Girlfriend has pain during penetration

I've recently started dating a girl and she experiences intense pain any time something is put into her vagina. I can't even get a single finger in without her stopping me.
Her sex drive is fine and we do other stuff, but this is clearly going to become an issue further down the line. She's told me that every time she's had sex in the past has hurt but that she does it anyway to make her boyfriend happy. I don't want her to make herself have sex with me because I want it, I need her to enjoy it too.
Do any femanons know what could be causing this? Any possible solutions?

Attached: Born_to_feel.jpg (428x500, 32K)

>Any possible solutions?
you gotta stretch her out, simple as that.
the vag is squeezed shut by muscle, muscles stretch with practice. if you're not flexible then itll hurt like a bitch every time you try and touch your toes, but if you dont keep working at it youll never get flexible. By never trying to get those muscles stretched itll never stop being painful

Attached: stretch.jpg (275x183, 5K)

It's really just that simple? How long do you think it would take to stretch it to the point where it's not uncomfortable anymore?

>It's really just that simple?
probably a few weeks of stretching multiple times a day. I hope you're man enough for the task ;)

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Vaginas aren't like assholes, you can't stretch it out forever
You need lubrication, she needs to be properly turned on or you need to use store bought lube. She might also have vaginismus
>Vaginismus, sometimes called vaginism, is a condition that affects a woman's ability to engage in vaginal penetration
It will hurt or be impossible to enter her vagina

>you can't stretch it out forever
why would you want to?

also dont be dumb, it is a muscle, it can be trained to stretch. all fee-fees aside its really just that simple.

She gets very wet so there's no concern on that end
So if she has vaginismus then it's just over? What's the cure for that?

>you can't stretch it out forever
Thats where you're wrong and there's threads on /gif/ that can prove it

>if she has vaginismus
dude its not that, thats like the rarest thing on the fucking planet, and a bullshit excuse card the roastie is trying to trick you with.

I really don't think she's trying to trick me because she wouldn't gain anything from that and we spend half the time we're together naked anyway, so it's not like she's trying to get out of sex

abandon ship
whether its psychological or physiological, you are not qualified to treat it
its only a matter of time before she starts holding it over your head

no dude your GF isnt trying to trick you.

This roastie who commented here did

I told her if we can't get it fixed I won't be able to stay in a relationship with her, but I don't want it to come to that and she's agreed to try whatever solutions we can find
Oh I see what you were you saying

In a similar sort of bind where my girlfriend bleeds during sex. Pretty concerning and it's in the process of getting checked by a doctor but it's going to take a few months to find out what's up. Haven't had proper sex for nearly a year and it's been very tempting lately to cheat on her. Obviously very immoral but i can't help but want to fuck something.

This sounds like my ex. Basically you just need to lube up and force it in. Once you get it in it's generally not painful for her and she'll start getting into it. The more you fuck the less tight she'll be and it'll be easier

Either youre bad at kissing and foreplay or her vag is just medically dry.

That is not how that works

>I told her if we can't get it fixed I won't be able to stay in a relationship with her
Way to go champ, now it will be squeezed closed even tighter.

Not being able to have sex is kind of a relationship killer. It would be his fault as well if he wasn't able to get a boner but she can't get aroused and that's also his fault?

I know it is, but spelling it out places a lot of stress on the other person.

t. been there

>Either youre bad at kissing and foreplay or her vag is just medically dry.
It's not dryness, she gets very wet. It's like the muscles are just clamped shut. I can get fingers in, but it's not enjoyable for her and I really want her to enjoy it.
>Way to go champ, now it will be squeezed closed even tighter.
Well, I mean I don't know what to do in this situation. I'm not going to lie to her and tell her that this isn't a problem. I like her a lot and I can see a future with her, but sex and her enjoyment of it is extremely important in a relationship.
>but she can't get aroused
Just to clear it up again, it's not an arousal issue. She is literally dripping by the time her pants come off, it's just squeezed extremely tight by the musculature.
>I know it is, but spelling it out places a lot of stress on the other person.
Should I have lied and told her I didn't care? If so, wouldn't that lead to a false sense of security in the relationship and let and issue like this go unresolved and simmer under the surface until it becomes an even worse problem?

It's not the rarest thing ever, I know 3 girls who have it and I don't know tons of people because I'm a shit in loser.
It's not rare.

>Should I have lied and told her I didn't care? If so, wouldn't that lead to a false sense of security in the relationship and let and issue like this go unresolved and simmer under the surface until it becomes an even worse problem?
God, you're an insensitive dumbass, you deserve to lose her.

>Should I have lied and told her I didn't care?
"it's okay, we will work on it together if you want to. It's going to be a little effort, but we can do it together and you're worth putting some effort in"

Take her to a doctor.

Just because she's wet doesn't always mean she's aroused. If you're having trouble getting it in it means she's freaked out for some reason and clenching up

Get her to drink/green that usualy gets ppl pretty relaxed, might not be wet though oh well try and try again

It's called vaginismus, it's got nothing to do with you it just happens to women sometimes
Go to a doctor
Also you're kind of retarded

>gets wet
>clearly enjoying
>vag muscles still very shut and in pain

take her to a doctor user.

