Redpill me on Aryans .
Who were they ?
Redpill me on Aryans
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legend says people once had skin white like snow.
everything in red
Y DNA R1a carriers. Basically, Russians.
Peak of human race are Germanic tribes
would you bully my swarthy italian feet?
Denmark is the cradle of humanity.
The noble indo-europeans of southern and central Asia.
in the sanskrit language, aryan means "holy in race and birth"
aryans were a bunch of nomadic horse riding settlers that moved out of contemporary Ukraine area and settled in Central Asia into the very edges of contemporary Iran and Pakistan.
The people currently LARPing as aryans, the northern Europeans, have no real history to speak of. Prior to the 18th century they were LARPing as the lost tribe of Israelites and then afterwards a different racial identity developed and they LARPed as aryans.
I know .But i want to know more about them .I belive they are eithet Russians or Wester Europeans Anglo Saxon
Noblemen in Vedic times.
Hi jewstralian.
Thanks for correcting the nordic record. That said, please refrain from categorizing yourself as a med. Thank you.
t. real med
You know in National Socialism there were different branches of the Aryan Race, not just the nordics.
An ubermensch which spread over the world, bringing civilization to the inferior peoples. As time went on however, they lost their way and brought about their own destruction by mixing with their colored subjects.
no. the original aryans predate those peoples. They came from the Ukraine are. Some of them still exist today in pockets in Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. look up Pamiri people or Kalash people, these are descendants of these migrations that still exist today and some still practice their original religion of 4000+ years ago. The Nuristani people in Afghanistan are also largely descendant of these migrations but they were forcibly converted to Islam some centuries ago.
Aryan = Indo-European
Average Balkan looking kids
I'm fucking telling the truth, Nords/Germanics in medieval times were the Christian extremists of Europe, they used to LARP as the lost tribe of Israel until after the Thirty Years War when religious tensions calmed down the rise of German racialism in the 18th century.
actually the generally look quite slavic.
All I see in the photo is one med(left), one baltic/slav(center) and a nord(right).
Why cant we party together like in this photo and bring about the new European Renaiscence?
Why must we fight forever while afroasian hordes take our lands and replace us? Any non shill can answer seriously?
Greeks aren't white anymore, they're now a mix of Turk and Arab from all the raping
Shilling doesnt work, shill
looks to me like Greeks group with Middle East? you have to go back
some anti-semitic niggers that rightfully get genocided now
Aegean neolithic isnt middle east, you fucking shill. Your lies dont pass anymore.
Eh no. Aryans spoke what we call Indo-European, and the speakers of Indo-European languages are Aryans. Some of these groups are less Aryan because of race mixing-Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, and especially Streetshitters for example. Finns, Karelians and Hungarians acquired Aryanness although they started out as steppeniggers.
Europe belongs to white people, you and the rest of your mutt filth will be marched back into Africa and Arabia where you came from
Burger education in all the fronts.
Europe started with Greece and will end in Greece.
Rootless barbarians half the planet away have no rights to the continent MY ancestors named
that's linguistically true but not genetically true. The Persians speak an indo-european language but the people of Iran are the same genetically since 900 BC when they hit the iron age. They speak an indo-european language because they were conquered by people who spoke an indo-european language and the language disseminated through Empire as it does. Just like Turkey today are genetically the same as they've always been but speak Turkish because of a process of Turkification.
Germans aren't real aryans either. The original aryans were in the Ukraine across the steppes into Central Asia.
Ancient Greece was ruled by a Nordic phenotype elite ruling over a brown rabble. Ever since that ended you've been a brown rabble ever since.
Turks are not the same , they have a 15% east asian admix from the original turkic tribes.
Living in your head rent free, just like our beloved Savior... commie
Retarded fantasy perpetuated by the enemies of the European peoples to sow division and discord.
Your shilling doesnt work
you are dreaming if you think European nationalism will end with expelling muslims and blacks. You'll be next
Show your real flag , dont pollute Estonia you shill. Estonian nationalists are one of the best groups in Europe and we have perfect relations.
Your shiling doesnt work.
stay out of our threads, faggot.
are you the fabled "waa waa filtered" memeflag? finally, you show your true flag?
No I agree with you truly. Germans are Central Asian like Hungarians. I'm a Dacian myself.
I just know there's an australian jew who likes to say similar things then he tries to slide in the fact that he's jewish so he can be accepted as a med.
You make no sense, meme flag
answer the question, "white" boi
Form a correct question then
Are you the fabled creator of several near-identical "greeks are white" threads, whereupon you filter any people in said threads who mock you?
It was a white-ish people that once roamed Europe. Now they are extinct.
Also, im not white, as pic related proves
The one you refer is an alborat named ikki, baiting retards into shitting on Greeks. He pretends to be Greek
A bunch of people who were starving to death and hated for something their king decided they should do.
But that's never happened before in all of written history, has it?
Some people have a vested interest in keeping the meme going.
They were based hero’s
That's more like the true story actually.
But who cares about the truth nowadays when everyone is brainwashed sheep.
IMBA Hitler was the most ebil man who ever lived
Love you, my European siblings, dont let the enemy sow division between us