Say goodbye to your NEETbux whiteboi

Say goodbye to your NEETbux whiteboi.

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>DRUMPF voters stupid and poor
I actually used to believe this but now that it’s a proven myth why do they keep pushing it?

I read the press release
He's focusing on the work requirement of SNAP

This isn't going to hurt whites as much as you hope

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How has it been proven a myth? Blue States subsidize red States.

Never forget Sonny lied about the flag.

I tought only niggers could recieve foodstamps?

Thats just cooked books
California is $1.5 trillion in debt

I actually read the article (which should have been archived to begin with you absolute faggot) and nowhere in it does he explain what is actually being done to SNAP that is going to harm white men so much. Also this clever misrepresentation of the data:

>55 percent of low-income ABAWDs are male, and 48 percent are white

While throughout the article he just smugly makes fun of white men. I don't know what more I expected from desu

damn, trump BTFO, i am now a hilldawg, it's over

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>Blue States Subsidize Red States
Retard, all the military bases and nuclear research stations and USDA HQ and Army Corps of Engineers HQ, and most of the other military industrial centers are in Red States

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REALLY seriously makes you think

The entire article is literally "yo, fuck white people" combined with "why do poor white people vote against their interests"

What the fuck are they talking about - Trump supporters on average make more money than them

I didn't vote for Hillary, cause I didn't want to choose between two pieces of shit. But I'm happy in the knowledge that Trump will die in jail.

>I ended up slapping him and had to write an apology letter to be readmitted to the gym.

what a faggot and how did he not get kicked out.

>I actually used to believe this but now that it’s a proven myth why do they keep pushing it?
Jew media jewing. As always.

College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, jews, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.




The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.

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What a coincidence...

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Virtual toilet paper

>What a coincidence...

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>What a coincidence...

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>vote against my interests
>democrats want to force diversity down my throat

I do vote in my best interests.

>What a coincidence...

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>What a coincidence...

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Even though the major population centers with the most recipients of welfare are all in blue states. It’s almost like that stat leaves out some important details

>and there is nothing you can do about it
Is it time to start funding Iran's nuclear program?

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WTF, I hate Trump now. Orange man bad.

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>Is it time to start funding Iran's nuclear program?

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Whites on foodstamps are exceptionally rare. Few old women whose family has died and mudsharks with mongrel.

His "base"

It's ALWAYS racial to them. EVERY single topic, everything about Trump, it's all blatant and explicit racial attacks against whites. How the fuck can the right be considered bigoted against this monsters?

Red states, or red states with large black populations? I'd like to see how much Idaho or Utah get from blue states

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lol benis

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>Talking with a Bernout (later turned Hilldawg) about why he hates Trump
>Economic/domestic policy/social welfare inevitably comes up
>"Tariffs are dumb" "Racism" etc.
>Say to him "you just hate Trump because he wants to give you a job instead of a handout"
>MFW he proceeded to lose his shit

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Trump's memo doesn't do shit, these rules already existed and the Senate including Republicans overwhelmingly rejected the newer work requirements for SNAP

it hilarious he uses the whole more whites on welfare while pointing out blacks are 13% of the nation. yeah and he forgot to add that 1 in 2 blacks uses welfare based on population percentages versus about 1 in 4 for whites

Because OP is a massive faggot

its nothing basically they just want you to have at least a part time job if you get them

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Um yeah I have news for you....

When I was 17 I was homeless family rild me to go get on welfare, thats what it is there for. So I went to the welfare office full of pregnant non-English speaking people sat there for an hour only to be told these people needed the help more than I did and to just get a job.

Moral of the story, white males don't get welfare. If there are any white males on welfare then they should be kicked off because your role in society is to pay for all the minorities and welfare queens to live responsibility free lives.

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Im sure for every white person that may starve, 10 minorities are sure to perish.

So like 15 people?

White men are pretty much disqualified from receiving foodstamps anyway

SNAP is for niggers and single mothers.

>will hurt huwite males

desperate and fake


Might as well quote the onion

This will mostly hit single moms and niggers.

Even if they do lose they're food stamps, they'll make up some bullshit like "Nancy Pelosi took away my food stamps!" or "I don't get food stamps anymore because they give them to all the blacks and Mexicans!"

These people live in an alternate fucking reality and won't dare for a second think maybe the rich assholes they vote for (the ones who constantly want to cut food stamps) are the ones to blame.

>muh cnn talking points

Kys asap

and the masses of illegal spics who draw welfare for their 'us citizen children' won't be impacted at all. way to go Trump for addressing the actual problem which is the illegal hoards.

Black people are your countrymen. You can't treat them like shit for hundreds of years and than turn around and say "why aren't they more successful, it must be that they deserve to be poor" it makes no sense.

Watching you flail in delusional desperation is a gift from God

yeah, it's not like the left have armies of poor people on their side.

really? selecting which portion gets gibs and which portion doesn't based on racial, gendered and voting criteria?

I hope they do that, since it'll give us precedent to cut niggers and other non whites from our benefits.

