Drug test all gun owners

It has become apparent that nothing will be done to ban assault rifles in the USA. We should try the next best thing to stop these senseless mass shootings.

Should all gun owners be subject to a drug test?

It is established law that you cannot own a gun if you are addicted to drugs, so why not require all gun owners to take a monthly drug test?

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It has become apparent that gun grabbers are all retarded.

Example: OP.

Ban all psychiatric medication.

drug test all people calling for gun restrictions
>problem solved

No one who drinks should be allowed a gun.
Gun breathalyzers now!!


I will allow drug testing of gun owners, if we also allow drug testing of welfare/foodstamp recipients

What are you afraid of? Are you a degenerate druggie?

Only if you pay for the 100+ million tests

Literally already a part of background checks

Don't forget installing a breathalyzer on every gun trigger.

Drug test all parents, something should be done about assault kids.

Gun owners should pay for them. They are the ones that want killing machines. Least they can do it spring $10 a month for a piss test.

Sure. In exchange you have to pass a piss test before your EBT clears or use medicaid.

No mass shooter has been under the influence of illicit street drugs that most drug tests ID

Test them for SSRIs instead

That is a fair compromise

Have no problem. Now drug test every politician and I will do it! Pass the laws now!

Require drug tests to vote.

people don't commit mass shootings because they're on illegal drugs
they do it because they're on prescription drugs
not to mention that almost every illegal drug except weed is undetectable after a couple of days
all this will do is keep potheads who are too fucking lazy to kill anybody from having guns while all the autists on prozac and meth dealers can still get their guns legally

drug test everyone
junkie degenerate = helicopter ride

tfw both and straight as an arrow
do I get double neetbux now

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require drug tests to vote

Lel hey guys people kill people when they are unhappy, I know! Lets give everyone money and girlfriends then no one will get shot! What do you mean someone has to pay for my stupid ideas?! Are you a murderman?! Wave your magic wand YT AND MAKE IT HAPPEN.

What if I ate a poppyseed muffin?
Do I still get a helicopter ride?

Then everyone who gets food stamps/welfare should be drug tested

how about drug test all cops

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I'm not paying for a monthly fucking drug test. I dont take drugs and get randomly tested for work. So dont pull that degenerate shit with me.

The second amendment didn't say "unless the dudes on drugs". It was quite specific.

Now fuck off kike.

>MILLIONS of gun owners in America

Why even make a post when the goofy bullshit you're proposing can be dismissed upon a single reading? Is it your own time you like wasting, or the percieved time of others?

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>The second amendment didn't say "unless the dudes on drugs". It was quite specific.
No but the 4473 does ya dip

Fuck you you want it you pay for it

And it flags you if you have a record. Magical.

And it has got the simplest cost free drug test already, a yes or no question.

Whatever the fuck that is. Some kike talmudic numerology? That's what our laws are turning into.

I won't. Keeping and bearing arms is a right.

Receiving handouts from taxpayer is not.

Don't fall for the false equivalence you get from fake news. The "mental health" thing they keep harping on is also a load of shit.

You cant tick the no box to a piss test.

I'll agree to that if the guns can legally be used to kill niggers and kikes. I think that's a reasonable compromise.

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You footing the bill?

Well that'll cost more for that nifty feature.

No, the person wanting to own a killing machine is.

I thought you niggers cared about the rights of the individual and the right to privacy?

And the least niggers should do to vote is pay for the pollster to take their vote

Here’s an idea, why don’t (((you))) fights stay in your own ducking lane?

If you don’t want a gun, don’t buy one. But leave the rest of us the fuck alone!

Worst pitch I've ever heard. You're not even backing your own idea? Horrendous.

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Fucking this.

>shooting happens
>muslim killing happens
>Noooo we can't ban all muslims! Part and parcel! #NotAllMuslims

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I’m not gonna piss in a cup every month so that some onions faggots can feel safe while they buttfuck my rights.

because the serious drugs do not show up in urine teste enough for them to be effective

also car crashes kill way more than guns- so piss in that cup or you lose your driving privilege
>yes guns are a right and driving is a privilege, faggot

I’ve past 15 drug tests with fake pee
Including drug test to get my pilots license
Waste of time and money


we should test all the non-gun owners

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As long as we're able to drug test everyone who's on welfare

>It has become apparent that nothing will be done to ban assault rifles in the USA.
Pretty sure those are already banned desu.
An AR-15 or the likes that you gun-grabbing niggers always rave and rant about aren't assault rifles, they're semi-automatic rifles and it's illegal to modify then into becoming fully-automatic.
>Inb4 "just ban semi-autos then lmao"
Nearly every gun owned by US citizens are semi-automatic. So that would practically be the same as banning guns outright.
As for whether or not gun owners should be drug tested, no, not really.
If a drug test would ever be necessary it should only happen alongside the background check you already have to go through when buying new guns.

drug test all voters

becouse of guys like this you should own a ghostgun

I smoke lots of weed and own lots of guns.
Come get them.

