IT'S FUCKING HAPPENING! George W. Bush's Twitter acct goes dark, possibly arrested

He hasn't been seen in public since his dad's funeral. Those mystery envelopes him, his wife, Jeb, Mike Obama, Biden, Hillary and Karen Pence received were literally indictments. Are they all being rounded up and sent to Gitmo? Another interesting note:

>Hillary tweeted Merry Christmas with a photo of Bill, her, and Chelsea from 20 years ago...Obama tweeted same thing with a 4 year old photo, Comey been silent 4 days along with Jeb and Brennan! George Bush Twitter has been deactivated! They've been arrested I believe

What the fuck is going on??

Attached: 7drHiqr.gif (312x213, 973K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: George W Bush Twitter Account Locked.png (907x492, 393K)

All Q user threads should be culled and Q user followers should all hang on a cross with a broomstick shoved up their asses and spiked crowns adorned.


The unpaid kid who runs the account wanted a break over christmas and new years, he graciously allowed it.

You and the israeli janitors have the exact same thoughts.

Lemme guess, "Tribunals are coming"


Digits say something
Let us praise Kek and hope

after 1 Jan, then yes

"If the american people knew what we had done we would be chased down with pitchforks"
-not a direct quote


Double digits and george W will commit suicide

I'll tell you what Jesus is coming for their fucking blood

all those years of drinking unicorn blood, nobody's gonna care when he comes to collect your fucking soul for terrorizing and torturing innocents

When Trump loses in 2020, because you Boomers "Trusted the Plan", and did nothing, we're going to fucking hunt you down.


Attached: HereWeGo.jpg (218x231, 5K)

Yes he will have his wrath that is owed to him. They should have put millstones around their necks and jumped into the ocean.


There was not a single mention of Q in the OP but thanks for exposing yourself shill

Attached: Drooling fucking retard.png (408x450, 35K)

Let me guess, this is the new fake news website.

He’s probably in the drunk tank, you sensationalist fag.

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Q predicted this

someone link archive with blue check

It is a bit weird, no?

The 13th member of the military tribunal was added this only happens with executions need to be authorized for traitors like (((you))) and (((them)))

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Get off my LBGTQ board, faggot!

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Maybe he’s tired of retards harassing him for shit that happened over a decade ago? His pops just died, cut him some slack.

Maybe he's being blackmailed/harassed privately for posting stupid shit from years ago and this is a counter-measure to protect himself.

Attached: It is simple .jpg (1680x1586, 287K)

>His pops just died

Attached: 2018-12-05 Looking forward to being with the Bush family. This is not a funeral.png (600x303, 49K)

George is on his ranch in Crawford, Texas bailing hey and tacking up bobwire. They don't have internet there.

holy shit guys, THIS is finally it.

I’ve waited all my life for this.

>Karen Pence
dayamm, this is the VP's wife?



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It's literally happening now.

>There was not a single mention of Q in the OP but thanks for exposing yourself shill

"Muh tribunals are happening"
"Muh letters literally given to people at a fucking funeral"

You don't need to mention "Q". It's implied it the autistic delusion of the OP

Who’s q? Thanks for outing yourself CIA nigger.

>The 13th member of the military tribunal was added this only happens with executions need to be authorized for traitors like (((you))) and (((them)))

What "13th Member" post a link with actual PROOF. And then tell me when the tribunals start. Where? Who has been arrested. Etc. etc.



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Go kill yourself CIA nigger

Hope the pay is good, your name will be out there

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avalanche of happenings incoming

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those digits

Attached: 26611e364b3c0f44c0e5f792e6ad75a7--internet-meme.jpg (236x253, 11K)

Everybody forgets that pence got an envelope too

"Please be real"

He just protected his tweets and went private.

>"This...this is it Goys. Tribunals are cumming. LockHerUp.jpg"

Found em

Attached: 72275502-5405-40AC-A7B9-6A299B507BA7.jpg (634x425, 44K)

Nobody does
He must be COMPED

I wonder how many of our own military intelligence have been forced to gatekeep on /pol and have had mental breakdowns. They probably got a medical tent just for them. kek

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> check’d

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But what about Hillary?
She looks quite young this christmas.

Attached: 2018-12-25 x-mas.png (598x556, 365K)


Attached: biden.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

Very strange shit going on lately

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there is a very simple and obvious reason everyone here knows you're a kike shill
I'm not going to tell you what it is
but just know that you might as well be unaware you're entirely nude in public trying to get people to take you seriously
now kys faggot

Attached: 123.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Yeah, go easy on the guy that perpetrated 911.

Dude was obviously very sad at his father's funeral, cut him some fucking slack.

Attached: letter.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Those digits

they arent even trying with her body doubles anymore LOL

They are going to Antarctica.

Apocalypse soon.

Attached: 4D8ED43B-2011-45E0-A09B-1C2664219ED3.jpg (500x500, 177K)

And king nigger plus his waifu nig nog trap look exactly 4 years younger...

What is happening?
Is this the power of meme-magic?

Attached: 2018-12-25 x-mas.png (594x780, 365K)

Attached: LetterForH.webm (1280x720, 2.05M)

>hang on a cross with a broomstick shoved up their asses and spiked crowns adorned
That's a rather specific punishment, I'm certain it has nothing to do with where you're actually posting from, Moshe

I believe it was "we would hang from nooses"

thought this too but you can see trump watching jeb, and george to confirm to himself they got the note literally watch him watch them it's getting spooky kids


You may get arrested for the hate in this post Mr. Bong

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Old ass photo

>George W. Bush's Twitter acct goes dark, >possibly arrested

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gullible morons

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Hillary sent it out just a few days ago.

btw. why is Comey so silent all of a sudden?

It's probably a larp but you're a faggot

Hey, share this..
If your IQ is above a certain number...

Life.. is just unbearable for you.
So true.
Have a great day.


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You seem to be OBSESSED.

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>Your cover photo isn't going to age well when the black community realize you were literally harvesting them from Haiti for the illegal melanin trade as one of your organized crime operations conducted through the Clinton Foundation mob syndicate.
Kek which one of you posted this in response

Attached: E962B8DF-EA06-445A-ADF3-F832C2D25AEA.jpg (680x680, 44K)

you believe your victory is within a short grasp.
you are oblivious to how long the structure has been under construction.
you trust a relative of the same royal bloodline fucking shit up for centuries.
You are gullible morons. Unless you are a child, you have no excuse.

>that nod by the SS agent

Two Times Multiplier

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woah...I ...have been....awakened...

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You're not as anonymous as you think

He looks like she showed him nudes

I don't need to be.

If that quote is true, I find it to be somewhat terrifying because the number of people who are complacent with what is going on.

I think the fear of what that would mean and what would be required to stop such a force is the only reason I kinda doubt it's entirely true.

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of his wife

Funny how she had the least reaction of them all.
I don't know what it was. Maybe it was nothing. But everyone except her looked surprised.
She really is one stone cold bitch

of bushy whackin it in a casket during his s&b ritual

These are the same passive simpletons that saw boots on the feet of the elite and thought your salvation was coming soon. Still you wait.
The same people that get hints of the pizzagate sit and wait.
Q trickles bullshit to you on a weekly basis... and still you wait.
As your (((enemy))) keeps you tangled in the web they have weaved, that is more complex than you can imagine, they laugh as you wait.
>bu....but....but.... muh happening!