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cutting off welfare would eliminate a good 80% of this board, but cutting welfare for whites would only eliminate less than 10% of this board

>exclusively white people
annddd dropped.

Deep inside them selves, the neets probably want this. Their depression is just to advanced to force them self to pick up a profession. They need this and they want it.

>College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
It always shocked me when digging through the statistics how leftists tried to claim to be the more educated group, when all it shows is those more indoctrinated in the system, career students, are leftists the more they attend college. Minorities suck at education, and make up the vast majority of dropouts. They all vote Democratic too. Its brazen, but what you have to do to is to convinice people of the opposite of reality. To make them feel better about themselves, and "smart" for voting for you. PHD's in Women's Studies and High School dropout niglets both vote left. Surprise. They don't do that well among chemists and geologists. Surprise.

>blue states subsidize red states
Red states don't get gibs you fucking retard. Blue states subsidize themselves alone, and still can't make it (i.e. Cali's debt)

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Good. Fuck the parasites

>talking to yourself

Thats not how gas lighting works, goblina

i didn't say that you retard, what I said was 50% of blacks are on welfare or 1 in every 2

Not about race. About leeches suckling our tax dollars into their mc donalds infused blubber.

No work no food. Except actually handicapped that cannot, I will gladly feed the potatoes.

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Fucking nigger lover, that didnt hold back ANY other racial group

Also: niggers get treated like shit because tgats how they act!



doesn't stuff like this help us? trump supporters know they aren't what that article portrays and radical anti white leftists may jump ship to harm the make believe white food stampers

Other than $49,000 and under, these numbers are pretty evenly split. Of course people of lower incomes are voting Democrat. They rely on public services and Democrats want to fund them, instead of abandon them.

This chart shows nothing. Every other income bracket is within a few percent.

It's true, Salon is a lie factory

>2 post by this id
Stop replying to kiked threads you niggers

Is east Texas the worst place in the USA?


Negroes com in all colors now OP?

The Ayatollah needs to get his shit together and make good on that promise!

You don't get barely any food coverage as a single white male already.
If it means the niggers lose all of their gibs, the tiny group of neets bothering to be on them can just suck it up for the rest of or sakes.

Wrong, moron. Republicans in both blue and red states pay the taxes, and Dems in both red and blue states get the government checks.

only niggers use foodstamp.
even poor whites.. they just starve it out.
that's why you only see poor black fats. and never poor white fats.

Red states actually subsidize blue states. The federal government used to allow you to deduct your state and local taxes, basically a subsidy for high-tax states. I think Trump put an end to that.

Before Trump new tax laws, blue States taxes are being subsidized by federal taxes.


Good. No niggers, whether they be white, black, or otherwise, should receive government assistance for any reason. They are not entitled to the fruits of my labor.

>annual salute to Israel
Is this the heeb version of 2 minutes hate?

>white males
>food stamps

I worked at a grocery store as a teenager (granted, this was 12 years ago). The only people I EVER saw with food stamps were fat white people from the trailer park. What's worse is Maryland puts them on a debit card called "Independence Cards," so they'd get all indignant if you referred to it as EBT or food stamps.

Latinos all used WIC. Black people would come in with bags of fucking pennies to pay for shit. I rarely had black customers with food stamps.

Only rule and suburban retards voted for Trump

The United States subsidizes the rest of the world. I'd love for one day, the US to pull foreign aide from every single socialist European shithole and watch their ~perfect~ healthcare system collapse overnight.

>The federal government used to allow you to deduct your state and local taxes
I live in New York and confirm this is 100% not true.

Go back to the eastern shore to shuck oysters for 10 cents/hour, billy-joe

The biggest thing is the cost of living, which is higher in blue states. This is where they think they pay more in taxes in regions where they are paid more, but cost of living is also off the charts. I've heard people tell me 13$ an hour in Ohio is more money, take home, than 22$ an hour in California. Dude was shocked that we had 2 for 69 cent candy bar deals when he first moved back on his favorite candy bar. Said it was closer to 3.50 where he was previously living. Not to mention house prices. Half a million for a shitty ranch house out there in some areas.

also dont forget that the lower two tax brackets include college students which are likely why they are blue.

>white male
>food stamps

There is no evidence that blacks are capable of doing better. The U.S. has provided blacks a better standard of living than they have ever had in all of their history.

>hostile nation lives in the same polity as your own
>they're your countrymen

yeah actually they did and it's ends as of tax year 2018 which people haven't filed yet

How coincidental that the immigration make up changed so drastically after World War 2.

If they can get a job instead of food stamps they will actually thank Trump. You see white men want to be something other than a parasite. Gibs are shame to white men.

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Some 40% of people claimed it in NYC it seems. Hard to tell from the graphic.

Blue States subsidize the reproduction of shitskins in red States. You're not subsidizing our states. You're subverting our states. Please stop sending gib me dats to our states.

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this explains why the american left have suddenly become world-renounced racists.