/pol 2018 rewind

Give me a quick rundown on 2018 /pol.

I think 2018 was a normal year. Nothing special happened.

Most memorable event was the Skyking barrel roll.

Attached: aha.jpg (950x534, 172K)

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It was Jews.

So glad the midterms are over

The Parkland shooting and Kavanaugh confirmation were good times

The year that there were more paid shills than active users. I'll be back in 2020 when everybody returns.

I honestly can't recall any significant happening during the whole year. Everything falls pretty much to a "normal" category.


Seems that /pol agrees with me.
2018 was a lame year.
Let's hope 2019 will get us all pumped up and thrilled.

>at least one actual WW3 nuclear war happening (that gets cancelled in the nick of time, just to have something to look forward to in 2020 + Trump winning again, imagine the dopamine rush the whole year)
>One astronomical happening, an asteroid impact to some Shitstania
>Feminists gets massacred by a muslim.

In the background in 2019 I wish to see:

>extreme red pilling from grassroots to ivory towers.
>zero tolerance for "muh feelings" -politics
>logic, reason and facts, all the sudden, are hip & cool & based & if you don't know about it you're an idiot
>everyone who understands what "logical premise" means, gets 10/10 pussy.

>>everyone who understands what "logical premise" means, gets 10/10 pussy.

That, btw, is humor even the Gods cannot keep a straight face.

I remember the boomer/zoomer meme, coinfaggotry (WHY THE FUCK DID THEY ALL DROP) and the NPC meme

Oh yes.
NPC meme was/is Very Important Meme. VIM.

As a matter of fact, it was a very important DISCOVERY.
In the same level with splitting an atom.


>I think 2018 was a normal year. Nothing special happened.

The worldwide Yellow Vest movement was pretty noteworthy, no?

Attached: s3.reutersmedia.net.jpg (1280x824, 231K)

That's what all the good things are made of.

Well sort of, but to me, it falls into the category of normal.

Nothing will come out from this movement. You know it, I know it, the yellow vests knows it.

Bernie Sanders Jewing everyone into thinking that socialism is a good idea.

Attached: bernie.png (574x879, 536K)

Every fucking year you guys says that the current year is bad or boring.

Every year is the same, all of them is just ok.

If you want something big happening, then do It in your life. Do not wait just something happen.

The guys running the show have TRILLIONS to be used to ENTERTAIN US.

Fact is, that no one needs a government. It is s scam.
People need "things that work and make them go". Okay, someone will deliver all that when the price is right.
Governments exists only to prevent Exploitation. Which means to "ensure" fair and balanced trade; tis for that. The premise is so laughable, when you understand that the government is the vehicle for exploitation and NOTHING MORE.

So. GIVE US ENTERTAINMENT THEN. That IS what we have paid already.

Wars and conquers.. are all for amusement.
>"War is fun".
>"When the generals and leaders are in the ready room, they are all fired up when giving a Go command".. "let's go, let's go".. the thrill is overwhelming".

It's all about the kicks.

Once one generation has had enough (after TWO World Wars), there was a "never again" gap. Now, that's gone. We need to be honest to ourselves. We lust for war. Each and everyone of us. Men, Women, intellectuals, idiots... all walks of life.. we lust for war. The sting of battle.


I mean, even fat fucking people, who couldn't run even 100 meters without fainting, wants war.

I have thought that this must be some kind of a similar trait, what salmons have when they just must swim upstream, reach the end, turn red ejaculate and die.

Don't get me wrong. I want it too.
I want to see all the feminists and SJWs and other multiculti-idiots packed into the same containers as the immigrants are packed. These containers would be packed to a boat, and the boats destination is at "international waters". At some point Ode To Joy would start playing on all decks and the ship's preinstalled C4 charges would detonate.

I want it too. So badly, I can taste it.

We just can't help it.
We want bloodshed.
We want massacres.
To pay for the very brief moments of tender, soft happiness and ease.
Because we understand what it is, only after we have been salmons, once more.

It's okay.
You need to come to terms that
>you want war
>you are a violent being
>you want to destroy anything that opposes you

It's okay. It is a universal standard.


>I PREFER peace
>I am a violent being, but I PREFER a rational agreement
>I don't wish harm to my enemy, only that Justice happens

Count to three.
Set yourself free.

What am I doing here?
On one hand, promoting hate
On one hand promoting love
One one hand pro war
On one hand anti war


I am not hypnotizing you. I am de-hyponotizing you.

World is a realm of perfect order and perfect chaos. Oxymoron. It shouldn't exist. But it does.


This is a secret.
I actually love Canadians.
Just because of this skinhead,


Yeah, 2018 was fucking boring. No happenings at fucking all, and the ones that people though were happenings were nothing.

Red pilled and based.

You know all that I said is true.
Careful now, Eugene, that axe is lethal.
Come to terms with the reality and who you are.
If at the end, you are disappointed, look again.

this already feels like so long ago

Attached: 01.jpg (1600x1067, 262K)


For some reason, I say:
> I Know

Finbro are you ok?


What do you think of this premise?

Define "ok"
Give a meaning of it in a rational sentence.

Truth is, I accidentally got too far. So so far, that it doesn't even mean anything anymore.

Then I was sent back.


>Then I was sent back.
When it all hell broke loose:
