Hey y'all

Hey y'all.

I want to minimize the impact of my fetish (childbirth).

I very rarely get off to other things. Like I feel arousal when I think about sex with my crush generally, but idk if I can get off to it.

I did used to get off to the thoughts of doing sexual things with other people. I want to be able to get off to sex again, not just birth (the vast majority of the time).

Attached: birth.jpg (590x374, 31K)


are you....fucking kidding?

Get into therapy ASAP



Already in it. I don't talk to my therapist about this, though.


OP here. I want to clarify that I'm not talking about me giving birth irl. I'm talking about fantasies and videos of other women giving birth, primarily, and *sometimes* fantasies of giving birth myself. I don't constantly get pregnant just to give birth lol. In fact, I've never been pregnant.

are you a woman?

Ummm... no. Not really. I get off to the women, not the baby.

>are you a woman?

>and people said woman cant be absolute creeps

I'm not alone. There are tons of birth fetish blogs on tumblr.

Attached: NICE.jpg (960x540, 77K)

Not sure what this means. Lol.

And you're all creeps and freaks enabling one another lol

Look I came here for advice to minimize the impact of my gross-ass fetish. Stop bitching.

>when your fetish is so bad that even Jow Forums users judge you negatively for it

Please people. I want advice on how to fix this, step by step.

And I thought footfags were disgusting.

You must have never did your incubation time on /b/ back in the day.
rule 34

I sort of know how you feel op. About a year ago I started fapping to traps and have done it maybe 30 times since then. I fap to women more than traps, but whenever I get the urge I think "I've already done it once, so I mind as well do it again" but it never makes me fail to feel shitty and dirty. I think it has to do with the submission of being a trap.

Anyways, I think you and I need some self control. If it's something that feels good at the time but makes you feel awful afterwards why keep doing it? For me, I think it's because when I fap I try to get dirtier and dirtier, but I've reached my limit and actually feel awful afterwards. Just have some introspection with yourself op, talk to yourself in the mirror.

thats the first step to get out of the closet.

What do I do to get off to normal things again?

you are born that way. please just stay away from pregnant women

Step 1: stop being a freak
Paraphilias require therapy

Why should i stay away from pregnant women, exactly?

Ok I'll mention it to my therapist.


you know what. do whatever you want you are just another tumblr attw you are just looking for validation this is not your safe place cya

This is what bitches act like when they don't have a solid argument.

mad at feet?

Attached: 4a7f4c76-c2ab-4e4f-a694-789802840364.jpg (640x640, 77K)

You have no high ground to stand on when you want to rape pregnant women and newborn babies lol.

Honestly this is vanilla in comparison.

>You have no high ground to stand on when you want to rape pregnant women and newborn babies lol.
Wow your lack of reading comprehension amazes me. Makes me think you may be projecting.

I get off to women giving birth, you absolute moron. I never said I wanted to rape anyone. You are either an idiot or projecting.

So tonight I was able to get very close to getting off while thinking of sexual stuff most of the time (though I thought of birth towards the end so I could finally orgasm). I'm going to try to start getting off to non-birth things again, even if it takes a while to build up to that. I want at least a semi-normal sexuality, goddammit.