Going to the gun range high was pretty fun desu.

That would clearly be an infringement

>Pretty sure those are already banned desu.
They aren't banned you just need a bump-stock/tax stamp.

so what drugs make you fail the test? lol

lol what is a druggie afraid of exactly?

Pretty much everything but they stopped testing for mushrooms and peyote

what? so if i took some advil yesterday i get my guns taken away?

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How about drug testing all non-whites?

kys shill

Drug tests for gibs, you faggot... not for rights protected by God and enshrined in our Constitution.

no, anything illegal or anything you shouldn't be taking if you are in a safety sensitive position. I live in Alaska so any of that nonsense doesn't apply here anyway.

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Is this supposed to be an attempt to parallel drug testing for welfare recipients to gun owners? If so then I'd like you to cite which Constitutional Amendment gives you the right to my tax money and which one gives me the right to keep weapons you gun grabbing parasite.

Jokes on you I only smoke a-PHP

Yeah cuz everyone knows the criminals are all registered responsible machine gun owners.Your sick dream of leaving innocent law abiding families defenseless and at the mercy of blood thirsty killers shows every American how you'd like them to be found... I am watching you, religiously!

I just drug tested myself, test positive for gun.

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Precedent. Is there a high violent crime rate among pot smokers or junkies? If not, what would such legislation solve if it is not a problem in the first place. No one invents solutions to issues that do not exist. Some people crave to their very core authoritative control. Others think junkies keep guns when they can be sold for junk. Sheesh.

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The police would exempt themselves from this I am sure


Also sage in options

The only drugs deranged mass shooters are on are legally prescribed drugs that schizos and depressed sufferers of "ANXIETY" are given by jew doctors that accomplish nothing but fucking someone's brain up.
No legislation would come out drug testing gun owners because they would just find out that big pharma is behind a huge amount of the drugs that every day Americans are on.
Although that's not to say that druggies don't commit crime because they definitely do, but I find that the druggies only commit crime in nog infested cities. Lot's of pot smokers here in my state but because we're still mostly white, crime is still pretty low

Your more likely to pull the trigger on alcohol than any other substance out there.

Listen here, chief, you and all you liberals who wanna take my guns need to understand one thing of great importance, the only thing stopping the communist Chinese from having the balls to invade this country are patriots like myself; the only thing stopping ISIS from coming back and taking over this country are brave men and women like myself who exercise our right to bear arms as is written in our constitution and frankly the only god damned thing stopping Demo-rat punks like you from totally going full Chinese authoritarianism and killing us all is the FEAR that you know we’ll be coming for ya! You know we’ll give you a god damned fight like you’ve never seen let me tell you, you god damned little chicken neck panty waist scum! You wanna take my ability to defend myself and my family from tyranny you come take em you god damned coward but you don’t have the BALLS, you don’t have the life force to take guns from patriots like me and folks all across this country, you’ll send your drones, your slaves to do your dirty work for you because “oooh I can’t win a reasonable debate and discussion, oooh I have to send the government to do it for me” - real America hates you! And everyone like you!

Based boomer posting

Take it a step further and drug test to be eligible for any Amendments.
Would the US be any worse off if druggies couldn't
>speak freely
>have a fair trial

I'm 100% for this. But only if you drug test all welfare recipients first. Good luck, monkey.

>It is established law that you cannot own a gun if you are addicted to drugs, so why not require all gun owners to take a monthly drug test?
So what you are suggesting is that the congress shall make some sort of law that would infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms?

>TFW the majority of gun-related crimes are committed by the very people the gun grabbers pander to

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why tho
how many mass shootings are done under the effects of recreational drugs (that would show up on a drug test)
seems like it's usually antidepressants, alcohol or nothing at all

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Drug test all voters.
And check their ID too.

wtf is that, why do they keep jumping on her

>Should all gun owners be subject to a drug test?
Police officers first, and YES steroids count

Cops Busted Running Major Steroid Ring—Selling Roids to Other Cops For Years

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If someone keeps bringing up "mental health" as a reason to disarm people just mention this


Then call them a rasicst for good measure.

All reddit posters should be shot.
All people attempting to infringe on the ownership of weapons by free-men should be shot.
OP should be shot for being both.
Faggots are worse than useless, they are traitors.

You can cheat on drug tests. I used synthetic urine and I passed just last week lol.

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>Should all gun owners be subject to a drug test?

They should do a BMI test and fail those above 30 or below 18.
