Should I kill myself if every girl that's ever seen me thinks I'm repulsively ugly...

Should I kill myself if every girl that's ever seen me thinks I'm repulsively ugly? I'm never getting a girlfriend with my ugly mug.

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>every girl that's ever seen me thinks I'm repulsively ugly
You don't know this is a fact, you may be ugly, but there's always a girl that will date you if you have a great personality
>im boring
You're a bitch

>You don't know this is a fact, you may be ugly, but there's always a girl that will date you if you have a great personality

Nope. No girl ever expressed interest in me.


Work out like mad and only post pics of your abs on saying sites

Dating sites*

Pic or didnt happen.

Get a good body, grow a beard, get a good haircut, get good fashion/clothes. You can fix being ugly, maybe you won't be a 10/10 but any guy can get to the point where at least some girls will consider him above their looks threshold.

Plastic surgery is a dumb idea but fuck even that's better than killing yourself.

>No girl ever expressed interest in me.
That's not how life works, men approach women, don't be beta

Have you tried a paper bag?

Why does the man have to approach?

You don't have to, but if you don't you're probably going to be alone forever, women don't approach men unless they are very attractive men

So basically, I'm too ugly for a girl to want to talk to me. Like I said.

Yes, dude. Just like everyone here. What are you going to do, beat yourself up that you're not a 10/10?

No, I'm going to beat myself up over not even being a 5/10.

Make some money and get plastic surgery.
Can't blame people for not wanting an ugly dude, so might as well try to pretty it up.

Also pic?

Fuck no, I'm not posting a picture of myself on Jow Forums

Mate I can push a 7 on a good day, girls will sometimes approach me at bars or clubs even if I'm doing nothing to attract their attention, but that's like 50% of the time and never in any other setting can I recall being approached by a woman. You have to be an actual 10 to get attention thrown at you.

So you're not only ugly, but you also don't want to put work into improving yourself. You're just like all the other pathetic ops, too lazy, wanting results without work

Alright then, try describing yourself at least.
Face so.what symmetrical?
And abnormal features?

Brandon go to bed.

Big forehead, dull face. 5'9, 140 lbs

Whatever rocks your boat my man. There are more painful stuff in life than being unable to get a gf, so if you can't handle that then you probably won't be able to handle other obstacles and sufferings life will throw your way

Would you be willing to kill me? I'm too much of a pussy to do it myself.

holy shit dude. it's always the tall ones that complain about being too ugly for girls lmao

i'm a complete manlet, ugly, piss poor, and still have a nice gf. learn to groom yourself and have an attractive personality. you could have a face ugly as sin and it doesn't matter.

If you're an ugly dude, you date an ugly girl
Elevate your stock where you can.
Work out, dress nice, learn to talk.
Do all that and you can get a girl who's a great catch just with a haggard face.

You didn't answer whether or not your face is symmetrical though.. but you don't sound ugly, and a dull face only comes from a dull expression

because society says so.

>You didn't answer whether or not your face is symmetrical though
Why does this fucking matter. Not OP, my face is pretty asymmetrical and many people have said I'm good looking. Wtf. Even plastic surgeons say features trump symmetry, it's just one variable in the attractiveness score

Google "ugly men with beautiful wives" and find another excuse

Symmetry is important because features are subjective

Having a strong jaw/good bone structure of well shaped eyes as a man is hardly subjective. Everyone is fucking asymmetrical. Humans are not computer generated images. Read what plastic surgeons say on that matter. Google Bradley Cooper, does that guy look symmetrical to you?
Anyway my symmetry is utter shit and most people still tell me I look good, but according to you I can't because I'm not symmetrical.

You should've post this on the lgbtboard