Why do I have to explain to people that being short (at least to my degree of being 5'3) makes life harder and makes...

Why do I have to explain to people that being short (at least to my degree of being 5'3) makes life harder and makes people dislike me? Anytime I explain that girls don't like because I'm short they ignore that plain as day evidence from 90% of women everywhere. A lot of people pick on that aspect of my life and all I hear is "just own it" when those same people never have to "own" being ridiculed their entire life just for a cosmetic feature.

I just don't get it. Having to validate my depression to so many people just to be called a narcissist and paranoid. My life sucks and its all because i am short.

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Cheer up, pal. Even many world famous dictators are not high people (Napoleon, Franco, Putin, etc.).
Did you get the idea? Height isn't the main thing.
Focus on your personal development.
Best wishes.

being a manlet is suffering but women don't hate you just feel unsafe around you since any huge chad can just go through you. you have to build up your charisma.

I really want to believe I can be greater but all I can see is people against me because I am short and a genetic failure of the gene pool. I just want one person to treat me like I'm human

people like you don't actually want to help people like me, you guys want to see me try and fail so you can kick me more when I'm down

Do you have any girls that like you?

In the past ive had a few girlfriends. It was only high school so it wasn't serious. Outside of that nothing. A girl might say I'm not ugly, but no woman on earth can look past my height

I wrote a long message for you and then I forgot my adblock was on.

TLDW: The only reason you are miserable about this fact, the world looks much more hostile and so on, is because you judge other people based on their height. Accept yourself, accept the others, retire in a blissful state of mind.
All of us have things we perceive as innate "flaws", things we are born with and can't change. If it doesn't bother us, we've accepted us and those like us in same regards.

Godspeed user.

>Why do I have to explain to people that the sky is green and 2+2=5?
Literally you. You are a whiny faggot who does not want to have a good life.

>no woman on earth can look past my height
In the circle of dating, you're correct. No attractive woman would plan a longterm relationship to curse her offspring with defective genes. Looking past that, in the topic of hookups would you believe you have a shot at casual sex?

Seeing as men of his height or even shorter manage to breed just fine, it is safe to say you are as retarded as OP is.

lmao you belong in the circus as an exotic exhibit for chads tall family to laugh and throw peanuts at.

I try to live with myself as much as I can, its just nights like these where I'm up at 4am because all i can think about is this girl I was talking to and how she would be interested in me if I was just a few more inches taller. It just makes me realize how much bad stuff wouldn't happen to me if I wasn't born this way. I get what you mean though, eventually ill have to accept it for what it is but I can't find peace in that

I love comments like these, they don't have rhyme or reason, its just attacking me because I'm short. Are you saying im making baseless claims? Are you saying I chose to be treated like a lesser being my entire life? Are you saying I enjoy crying myself to sleep for years because I couldn't do anything in school when I was being bullied everyday for being 5'0 tall? I don't know. It doesn't make sense.

Eh. I know a lot of short dudes that live perfectly fine lives. The fact that you feel the need to validate your depression just proves what a whiny little nothing you are. People don't dislike you because you're short they dislike because you're angry, bitter, annoying and short.

>attacking me because I'm short
Stop lying. Nobody has done this. People have attacked you because you are an obnoxious whiny faggot. Nobody cares about your height but you lie to yourself that it's the root of your problems. Realize and admit the truth: all your problems come from you being mentally ill.

>men his height breed just fine
what is this, the 1300s in mongolia? men under 5'6 are socially castrated from sex, I feel bad for you OP. Accept that women aren't seeking you and live out a peaceful hermit life.

>People have attacked you because you are an obnoxious whiny faggot
t. Chadrolus

>men under 5'6 are socially castrated from sex
That's so weird because I know a large amount of men in my personal life under 5'6" that do just fine. Granted, they are usually with shorter women but I think the difference is they aren't whiny little assholes about it. Its safe to say you are retarded as OP is.

user I can't see normally without sight correction more than 10cm from my nose, I see people freaking the fuck out because they get to wear glasses or some fucking shit for 2h a day and it deems them "ugly" every fucking day. And I see every day, how they suddenly go " BUT OH NO THEY SUIT YOU".

Accept yourself. I can probably get attacked by a boar and think it was a rabbit 4 steps away from me. Only way this is hurting me in my day-to day life is when I try to compare myself to whatever standards.

If you think about it at 4am, you know you haven't.

I would say no, I don't have the emotional stability to allow myself to sleep with another person and never contact them again. Ive never liked hooking up. I used to in the past and it didn't fulfill me at all

The only people who have wives and children at my height are either ethnic or rich

I guess ill say that I've had a few women outright tell me I'm too short, in high school a girl laughed at my height but I don't hold much weight to it because she was a child basically much like i was.

