die

>the arts
Blacks invented necklacing, the act of forcing a tire down over someone's shoulders to pin their arms. The tire is then set on fire and the victim can't escape the flames.

I personally find burning niggers to be beautiful to watch, so this is an art.

They are good at killing each other so at least there's that.

>name one good thing about black people
At last, a problem white people cannot solve

blacks are GREAT at
> doing sloppy replications of things white people created
in a nutshell this explains their contributions to art and entertainment (sports)

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While whites have lengthy philosophical conundrums like what it means to be, superior black philosophers came up with shorter and more meaningful questions, such as "Dat chickin?"

No they aren’t 50cent was shot what 13 times?

non meme answer is jazz, and I believe Sankara furthered developed Marxism in Burkina Faso

They're very easy to manipulate.

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>rules of football and basketball were modified
in each sport, you can ALWAYS determine the winner by which team is likely to chimp out the least (give up, stupid play, errors). Those games never come down to best group of athletes (generally the same). This is why teams like Alabama and New England always win....their white coaches demand execution/behavior standard. (i.e.They dont chimp out)

They made jazz music and are really good at sports.

blacks invented everyhting but white devils stole it from us

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They're entertaining to watch.

They're a good indication of where not to live

If tips weren't required and employers were required to pay full minimum wage to wait staff. Then the prices of your dining experience would be a lot more expensive.
Also it gives the wait staff no incentive to hurry and serve customers with good service. Since either way they just need to burn hours to make a wage anyway.
More jobs should require lower minimum wage and tipping. Too many employees are lazy as fuck when they know they'll get $15/hr by law whether they are productive or not.

Sorry we stole your AIDS

> (OP)
>>the arts
>Blacks invented necklacing, the act of forcing a tire down over someone's shoulders to pin their arms. The tire is then set on fire and the victim can't escape the flames.
>I personally find burning niggers to be beautiful to watch, so this is an art.

Incorrect. Greeks invented the wheel. Blacks copied it for neckties.

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where is the non meme answer???

That counts as a martial art.

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Kerwin Foster, a black physics instructor at Penn State in 1996, helped me pass physics. Kerwin is good at math. Kerwin helped a white guy who struggled with calculus. Be like Kerwin.

it's good when they're not around.

w r o n g

Most players in NFL are black. Therefore overall, and over a longer period of time we can show black people are better footballers.

You only asked for one thing. I win.
Merry Christmas.

Science - Carver, peanut butter
Philosophy- Martin Luther Kang
Athletics- Lebron Jamez
The arts- dat Georgia o keef bitch black
Technology - gw Carver peanut butter
Business - peanut butter
Exploration - peanut butter
Economics - peanut butter
Politics - peanut butter and gangs
Military - bloods division and crypts division. Peanut butter.


They die

>the arts
-Hip Hop (I know most people here hate it but I like it)

sloppy ragtime derivative

Peanut butter but I think he probably stole that from da wite mannn

> muh blues
because african slaves created celtic pentatonic


On genre that is spiraling down the drain as we speak, and maybe that genre was stolen to begin with.

Are you talking about black Africans or “African Americans”

Africans are actually a based people. More African Americans could do well to learn from the best of African culture. Also, they should invest their money into Africa instead of wasting it. African Americans need to do more to help Africa.

Black education

This also applies to British black people and the carribean. Do more to help Africa.

>the arts

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there isn't one...

Retarded answer. Muh memes are boring and dismissive.

>Greg Lansky
Totally a nigger name.

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obama was the best president ever. prove me wrong

Bourne Again SHell

One thing I liked about technology in the past, is that high-level boomer Russian/US/Chinese nerds could put their politics aside and autistically work on problems, but now that there's more pleb accessibility to tech and the internet, everything has been ruined forever.

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They can stack rocks very well, (as long as some raghead is whipping them).

Also, dickwashers.


>peanut butter
I think the Aztecs already had that.

Will the NFL get us to mars?

"black people" are spirits occupying a mortal coil, a shell. They aren't black, they're a soul/spirit, fearfully and wonderfully made. Stop it.

This board is too dumb to know who that is or why he’s important.

They are soulless apes. Kys.

>They aren't black, they're a soul/spirit, fearfully and wonderfully made. Stop it.

Your irony levels just passed 9000. Congrats.

Another shell, made from another shell, technology 40 years old. Please.

>Africans are actually a based people
Theyre not pathologically antisocial like African Americans are, but they're definitely anti-development. They're indolent and carefree. They can't plan for the future and act on impulsle. That doesn't mean they can't be kind or happy, but you can't call them based when compared to other races. You can't rely on them for anything.

Track and Field

That's about it really

Well there goes half the list

In the south east, they spend money on paint jobs like this

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Checked, but ragtime is a Negro creation as well

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Most NFL players are hired for toughness and mass, not athletic ability. It's no achievement being born the size of a sumo. You need to find a black Olympic gymnast or hockey player to impress me

Jazz I guess? It was created using western instruments though

Kek, but also sad because this is holding true for Germany and they are now in every village