Hookers & gfs

>khv for 23 years
>finally get a gf
>literal roastie whore
>6 guys in the year before
>fucking herpes too
>decide on the practice gf meme
>fall in love
>realize I'm settling for a used up slut
>get drunk and slut shame her into oblivion
>realized that most girls my ages are whores and I fucked up by waiting for so long
>might as well be with the girl I love
>get back together to just repeat it again

So this is the on going cycle that is my life and I honestly don't know what to do. Part me loves this girl and understands a future together would be great (other than this bullshit, she's my soulmate)...

If I'm going to be with her, it's only fair that I fix this injustice. Since I can't change her shitty past, the least I can do I become equally degenerate

Bad idea? How do I make sure I don't regret my decision, whatever it might be...

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well be happy it happened or you wouldn't have met her. As long as she's changed, willing to commit, and keeps things honest you should be ok.

Usually these types won't change unless a phenomenal Man shows consistency first though, so either leave her completely alone or dedicate yourself to being her only one.

Just go back to Jow Forums.

>happy it happened or you wouldn't have met her.
m8 I know that logic, it sounds nice but it's still cucked as shit

>changed, willing to commit, and keeps things honest
without a doubt, she's literally perfect...which is why it sucks she ruined what could've been.

>these types won't change unless a phenomenal Man shows consistency
Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying, but I get the leave her or be with her part...I just wish I could make up my mind

so go back to Jow Forums and continue to abuse my gf while fucking hookers on the side?

great advice, faggot


>>fucking herpes too

Clear case of oneitis combined with first puss delusion.

Seek help. Proceed with highest caution.

What did you say to slut shame her?

yeah, fuck I wish I left before I got it...

yeh nah m8

Call her a whore, used up slut etc.

I feel bad about it, but at the same time no one forced her to act like that

You better be sweet to this girl because she's the best you'll ever have. This is all on you.

>she's the best you'll ever have
I know you're right, but why do you think that?

Also that's pretty fucking depressing that a slut is the best I'll ever have...like it feels like life itself is giving me pity fuck, which is nice but just real fucking sad

>if she's not a qt virgin and she's been with other men before she's a whore!!!

Grow up and get rid of your delusional Jow Forums fantasy. Men aren't slutshamed into the ground for banging a bunch of women, and only pathetic, desperate faggots slutshame a woman for the same thing.

Don't get back together with her, because you don't deserve anyone.

just hide your powerlevel stupid kid, women are mostly insufferable cunts, the rare bird that gives us butterflies in the stomach are probably once in a lifetime occurance and most of us never experience it

what you feel is your natural instict to fuck them, use them as they use you, dont speak about this unspoken rule

yeah, stop projecting cunt, I was a virgin before her and would have been 100% find to only have sex with one person. Being promiscuous is a shitting thing regardless of gender, also did you fucking read the OP, literally fucked 6 guys in less than a fucking year, please just fuck off

>Don't get back together with her, because you don't deserve anyone.
you know what, I'm literally going to get back with her, just to pump and dump her one last time...after my whore bender

yeah, I understand that now man. Just treat them like whores and if you find that one worth it all, then commit but don't settle and let girls get away this shit

Fuck, I think I want to literally do what I did to my gf, but with multiple women with less time used. Like get them thinking they're got a loyal committed bf, fuck them and then tell them that I would never accept a slut.

thanks Jow Forums, first time in years you've actually helped solve this problem

You have herpes, no good girl will ever want you.

To be fair, getting laid a lot is actually hard as a guy.

OP you chose this girl knowing who she was so you cannot piss and moan now for wanting something better. No girl that is better or has any self respect will want someone like you. You act as if you stepped down for your current gf but you didn't so why should a good girl step down for you.

To be fair, I was young and stupid but I think you guys are overreacting about the herpes. I haven't had a breakout in over a year and I'm just planning a pump and dump strategy with women now, that's all they're worth anyway.

If by chance I find a girl worthwhile, I'm just going to tell the truth that my first gf and love of my life cheated on me. Women and you cucks are literally the dumbest people ever, she'd feel sorry for me and not give a shit.