You can argue I feel this way because I'm depressed sure, but there's no way you're telling me I'm making it up. Far too much has happened to me for it to be me generalizing my pain. 9 out of 10 women outright wouldn't date me just because I'm short and the 10th one would leave me for someone taller. I don't see why this has to be argued. Tall people are loved and adored by everyone. Again, I'm being called whiny when if you were to change thr topic to "oh I can't find a SO" because I'm ugly I wouldn't receive that same reception. Just think introspectively and I hope you can see what I'm meaning

Safe to say you're a lying faggot, you live nowhere with dwarves. OP would be happier becoming a fetish doll for tall chicks to trample on than settle for womanlets uglier than him.

Honestly your best bet is a gf who is even shorter than you.


Shortstacks are taken, so OP is left with 4'11 womanlets who'll cuck him anyways.

Fuck dating dude, you're not born for it, literally.

of course it's harder but your mistake is explaining it

people don't like to hear they have an unfair advantage (makes them feel guilty and discredits their accomplishments) and more so they don't like to listen to other people complaining about how hard their lives are because they don't care, frankly, and in their selfishness it's a burden to listen to negativity

of course you have it significantly harder than taller people. I'm 5'6'' and I already can tell I'm disadvantaged though it's not midget territory like you yet.

the solution is to be cocky about it and 100% pretend it's okay or even an advantage. People are dumb enough to look at others to see how they should feel about things and if you feel okay about it they might just be like "oh its actually kinda cool"

in practical scenarious ie a girl calls you short af, reply with for example
>yeah, and girls love it
inevitably she says
>no girls like tall men
to which you reply with some stupid up your own ass shit like
>not when im in the room

it's retarded but it works, you just have to be (or even just act) irrationally confident and your problem, albeit not disappear, will be much smaller

Im at a stage where I'd trade a foot of height for eyesight, I just can't stand living like this. People always tell me I compare myself too much to the point where I'm hurting more than helping. There's always someone who has an interesting perspective on my issue and makes me think more about what I go through and how they handled it. I appreciate this post

Here are you free replies, you can stop now

I haven't had a real reason to pursue any kind of women anymore, I feel like a girl shorter than me wants a guy much taller. Its a biological thing. The girls I had success with were my height or taller in the past.

>pretend to be a retarded midget, you'll get laid

this is a troll

People born with worse conditions than you manage to get laid, stop complaining.

Your legs deserve to be broken, maybe you'll appreciate your privilege then.

also don't listen to the people in this thread because they'll honestly never understand what it's like to be a short man. Even those that say that have successfull short friends don't see the shit they've had to overcome. These struggles don't exist for them thus they'll never understand.

You're 100% right in your feelings of being disadvanted and aren't just a "whiny bitch". The point is that there are steps you can take which actually help you and those which don't. Choosing to feel victimized all the time is counterproductive, however right and true in reality it might be.

You want something that will make you more desirable to women?
Learn the guitar, truly learn how to play an instrument. Can be drums, bass, something else. Women will go after it.
You think height negates shit? Get more attractive pluses to get more puss.
Want to go after bookish girls? Read more books, develop interesting opinions, look like a general intelligent man who will provide a good-ass conversation. And maybe more.

If you don't want to work for your level of attractiveness I can't help you.

if you're too socially inept to be able to make a slight joke on your own behalf without turning yourself into a clown then you're probably fucked for good sorry

Idk if it's true that all girls want a guy much taller than them, I'd think there's be plenty of girls perfectly happy with a guy just a bit taller. Otherwise why would you have had success with girls taller than you but not shorter? Idk seems to me like your height would be far less likely to be a factor if you were taller than your gf.

No what that shows is a lack of self respect, don't make yourself to be the joke.

I usually never go out of my way to explain why I'm sad about being short. I have only explained it to my mother and a few people I know on discord because they worry about me. My mom thought I was ridiculous. I'm not in many situations where I can try that out but if I'm at work ill definitely do it, I have nothing to lose from those assholes. Back in high school I used to do dumb stuff like that and it got me a girlfriend and a hookup but I didn't think it would work outside of there.

Those people don't have any connection to me, and more often than not they either had money or are tall or taller than said woman

I don't have any hobbies. Is it possible to just pick up guitar? People tell me I'm good with words and speaking to people but I'm very timid in the sense that I don't want to talk to a lot of people because i hate people looking at me. I'm willing to put forward some effort

there's a difference you're just no socially savvy enough to feel it. it's a fine line but the divide is there.

you show getting shat on doesn't shake you but you don't start dacing around pretending to be a leprechaun either.

that shows you respect yourslef AND shows that you're willing to give people who start shit with you a second chance i.e. your ego isn't too fragile and you're not too insecure to forgive their foolish transgressions. it actually makes you more respectable.

of course if they keep piling midget jokes at you there's a point that comes very soon when you need to stop it sternly

Sadly, I'm at a height range where that is hard to come by

your mother probably took it as a personal attack and started feeling guilty for not marrying a taller dude or not feeding you enough or not pushing you into sports or some other meaningless shit and it felt uncomfortable so she dismissed it as you "being ridiculous". your mother doesn't truly care about your hardships and that's just the way it is, it isn't wrong nor right for her to feel that way, it just is. People mostly just care about themselves. Also, discord friends aren't really friends.

