Getting laid in the countryside

Getting laid in the countryside.

I’m a NEET who lives in the countryside, a virgin and have Aspergers.

My moms gonna be out of town in a few weeks so how do I basically try to get a girl to come over and have sex.

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by, bringing her over and having sex, simple ass shit

tell her to come over and have a ride on your big green tractor

Would be easier if you were gay. Are you sure you are not gay?

I mean to ask where do I find a girl to offer to come to my place.

I don’t know any girls nor do I have any irl friends nearby.

I’m kinda bi but I’d rather have a gf.

What about a guy dressed as a girl? Again, it's going to be easier to locate for a few hours rolling in the hay at short notice.

Not interested in a trap right now.

Well okay. Have you considered hiring a prostitute or three? It would cut out a lot of issues here.

I find most prostitute prices out of my range.

How do I find slutty girls.

Deal weed or meth. Kinda short notice, I appreciate.

I live with my mom, no way I can do that Shit.

Does your mom have any "cool wine aunt" friends?


I genuinely do not have many irl friends.

Yes, your mother might know of an alcoholic 45+yo who'd be up for a bit of cradlesnatching, is more the idea.

My mom doesn’t have a social life, she’s divorced and mostly just works closer to retiring which she will in a year or two.

Hmm. Okay. How adverse are you to brief flurries of violence with a blunt instrument, followed by a quick getaway? Technically you might also have to add necrophilia to that list too, it depends how far you travel to pick up a victim.

I’m not doing that.

Should I just tell my mom, I just want to to lose my virginity and no I don’t mean have sex with her.

Wow... if you really typed that with a straight face...
You said youre down for a hooker, work a couple of weeks and get your moneys worth

OP if you're so autistic you can't even pick up girls you should go take a part time job and hire a prositute with the money.

I am gonna get a job.

Ok so a dating site found a few girls in my small town in the countryside.

How do I approach them saying hello.


I'm in the same situation except I'm probably older than you.
Your best bet is probably a prostitute, that's what i'm gonna do.
Although I'm too insecure even to fuck a prostitute.

>have Aspergers
Professionally or self diagnosed?


tested and everything.

I've never been normal.