Obviously this was included, I didn't just straight up threaten her. I told her we'd need to work through it and find a solution because this is a major problem

Yeah, this is probably gonna be the only way to find an answer. It doesnt seem like it's a common enough issue that anyone here knows the answer, and for some reason people are getting weirdly defensive

Yes! build a relationship on lies like everyone else, that will fucking make everything work out in the end.
Din't be a pathetic cunt, tell the truth, be nice about it but do so,l unless you want a breaker up in the future. If there's an issue, and is a deal breaker that can be fixed is better to cut the relationship sooner ratter than latter.

You stressed her out.

Just think of it. Your dick stops getting hard.
>It's okay user, we can work through it together. Sure, if it doesn't work I'm dumping you. But I'm here for you babe. Unless you can't get it hard, then I'm out.
Did you need to say it in that very moment? Did you need to add stress to something that is probably already stressing her out?

Anyway, doc. Jow Forums can't fix your gf's vag.

Because you considered causing her internal physical pain and possible trauma from sex, before considering taking her to a doctor. That's probably why.

he prebably had more tact than thata, but you need to tell your partner what you feel and your partner needs to deal with it. Or else you will never get into a a long term relationship that actually work and is not just two people making each-other miserable.

Why are you assuming I said it in any way resembling that or in the moment it happened? We've been discussing this for several weeks now and at no point did I treat it as a threat. And is correct here
I dont know what you're referring to here, where are you getting this?

See Moron.

bump for truth

You sure need to, but in a moment of distress like "someone tried to put a dick in me and it hurt like crazy, I need to work on things" you can avoid threatening the end of the relationship.
Don't promise the world, try to fix the problem, if it doesn't work out bring up breaking up.
Don't be like "oh no its either we fix this shit or I'm fucking off". You charge the issue with stress.

Hold up you were talking sarcastically.

It's possible for a girl to experience pain during intercourse because she might be uncomfortable an/or insecure about the ordeal. This can cause her to involuntarily clench her vaginal muscles, making it less pleasurable for her.

My ex girlfriend regularly struggled with similar problems when we had sex (although not to the same extent as you are describing it). She would get wet and aroused but she often wouldn't be able to really relax and enjoy the experience because she would be insecure about her body, her performance, how she smelled 'down there' etc.

Is it possible that your girlfriend is struggling with this too? Feeling uncomfortable and maybe a bit 'tense' during sex, depite being aroused?

She's a very tense person generally so I wouldn't be surprised. She knows I'm very attracted to her, enjoy her performance, and like how she smells, so I don't think those would contribute.
She gets pretty bad anxiety, could that be connected?

you know what the doctor will tell you if you have that? You'll get told to do this

Attached: fpbp.png (410x214, 16K)

Yeah but he shouldn't be retarded and force things into her vagina
Plus the doctor can probably help put her mind at ease after OPs childish tantrum

OP's little pee-pee is going to be less traumatic for her than the doctor prescribed vag-o-dilator dildo dong.

What tantrum? Where are you people getting these things?

>She gets pretty bad anxiety, could that be connected?

Could definitely be connected. Sex is not only a physical game, it's also a psychological game. You need to truly open yourself up to the other person both mentally and physically in order to get the most out of it. Being anxious and tense can kill the pleasure. I would say for women even more so than for men because women tend to be more emotional with these things in general.

The problem with this however, there is not THAT much you can do about it. Her anxiety during sex is something she has to work on and if she can't do it, you are screwed my friend.

Me and my girlfriend worked on it for about 2 years (until we eventually broke up for unrelated reasons). It did get better over time though as i tried out different things. There are a few things you can do to help her out:

- Lot's of foreplay, tons of foreplay. Kissing, hugging, eating her out, having laughs together and really ease your way into having sex.

- When you start with actual intercourse, go super slowly for the first few minutes. Allow her to acclimate to your penis. Don't just climb on top and start jackhammering her.

- Try out different positions and try fucking her in different 'angles'. Perhaps there are some positions/angles she likes more than others.

You can try out the things i described above. No guarantees for success though but definitely worth giving a shot. Also, you might wanna consider taking her to a doctor.

>I told her if we can't get it fixed I won't be able to stay in a relationship with her
Right now she probably trusts a doctor's orders more than anything associated with OP

i feel bad for you OP
all these roasties blaming you for your GFs tight vag being tight...

be tough... women start out tight, and the loosen up with practice and regular sex. The fact that you have a tight one is a good thing. Be strong.

She had past partners. She isn't a virgin.
Get off your high horse.
Tightness from inexperience is due to nervousness mostly, and just slightly due to never having been stretched. It's not the major factor tho.

This is by far the best advice in the thread, thank you
Have you read anything I've said in this thread? Why have you constructed the most negative possible interpretation of this possible?

You are talking about breaking up at the first sign of a problem
Rookie mistake

intense pain during sex is a red flag for endometriosis. it doesn't sound muscular to me, but if it is pelvic floor therapy would help.

Yeah girls get wet when they are scared too. Instinctive reaction that protects them from getting injured too badly when getting raped.