It sucks but you need to either get a real friend who you can tell this shit to or just keep it to yourself, otherwise it's just going to do you harm.

Why are you lying? You sound like one of those bitter 6'3" virgins.

>I don't have any hobbies
>I complain often to people why my natural state gives me less chance with women

There's your problem. Most of us are 5/10 or less without effort put into it, when we do shit, that's when it goes up.
I look shit ugly to men, then I started taking care of myself properly, in a way that I appreciated myself more. Now I'm probably 7/10, but depends on whoever is rating me.

Get an attractive hobby, get good with it. Everything you can be decent at with practice, even you can get good at it without that much of an effort, just consistency and interest in it.

When you do, you will be much more confident and your interactions will be like this: Hey I'm user (5/10), I can do so and so, and you show them +1/3 depending on girl who values this.

Good luck.

If you really want to escape from your height just move to Asia where everyone is shorter. Plenty of women in the high 4's around

honestly you """"""knowing"""" people doesn't mean jack shit. You can't understand even if they were to tell you their struggles with being a short man today, because you've never experienced it.

The guys who are the most successful with women are nearly always a bit shorter than average. 5'7" to 5'10" seems to be ideal. I have practically never seen a tall guy with much success attracting girls.

that's because you stay at home 22 hours a day

It hurt me to my core when my mom couldn't understand it. I wanted one person to just tell me I'm not crazy and she said that to me. I still hold some pain in my heart from that day, ill take that into consideration though. Realistically there isn't anything she could do right in that scenario when you put it like that. thank you user

The only hobby I have is lifting so far. Not really an "attractive hobby" I suppose.

This is just plain incorrect unless you're not in America or something.

here comes the jealous manlet

>Is it possible to just pick up guitar?

have this gift

Attached: Guitar_Resoruces.png (1074x4137, 536K)

have this too

Attached: 03ULtO5_d.jpg (640x228, 13K)

and this

Attached: Playing_Guitar.jpg (1560x736, 397K)

If OP was 6'3" I wonder what excuse he would use for being such a failure.

You are factually incorrect. But no amount of reason will reach out to you. You want to be a miserable piece of shit. You do not want to be helped. Nothing can be done unless you change.

Not OP, but thanks user. I've dropped it a long time ago, and now my electric is just sitting there, been looking into starting over again.

If I was 6'3 I'd have a girlfriend and a car and a drivers license

I don't see anywhere in that post where I wasn't objectively speaking and taking advice. Both of these replies are another example of ad hominem for no reason other than me being short.

if OP was 6'3 he'd be having sex and riding life on easy mode.

Do you use a broomstick to reach the floor petal? how do you live as the size of a child?

Google "short men with beautiful women" and find another excuse

>I can't get a driver's license because I'm short
OP confirmed for being a bitter 6'3" virgin trolling.

so find a girl thats 5'1" or 5'2"

I can think of two men I know personally around that height. One is a good-looking, masculine, charming and positive guy. He is popular with ladies, obviously.

The other no one thinks of as "short" because other traits supercede that. He is fat. Enormously, disgustingly fat. His face is butt-ugly. He is loud and obnoxious. There is no other way to describe him than "disgusting fat slob". He is also married and has kids.

OP literally has no excuse.

OP got btfo and left.

I promise you being short has nothing to do with being disliked, that's your self-victimizing and sanctimonious personality taking care of that part.

People hate pressure and they hate people who play the victim. Regardless of the reasons, I've seen this to be more or less unanimously true.
You are indeed what would drum up as a paranoid narcissist. Everything else is so perfect except your height? Yeah?

Thats fine and dandy, but I'm sure there's something more to it than just that. The fat guy has something else going for him, or the short guy has something else going for him like money.

Or it was 5 am and I fell asleep, but continue to keep attacking me because I'm short. Let it be known that I'm not disagreeing with anyone, I know there's more I can do. Its soul crushing how much people like you only want to hurt me because I'm not tall.

Its crazy how people can tell me I'm making stuff up lol. I just don't understand it, why can't you put yourself in my shoes? I'm not paranoid, people have made fun of and ridiculed me my entire life because of my height. I didn't wake up one day hating myself for no reason.

Did you not read the post? The short guy who girls like a lot is handsome, masculine, charming, and positive. That's more than enough to get girls swooning over him.

What part of "you are behaving like an insufferable cunt" did you not understand? If a 6'3" guy was such an angry asshole as you he too would be a kissless virgin.

Motherfucker, I'm 6 1 and I'm alone.

Threads of tall guys being lonely occurs here almost weekly.

It's not your height.

Women don't hate/like you because you are short. They just don't find you attractive.


but a 6'3 guy has no reason to be a bitter angry grunt, a 5'3 guy has likely been dehumanized his entire life

Franco and Putin aren't/weren't dictators.

Literally everything you said is a lie.

>Putin isn't a dictator
Hello there, Trump's press secretary.