What does pol think about polyamory?

You can call me a cuck or degenerate all you want to, but I like the idea of polyamory.

I am not a very jealous dude, so I don't really care if I am dating a girl that also has other boyfriends. I just ask for respect. If she goes and fucks another guy at least make sure he is clean. I am also not a monogamous person, I want to date more than one woman at a time.

I honestly think that polyamory is the future and monogamy is slowly on its way out. I think that once guys learn to share their girls with other guys and vice versa, then the world will be a less violent and more harmonious place. There will be far less violence involving cheating because people wont be as jealous anymore.

Polyamory is also nothing new. Researchers say that polyamory was more common during our days as hunter gatherer tribes.

It's not degenerate, weak, or cucked. It is just the future of relationships.

Attached: polyamory.jpg (700x469, 79K)

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Polygamy works for the Krassensteins brothers

Attached: 1543699699410-01.jpg (668x800, 230K)

men want promiscuity so they can be less selective
women want promiscuity so they can be more selective

It's not going to work out like you want. You'll get nothing but your left hairy palm while her and girlfriends share chad.

lol faggot

there is only polygamy and getting cucked, no exceptions.

Those brothers are such caricatures of Jews that some of that tweet I could believe he actually tweeted. "Intubated tushes" and "braap slavers" gave it away.

2 deep

hahahhaa no.
tyrone and shlomo more like

>doesn’t mind getting cucked
Send me your girl


Polyamory will become mainstream soon, but luckily we will have ai waifus by then so it won't matter really


Society will fucking collapse, when my wife cheated on me I suddenly stop caring, moved to Australia and am currently on welfare.
Tried just sleeping around, doesn't work still don't care.
Men only work their guts out for their family, I could give a shit now

it work if you're a cuck from the start user.
Non cuks want to have children of their own, and be as certain as possible of that. It's our way to transcend user. Our blood into the future.

Attached: ask questions dave.png (622x1381, 1.27M)

that can't be their real names -"krass and stein" they're taking the piss

probs manufactured by an agency/state dept


Women have less reason to want monogomy then men outside of money. And the gov will make sure they get your money. This is a lose for all men.

It's a psyop to deconstruct the family and normalize Islam.

>multiple women?
completely natural and redpilled
>multiple men?

can I get this pic without the shitty reddit tier explanation of the joke

My wife and Tyrone said no

shitty is in the eye of the beholder

>normalize Islam

I dunno man, Islam as a religion just looks dorky.
There is a mosque near my house and they all look like faggots in those man-dresses.
The only way they can spread is a war of attrition

Got cucked by BBC, divorce and end up paying her for settlement.
Normal life of American. :)

Did he smoked before writing this?
Almost hilarious.

>It's a psyop to deconstruct the family and normalize Islam.
Really? You think the powers that be want to push us into stoning degenerate women to death, burning them alive, etc under sharia law?
fuck, it just might work.

it dose not and will not work

The having multiple women thing is a fucking joke.
It's funny because of how having multiple women can be seen as being a Chad. In reality, most men would not want multiple women.

The power dynamic of polyamory allows a woman to use their only strength, sexual appeal, on anyone she wants. Why would this be desirable to any man?

>Researchers say that polyamory was more common during our days as hunter gatherer tribes
>something that was acceptable thousands of years ago should be acceptable now
>researchers also say that rape and murder was very common during our hunter gatherer tribes days
>let us embrace rape and murder because our history is literally built on it

flip side, once a woman's youth and sex appeal is gone, she is completely worthless to all men.

absolute degeneracy

Attached: Chad.png (1080x1920, 1.94M)

that's already true

Poor emasculated persons

Good Stuff

>completely worthless to all men

This is true, even totally weak men the age gap is still 8 to 10 years tops.
Seriously go out and fuck a 44 year old divorcee they all say they haven't been laid in years

it really depends which kind of women

Attached: polygamy.jpg (940x705, 338K)

>The having multiple women thing is a fucking joke

Its multiple women NOT multiple wives

>I just ask for respect
>make sure he is clean
>it's not degenerate, weak, or cucked

LOL what a dumbass. Enjoy AIDS and super-herpes you degenerate weak-willed faggot cuck.

nah, one woman is enough for me.
have you seen these bitches?

>make sure he is clean

I have had sex with women that are in these types of arrangements. The only thing I see them have boundaries on is oral sex, they'll fucking everything else though.
Make sure he's clean? they don't even make you wear a condom if you are over six foot

Every man between 25 and 30 should be issued two loli wives by the state. They will marry and he will continue to raise them. The father of each loli girl, in cooperation with the state, shall interview and screen the man for some time to ensure that he is not a degenerate and that he will raise the girls properly as his wives.

Attached: 9.jpg (852x480, 49K)

There are two types of guys that sleep around with multiple women/don't mind sharing their women: niggers and faggots.

You're dumb. I have 2 girlfriends and we have partners regularly. But I do not allow my regulars to have relations with other men. You live with me, I'm your man. They can be with however many girls they want.

and of course by "women" I mean guys have women, one woman per guy, sorry if grammar was confusing