It's not a fake.
CNN, beyond stupid
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Get the firewood.
reminder "witches" unironically tried to cast a spell to kill trump, ignoring their own neo pagan wicca doctrine, "do no harm"
and got blocked by based frog.
is there a reason feminists are now larping as witches
haiti connection
Is witch now the new word for spinster?
Mental illness and feminism are strongly correlated. Unfortunately for them, mentally ill feminists are every bit as incompetent with metaphysical work as they are in the material world.
t. Gnostic
Actually that "do no harm" is new age shit, Wiccans are the "rule of three" guys
>is there a reason feminists are now larping as witches
Haven't they always...
im fairly sure they will believe whatever you tell them, it was the spirit cooking shitters who did what I said about.
One of the most beautiful sounds in the world is that of a witch on fire. Their screams are glorious.
Careful with that edge, faggot.
>which kind of witch are you
feminine mentally-ill commies everywhere
To be fair, it was on fox as well. Either way it's gay
Fuck witches, may the Emperor burn them for eternity.
> implying neopagan snowflakes would follow dogmas against their snowflakeness
> implying neopagan snowflakes aren't neopagan just because paganism today is just the religious arm of the SJW movement
That's it, Drimpfghf, I'm done. I'm with her nau
Absolutely accurate and hilarious
>God isn't real.
>Witch craft is.
I Fucking hate liberals.
Why is your tint all orange?
>religious arm of the sjw movenent
The religion of the SJW movement is their dogmatic belief in intersectionality and social marxim. Neopaganism is just a way to virtue signal that theyre lesbian sjw women.
fucking hell, what the fucking fuck
fuck witches
also, fuck trump
how the fuck would you know
Male witch here. I fucking hate the infestation of feminism and sjw into everything. I became in the late 90s, it was about European history, Europe way of life and I was also into black metal and goth and everyone was red piled and pro European.
Now all these groups have been taken over by fucking feminists who are revised it all to be some diversity loving thing.
hate feminists and sjw's for this, not actual witches which is paganism and European religion of nature.
>literally anti-president witches
can't get any more evil than this.
america is so cucked these blasphemers are going to get away with this.
They can't compete with meme magic.