Pewdiepie n' Frens makes an actual YouTube Rewind and it's Insanely Good!

Zoomer God strikes again!
Uploaded 7 hours ago and already has 2.1million likes
Protip: Crank up speakers and Bass before watching. (thank me later)

*Mods, video has more than a few political elements. Please don't delete.

Attached: pewdiepie-youtube-rewind.jpg (1280x720, 183K)

Other urls found in this thread:

webms appreciated :)
Pic related is probably in shitting her diapers right now.

Attached: 3350016a8c8417e9f35f7dfccbbf7155c34def816b65a57ad4d5ec7878aa2bd1.png (725x406, 298K)

Self Bump!

Attached: 1545414511506.jpg (422x680, 37K)

who is that?

Fuck off zoomer

Attached: BOOMED.jpg (633x640, 51K)

A CFR cunt being paid to study about us at Jow Forums

Kek, 38 here. Gen X, my Nigga.

Am I getting g carried away or is he imitating the tentacle Jew meme

Nice observation. I didn't notice that, kek.

Attached: 213.jpg (300x100, 16K)

Bump this shit. Yah.