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So who's Darth Sidious?

I can't believe he's still shilling and blind despite what they did to Luke Skywalker.

>hollywood actor is liberal
who would have guessed!

Wow wtf I hate Trump now

Oh shit well I'm convinced. Thank you Marc Hambrill I now know the error of my ways. I'll definitely stop trying to support literal mass killers from now on.

>celeb says
>Relating your political views by talking about a movie
>that movie is star wars
Sometimes I think I died and went to hell and just haven’t really realized it

Social media was a mistake

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Drumpf is pretty bad but I do like his hard stance on China.

pic literally related

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>a guy who plays pretend for a living thinks he has the right to lecture me or even have an opinion on anything

Actors are below prostitutes.

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Well that does it. I am now off the Blermpf train because the guy from the lightsaber movies says he's a big meanie.

Remember when DJT slaughtered all those younglings in the jedi temple? literally seething rn

Trump will NEVER recover from this

it's over

It’s easy to shit on Luke but he’s playing smart by appealing to the six brain dead morons who enjoyed TLJ

You'd think that he'd be redpilled by the creation of The Last Jedi, with his reactions towards it and all, but I guess the Jew still has its arm up his ass controlling him like a puppet.

>cock knocker snorted cocaine off carrie fishers pussy and got into a car crash

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Fucking this. Thanks for saying it, Johnny Reb

I hate sand

These people always think about Harry Potter, or Star Wars, or some other work of fiction. It shows how much they don't understand politics.


>worse than a guy who slaughtered children and blew up a whole goddamn planet

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>implying Vader wasn’t what the galaxy needed

Called it!

Any actors that literally say "im an actor, my opinion is no more well informed or valid than your butcher's or postman's, and i won't play into the idea that you should listen to me more than them just because I'm famous."



What is it that Trump has done wrong? "Dividing 'us'"?

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They basically assassinated the character and destroyed hamil's career prospects entirely and STILL hamil cucks for the left.

It actually wasn't. It's enabled unparalleled information transfer and basically annihilates the ability to censor information. Everyone's been scrambling to put the cat back in the bag, but it's been difficult/impossible to actually do it.

Who knew Luke fucking Skywalker would have grown into such a giant faggola??
How many sabers has he put in ass and mouth?

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It made me hate my favorite celebs tho

It's easier to sell ideas to the masses when you tell them it's just like that movie they all loved

But the Empire and Darth Vader were good guys.

These illuminati stooges have to say what they are told.

They are actors onstage and off

They have no opinions of their own

As long as they serve the (((agenda))) doors

will be open and they will live a life of ease

if they step off script though they will be

found with a drug OD or have a strange

car accident


This is just like that time in Harry Potter



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Based and empire-pilled, a handful of religious nuts took down a glorious empire.

He blew up a whole civilized planet for fun then repented with his last breath. Imagine trump apologizing as he’s dying
>sorry for calling Rosie a pig and for being a meanie head

That's what Jesus said

Like many short men who are insecure in their masculinity, he embraces the effeminate left in hopes of replacing his lack of power with that of Mommy Gubmint.

I'm guessing most actors are simply idiots. Remember playing pretend as a kid? Some people never stopped. The fact these shells get any amount of the attention they do get is definitely a symptom of SOMETHING.

Comparing real people to fictional people will always be cringy. Whether you're talking about someone else or yourself.

...and the TRUMP CURSE claimed another Hollywood degenerate. Screen cap this!

Yet he gets nothing from the government except for a large portion of his wages confiscated.


Holy fuck.... this.


>They basically assassinated the character
It's actually more sinister than that. (((They))) remake all the movies regard as classics and rewrite history so that 30 years from now there will be nothing left of the non-SJW movies. That's why (((they))) use the same names too for the reboots, so that later on zoomers and whatever comes next won't even have the words for the original stuff.

Basically the point is to memory hole everything non-SJW propaganda. Look at Lion King for fuck's sakes.

Imagine thinking you're an authority on anything because people like that you play pretend.


All aging actors go overboard with the Trump B.S hoping some kike will be pleased and offer them roles in movies. See niggerson de niro, cher, and this faggot. Hollywood is far left and always has been at it's core. No need to waste time on these parasites and shabbos goy.

how will he ever recover lads

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Memes aren't supposed to be real, y'know.

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Does this faggot not realize Darth Vader means Nigger Father, and in the show his dad left him?
When is this faggot going to OD on heroin like his sister he fucked in the film?

>tfw lived long enough to see the heroes and stars of my youth turn into zogged jewish puppets
I'm just so tired of it all

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Gets me thinking because as we speak, various 'Empire did nothing wrong' memes are spreading around. Younger people are into them. Too bad all the empire shit always looked cooler. This sad retard's own work is gonna be useful propaganda.

The real redpill is that they always were.

