Why is the left winning the culture war now when they were losing a few years ago?
Did the right become too complacent on the Internet since Trump won? Has Trump's failure to deliver on key immigration promises like the wall demoralized the right and energized the left?
This. The media seems stupid and abhorrent to us, like how could anyone possibly take them seriously? But people do take them seriously. And they're jews. So ultimately, your answer is "jews". Very tiresome.
Oh, the thot in your pic is short. This exacerbates curves.
Hudson Reyes
Well its true. Do you seriously think the momentum is not moving towards the left? Just look at it:
- No wall, no mass migration stop, letting Florida niggers with criminal records vote the next election, prison reform letting out niggers
- Lost the midterm elections, now at best gridlock or at worse impeachment and the shitshow around that
- Texas will go blue by 2022 unless massive changes occur right now, ending Republican's ability to win the national election ever again. Hell if the 2016 election was held now and the same voting patterns held, with the same turnout, then Hillary would have won simply becuase of the number of non-whites that turned 18+
- Alt Right has been absolutely annihilated, and the new dissident right wing that was growing online has been largely quarantined and stopped growing in terms of views. Reddit's traffic keep increasing while Jow Forums is stagnant.
- Race mixing getting more and more common on TV, culture is more niggerified than ever (literally everyone in the top 10 of music charts is a hip hop nigger or spic or some non-white), everything from video games to even the Witcher tv show has been SJW-fied and diversified. America continues getting more and more non-white by the day.
No reason to pretend that the glorious momentum we had in 2015 and 2016 has shifted. The important quesiton is what happened...