Again, end of the day I'm planning on doing

>I'm just planning a pump and dump strategy with women now
So you want to spread incurable herpes to unsuspecting women because of your bad behavior? Like I said you didn't step down to this girl but just like her.

>herpes to unsuspecting women because of your bad behavior?
what bad behavior? I treated myself with dignity and society went to shit and I got fucked.

All I'm doing is giving slutty girls consequences for their actions, herpes and a massive releasation that they ruined themselves by not taking sex more seriously. At least I can use this curse for good, that actually makes me feel less shit about everything


>it's not my fault
this is all i'm hearing from you
take some responsibility for yourself you fucking rat

Yeah my fault for falling for my prac gf, I accept that man. I should have just had the first 3-6 months of fun, first-time love and then moved on...nothing I can do about that though.

All I can do is deal with what's happened, fag

You cant make a housewife out of a hoe. Move on

>society went to shit and I got fucked
>All I'm doing is giving slutty girls consequences for their actions
>Like get them thinking they're got a loyal committed bf, fuck them and then tell them that I would never accept a slut
get a grip on yourself and start behaving like a normal human being
otherwise, do us a favour and kill yourself

It's OK if it's a practice gf. However slut shaming her el bring you a whole bunch of problems in the future if you plan to keep dating her, cheating, irascible fights, resentment and so on, no apology will ever work and what I finally did is breaking up with her and I was lucky enough to get a virgin gf after that, but I can't stress enough the fact that I just got lucky.

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>tfw slut gf always used condoms, even when she was on the pill
I'm sorry yours was a brainlet.

>opinion disregarded

>breaking up with her and I was lucky enough to get a virgin gf after
>can't stress enough the fact that I just got lucky.
This gets me, like there's a possibility I could get a perfect girl, but it's so slim and chances are I'll get a more fucked up whore or just die alone.

Alright, I'm going to go masturbate, get high and sleep.

>hey guys i want advice
>but only if it conforms to my sensibilities and supports what I already want to do
go away and die

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she always used condoms before me, I was the first to bareback and creampie her...

are you telling me you can only get herpes through unprotected? cause if so, I've got something I need to do...

>shames women for being promiscuous
>masturbates and smokes weed

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>wanting non-cucked advice is stupid

Marrying a woman and settling down to start a family is non-cucked.
What you're doing is the literal definition of degeneracy.

>smoking weed and masturbating is the same as ruining marriages and spreading STIs
okay, I'm out, you guys are shit at giving advice

except for these legends
everyone else, I'll be thinking of you when I break this whore's heart, and probably at least the next few

buy a dictionary you deenerate dumbass
hopefully somebody teaches you a lesson one of these days

I'm maybe I should make the clarification that I broke with her after I got some hints from my now gf and (possible) future wife.

See, this is the shit I was looking for, I'll try that man

>buy a dictionary
>you deenerate dumbass


herpes and warts you can get even if you use a condom

That's because even a bit of skin contact can transfer the virus

Chipping in to say that most people have herpes, only a minority are unlucky enough to have regular outbreaks.

Don't want to use anecdotes, because I'm just going to get flamers saying YOU'RE HUSBAND/DAD/MUM IS CHEATING THAT'S WHY THEY HAVE HERPES blah blah blah

>settle for the first diseased cunt to touch your peepee
This is your fault user

>most people have herpes
no they don't, not genital herpes fool

the hell is wrong with you? if she's your soulmate ad shit, why did you slutshame her into oblivion. If it bothers you that much I don't think you should continue this, it'll make you and her unhappy

Don't be the beta bitch provider for an used up whore, you weak fucking faggot.
Your feelings are just your insecurity and beta bitch nature trying to trick you into sticking with the first girl who let you put your dick into her vagoo.

It is better to remain single than be the beta supporting a whore.

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>well be happy it happened or you wouldn't have met her. As long as she's changed, willing to commit, and keeps things honest you should be ok.

