Big families

How can we encourage white couples to have more children?

Attached: Why having big families is good for you (and cheaper).png (774x655, 934K)

Subsidized daycare for middle class dual income earners

Shouldn't it be the most enjoyable thing to see your genes passed on, and ensuring your heritage will be preserved?

>and ensuring your heritage will be preserved?

The guy has almost only daughters tho...

>Subsidized daycare for middle class dual income earners
Why shouldn't children have the possibility to stay with their mother? Isn't it the most appealing thing for a woman to care for her children?

Seeing all the working women commuting to and from work in the city, I am pretty sure that next to none of them is really happy about it.

I meant it more in a völkisch way, i.e. seeing the heritage of your people to be continued.

Hey I just offered a solution
Lots of middle class whites spent a good amount of time starting their careers while the lower classes pooped out babby after babby
The middle class are arguably better suited to raise an intelligent, well adjusted child

Did you know that you have almost twice as many female relatives as male relatives?

Most realistic option is to let everyone who can possibly work from home do so. You can't undo women's lib in any short timeframe and the families need the money, but women being out of the house is what makes large families unmanageable. If she can stay in the house and decide her own hours, that's a bridge to more affordable and manageable families.

remove women from the workplace