>It's enabled unparalleled information transfer and basically annihilates the ability to censor information. Everyone's been scrambling to put the cat back in the bag, but it's been difficult/impossible to actually do it.

Yep. Like it or not, when phoneposters joined the internet fray, shit completely got out of hand, resulting in Trump's election. Two-edged sword.

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Alzheimers is a sad thing

It was created by a Jew that tried to copy Kubrick. It's shit.

Tarkin gave the order to blow up Alderan. I agree with you, just sayin’

>expecting coherent thinking from Americans
For reference, Obama was a Maoist Dictator Joker.

Ah yes surely THIS celebrity vomit will be the end of drumpffff

leftists compare every aspect of their lives to pop culture movies and tv shows. its their only frame of reference. pathetic.

With how bad the movies are, I think this will push more people toward drumpf. Mark Hamill is based.

The Empire was always cooler than the rebels.

Mel Gibson and Clinton eastwood

>It's enabled unparalleled information transfer and basically annihilates the ability to censor information.
What universe are you living in? This site represents an absolute fringe population of the Internet. Internet giants got the Internet by the balls right now. For an example, Alex Jones is pretty much gone.

This is why I miss the world before Twitter.
I used to hate a lot less people before I found out what they were thinking about.

I still hold out hope that Trump can join the light side. A jedi never loses hope.

A lot of American actors go to Hollywood (film or TV) or NYC (stage) right out of high school. So, with actors you are typically dealing with people who only have a high school education with maybe a few college classes here or there.

merry christmas i got you an im-a-faggot-now luke skywalker

Trump also probably thinks those mean things he says and does are for the greater good of the entire US (it is).

Vader killed a bunch of kids to save his pussy supply (which he killed himself). Then does his evil shit to help the guy who told him to kill those kids to save his pussy supply.

What he did was not be manipulable. It's so obvious since
>hill dawg has been a picnic figure for decades and for decades has acted contemptably (eg Clinton HIV blood scandal)
>Hasn't ever been framed badly by the msm

>Trunk has been a public figure for decades and for decades has been the average rich, wealth oriented man
>Had never been targetted by the msm in character assassinations
>Runs for president
>Overnight becomes priority number one in msm hit pieces

All he did to bring the storm down upon himself was participate properly to fix his country from the damage the Zionist bastards have been inflicting for decades.

Day of the Rake has been postponed for now.


Darth Vader was weak,
Trump is an Alpha male!

Luke was an incel!

Mark is a Fag!

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>All aging actors go overboard with the Trump B.S hoping some kike will be pleased
No I don't think all of them do that. I'm not discounting all those that do, I'm just saying I think some of these people really are just idiots. To the core. They think that they are the people their fans also think they are.

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But Darth Vader becomes a good guy

Darth Vader was a competent leader loved by his troops for his diving in the trenches with them and meritocratic leadership style and a hatred for the imperial officer class's bureaucratic bullshit.

God was cruel to give blacks such big lips with which to whistle at white women.

Darth Vader destroys entire planets Kek

Mark Hammil should be handed a rifle and thrown into the middle of Taliban controlled Afghanisan.

>murder children and commit genocide
>"lmao sorry bruh"
better than a meanie-head president!!!

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Vader was a Sith-created "child" that was literally designed to be the pet of a genocidal tyrant and ordered entire planets with billions living on them obliterated or glassed.

And then there's Trump. Who hasn't even glassed Mecca, much less anything not as deserving.

Tarkin blew up the planet. The death star was his project.

Except none of that happened and Darth Vader isn't real. Comparing a living human being to a figment of someone's imagination is infantile and borderline schizophrenic.

Hrs either doing it for Kathleen not realizing the destruction of his character was a political hit job or worse he realizes it but he wants the bitch to hire him because this and the joker are all he has!

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C'mon bruh, come to the booty club one time
Throw some of that Dreamville money
Throw some of that Dreamville money at these hoes, bruh
They got dreams too, nigga, ha ha
They got shit to do too nigga, ha ha ha
They got dreams too bruh bruh
Y'all Dreamville-uh aye aye, aye aye, uh uh
Next time you see that nigga J. Cole bruh
You tell that nigga the same thing man
I fuck with y'all niggas bro, why that nigga J. Cole
Got all this money, look like he 'bout to
Borrow somebody charger or something
"C'mon bruh, let me get your charger bruh
Let me get my shit to uh, uh 10% percent
And I'll give this shit back to you bruh bruh"
C'mon bruh flex some of that Dreamville money, let me see it

>Alex Jones is pretty much gone.
This one channel I was watching just got terminated because it had uploaded Alex Jones shows.

He is getting fucked worse than Luke

What will the trump curse do to a cursed man like him?

He willingly played Luke Skywallker for Episode 8, AND shilled the movie across multiple platforms

His views are irrelevant