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>Men aren't slutshamed into the ground for banging a bunch of women,
Protip, men and women are not held up to the same fucking standards, and they shouldn't be, because men and women are DIFFERENT FUCKING GENDERS.

A man with many partners is a man who is high up in male hierarchy, for a fucking reason, because getting many partners is HARD for most men.
For women, getting laid is easy as fuck, and the more partners woman has had, the less perceived value she has to men, because a loose woman won't make for a good mother.

Of course, in order to maintain the civilization enabling cultural technology that is monogamy, both men and women should be socially shamed into monogamy, so we avoid the inevitable conclusion of female hypergamy, which is the consolidation of majority of female attention and sexual affections to the few men that are high atop the male hierarchy, and thus depriving most men of potential partners. This is something that critically destabilizes any society because men who have no prospects of having families and kids of their own, have no real loyalty to the society they are part of, and become a potential revolutionary force.

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Genital herpes can be contracted from HSV-1, too, which most people are exposed too. The likelihood of you contracting genital herpes in a ltr is therefore pretty high.

how many people has she slept with in total?

>which is why it sucks she ruined what could've been.
How did she? She didn't even know you.

You ruined it by not being normally socialised and not having sex for 23 years as much as she did by fucking around.

You know they could sue you for giving them STDs right?

It isn't. It's abyssimal.
Dont spread lies.

Alright, so I might have to research this shit unless some one has resources already

I know user, that's what I'm trying to fix
As insulting as that post is, that's actually the motivation I fucking need. Thanks man

This right here is why I can't take female sluts seriously. My gf tries this standard shit with me all the time and that's the same shit I tell her. What a fucking idiot.

6 in a year before me, literally a virgin before deciding to slut around

>How did she? She didn't even know you.
>Not knowing someone allows you to hurt them without consequences
That said, I know I fucked up by being a retard for the first 23 years. Nothing I can do about it now except try and catch up to her degenerate level. Thank good hookers are legal in my country.

Yeah, that's what I'm hearing, but I'm thinking I could play dumb and act surprised (remember my first gf and love of my life cheated on me, so she must have given it to me :P). That said, like I'm going to give these life ruining cunts my real name

>That said, I know I fucked up by being a retard for the first 23 years. Nothing I can do about it now except try and catch up to her degenerate level.

I don't know I'm a 25 year old virgin and I feel a lot less retarded than you, I don't even have herpes

Don't try to turn a ho into a housewife. They're that way for a reason.

You did nothing of the sort you shrimp dick piece of shit. Stop pretending to have confidence online to make up for your sad, action-less life.

This is a good advice

Love is accepting someone for who they are. You don't love her. You want to seek petty vengeance and make a right with at least two wrongs.

You're also a snowflake that can't handle any criticism.

Herpes spreading degenerate.
Kys. Please.

>25 year old virgin
>not retarded

whatever you want to tell yourself, fag

>Love is accepting whores

yeah no, there's a reason I'm not taking any of your fucking criticism, it's fucking retarded shit

lol since I've had this understanding, I've finally stopped wanting to kill myself. I'll die one day, but until that day might as well fuck around.

communicate, negotiate, be honest, do things together, plan for the future together
Anything missing?

Is she good to you now?
Is she faithful? Does she clean and cook? Does she make you comfortable after work? Is she responsible with money? Do you both want/not want kids?

If yes to all, then get the fuck over it. If no, dump and move on.

>we live in a society
You are scum.

I was a virgin till 28 and my gf is much more experienced than me.

Catching up is a retarded concept.

I did all those things and tried my best to make it work, I suggested we just don't marry (no shame in that desu) and she blew up. Women are fucked retarded, they act like whores but don't want to be treated as such and still expect to be married and all that shit

She's literally perfect, but for the one thing that actually matters, it's probably what sucks the most about this...what could have been had she not been a slut


Good to know there's someone out there more fucked than me, thanks man

>Men aren't slutshamed into the ground for banging a bunch of women
Rightly so.

