Guys, I think I'll just stay alone.
I know I just graduated from school and I have all my life ahead of me
I never really tried, like, finding a boyfriend, due to my insecurity about my height.(5'9)
Every guy I start talking with it's just meaningless. All they care about is sex and how many girls they'll fuck, so they can show off..Nobody is really romantic and my circle of friends is just surrounded by fuckboys and stacies, so theres really no chance of meeting a decent one. Listening to romantic songs and watching all these innocent romance anime made me realize that I'll never experience anything like that. It just physically hurts me. How do I cope with this?
Guys, I think I'll just stay alone
Have a wank.
Male or female
>All they care about is sex and how many girls they'll fuck, so they can show off.
You're going after the wrong guys.
You dont get to complain, you WILL find someone if you try/keep trying. Half the guys out there want sex, the other half want an actual relationship. If you think you're going to get the plot of a romance anime, you're retarded. But the only thing holding you back is yourself, you have infinite options as a female.
gimme your discord, baby. I'll romance you till your heartstrings burst
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i fucking love girls
take a break and focus on yourself— or just keep looking. There’s a lot of guys out there looking for the same type of relationship as you.
The same way everyone does when they realize that they overextended their reach when thinking up their ideal life, the just do it.
Coping methods are all about diversion, so find something engaging and productive.
lmao most guys are taller than this and absolutely would not mind
>insecurity about my height.(5'9)
Nobody cares. Yes, you are tall, but you are not taller than most guys.
>All they care about is sex
So do most women, finding a relationship is hard for everyone.
>Nobody is really romantic
This is why you date them to find out what kind of person they are before sleeping with them.
You complain about your friends being fuckboys and stacies, but you sound like one too.
Stop going after other fuckboys if you want a real relationship.
Go for guys who are slightly older than you, guys who want a family, guys who are done with wasting their time dating and who want to be a serious relationship.
It is not impossible to find someone who want the same things.
They might not be as pretty as you'd like and you might have to work with some flaws, but it is possible.
Some guys are like this, but then they meet Stacy or some worse hoe and become cynical. or if they are below fuckable level, they just become bitter virgins.
Romantic love is a lie from disney and anime, the sooner you'll get rid of this bullshit, the better for you.
You can still meet someone else than fuckboy and have healthy relationship. But that would be still far from anime shit, a lot more boring and down to earth.
Change your circle of friends??? this is almost a non issue. And yes media is not real nor it will never be get over it. Waifus are only 2d dude.
>just graduated high school
Oh wow well if you didn't find anyone during that period of time then CLEARLY you have no hope for the rest of your life! Since high school is an absolute indicator for everything else to follow, especially when it comes to people! No there's no POSSIBLE way that you'll meet new people who aren't shitbags, zero chance, better just to kill yourself now that's obviously the most logical answer.
Seriously though, if you truly believe that you're stuck for life for romance then offing yourself isn't a bad idea, we don't need stupid people like you being another mouth breather and wasting space.
Male or female?
Yeah I know how you feel. I mean, I like to be alone so I don't mind it much but since you're looking for that special someone, try to talk to different people you'll eventually meet someone. About your friends... Are they really just interested in sex? Are they really friends that you can have deep, meaningful conversations with? If not then leave them. I would. Although it might seem like it, not ALL people are superficial.
I am from Saudi Arabia
I am looking exactly for what you are saying
Let’s marry
Girls like you are as hard to find as a sapphire and make life beautiful like a fresh flower
Just kidding we can be bf gf for some time too
If you had one shot
One opportunity
This is it
I love American music and movies
How do you change circle of friends being an autistic shut in ?
Asking for... a friend
Pasta. Sage and ignore.
If by school you mean high school then you'll probably find a guy in college
If by school you mean college then whack something like this on a dating profile and you'll get a ton of thirsty guys matching, just pick the best of the bunch. Probably easier to find a romantic relationship if you lower your standards on the looks front and focus more on personality too, Chad doesn't have time to watch anime with you because he's too busy cheating with Stacy.
>Every guy I start talking with it's just meaningless. All they care about is sex and how many girls they'll fuck, so they can show off.
You are probably going after the wrong type of guys OP (fuccboi types?).
I know many guys who would gladly have a girlfriend if they had the opportunity. Yes, there are guys out there who are just looking for sex. But saying that all guys are like that is bullshit.
>All they care about is sex
>Nobody is really romantic
>It just physically hurts me
It's called being a romantic and this goes both ways. It hurts and it doesn't get better but at least you are a girl, you have the option of just settling with someone.
Then again, I'm only 28 so maybe people will stop being so sex obsessed soon. I just got dumped and there is this niggling feeling in the back of my mind that she was lying to me the whole fucking time while using me for sex and feeling good about herself. Maybe shit does get better but I've never had a girl respond positively to romance. It always ends badly.