Arab girl here

I'm an Algerian girl living in France, 23 engineer. I was condemned to death in my country because i'm not muslim but christian. Any questions ?
ps : here to improve my english

Attached: 13445728_10157221258750647_6260802791112401244_n.jpg (960x960, 113K)

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Screen cap and prove you are a femanon

Show flag.
Show tits.

Or gtfo.

Fucking sandniggers camel ingeniors...

where's your proof?

tits or gtfo

Attached: bcf.jpg (269x187, 11K)

show your smelly moor feet

Why did you betray your religion and then your country?

Attached: 1544324224501.jpg (500x500, 47K)

show tits, those are rules

sandniggers ! ok va dormir célestin