>women attract passively
>wait until guy approaches you
>let him smash or not, you're only job is being the judge

>men attract actively
>approach women, prove yourself as attractive
>get laid

It's not a double standard because they are in different situations.

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>Good to know there's someone out there more fucked than me
I don't have herpes and me and my gf actually love each other though.

>Since I can't change her shitty past, the least I can do I become equally degenerate

Terrible idea. Realize that what you’re saying is you’re considering changing your own values just because of a roastie?? Think about that


I’m 27 and just got my very first girlfriend. I’m grateful tho my gf wasn’t a promiscuous whore. She only had sex with 3 other men before me, and all 3 were relationships that lasted more than 2 years each

It’s not being redpilled to say that you should never abandon your values for a woman

It is. Too many men actually do that.

Meaning those guys will be harder to compete with, since they left big imprints.

I honestly forget I have it, and it's not like I'm going to tell anyone other than anons online so that doesn't mean shit, m8. Also
>me and my gf actually love each other
grammar aside, I don't know how you could assume she loves you, it's literally impossible for the cunt. That said, glad you finally found some hole, just don't pretend it matters anything important.

Honestly, I'm starting to think I could maybe deal with a girl with 1/2 partners max but mate, you aware that your girl was being constantly dicked for a solid couple of years before you? how the fuck are you okay with that?

Yes and it’s pathetic. You should never ever abandon your values.

Honestly I don’t really feel like I’m competing with anyone. Plus, when we first started dating, when she asked me how many people I’ve been with, and when I told her she’s my first gf she was shocked. But she’s made this relationship thing incredibly easy for me. She actually told me a few weeks ago that this is her more rewarding relationship

>how the fuck are you okay with that?
Here’s the thing. I’d much rather a girl have had sex in a relationship where it’s safe and there is more to it than just sex. It shows she values herself because she’s not spreading her legs to random men and it shows she sees sex as something special.

>I don't know how you could assume she loves you, it's literally impossible for the cunt.
Because it's obvious.
I'm her first actual love.

>Plus, when we first started dating, when she asked me how many people I’ve been with, and when I told her she’s my first gf she was shocked. But she’s made this relationship thing incredibly easy for me. She actually told me a few weeks ago that this is her more rewarding relationship
Same, except it's her first rewarding relationship.

>She actually told me a few weeks ago that this is her more rewarding relationship
of course she'd say that, but you'll never know the truth
lol I'd rather she just keep her fucking legs closed, but to each there own

>I'm her first actual love.
>implying she didn't say that 5 times before

>of course she'd say that, but you'll never know the truth
She didn’t have to say anything at all desu.
>i’d Rather her keep her legs closed all together
Well of course, but late twenties women that are virgins don’t exist. But there are definitely quality women who aren’t virgins. They are the ones who keep sex within relationships. They value themselves and value sex.

They are not like the gross roasties who think sex is a recreational activity and fuck Tinder guys because they are bored

>implying she didn't say that 5 times before
Nope, she didn't.

>she didn't have to say anything
Probably sensed you're biological disgust of her and she tried to reassure you.
>late twenties women that are virgins don’t exist
thank god, I can still fuck 18-21 year olds, there's got to be one decent check out there still..

again, whatever you say man...not like women can lie n shit

Not like they can tell the truth either.

>Probably sensed you're biological disgust of her and she tried to reassure you.
Why would I be disgusted of her? She’s a very respectable person. She values herself and values me. She wasn’t a roastie whore

Both of you are human trash so you deserve each other. But if you want help so bad your problem is

>brain filled with autistic Jow Forums memes
>inexperience causing bad judgment
>first love syndrome

Make the breakup with that whore final and apologize to her for being such an autist. If you actually contracted herpes than just an hero. If not than I would recommend hitting the gym and practicing some basic conversation and friendship because you clearly do not have the ability to handle a relationship.

This. why dont brainelts understand this?

>fucking herpes too
>yeah, fuck I wish I left before I got it...
wtf, mate!!!
Just fucking marry her, or find a better herped up cunt. Either way, you're fkt