How do I get people to stop using me as leverage?

How do I get people to stop using me as leverage?

I've always been extremely successful and at prodigy level with everything I've done. I dropped out of school in grade 4 and shut myself in for 15 years due to useless parents. I just kind of sat at the computer the whole time, but I came out of it "smart".

I'm magnetic with people, I get hot girls coming up to me and basically drop spaghetti at me, everybody tries to talk to me or become friends. I have everything built from nothing. I'm tall, white, "good looking". I've always been naturally shoved in the leader position without wanting it because everyone else puts me there. People call me "boss" at work and I fucking deliver pizza.

My empathy for people has been horrible. If someone shows dependence on other people or strives for social success, I disregard it. I only care about the means of achieving something and the end result. I don't bother getting a better career than pizza delivery at age 32 because I already have $2000/mo of spare money to basically shove up my ass, it's meaningless.

The only thing I've ever wanted is a girlfriend, but I get treated like trash every time because it's like the girl gets angry that I don't care about these things and still succeed in them. I've had girls act like I'm a person they absolutely cannot leave behind because I'm too useful, they initiate a relationship and 2 days later cheat on me with a fuckhead. I'm constantly hit on girls that just "see if they can win me" then walk away with another man.

My entire life I've been a stepping stone or leverage for other people. Friends that act like I'm their best friend ever, then when someone else that's more socially important comes along (but they lack the judgement to realize these people are puffing themselves up falsely), they shit on me infront of them hard. So I leave then years later they get nostalgic and try to reconnect.

I feel extremely alien in this world, what the fuck am I supposed to do to have ANYONE?

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Stop being jealous of your friends, get some self confidence.
People come and go, if they don't reach out to you, you don't put the work to reach out to them.
Weed it out. Keep the ones who matter.

Start by admiting that not everyone is using you.
Some people are trying to Connect with you and your poor empathy can't judge good from bad.

You could have ADHD or be on the autism spectrum. Probably talking to a mental health professional about these sorts of things would be best. You gave potential to have a really great life, but you are holding yourself back.

But they literally are using me. At work every person practically lines up to talk to me, they have all sorts of questions because they've gotten a taste of my advice.

Guys come up to me and ask for help with their car, what they should buy, what they should use, what they should do. I can see from the corner of my eyes that it's coming and they're preparing their words for me, then it happens. If anything I have is new like a new coffee mug, there is a heavy focus on it and why I picked that mug - then they go buy a new mug themselves.

Girls constantly walk around me and sigh or do things to get attention then do the "woe is me" thing and try to throw as many things about themselves at me as possible. Then ask for advice. They don't do this to other people, it's always me.

If I -don't- help people because I'm starting to find it unacceptable to be used that much they get angry at me like "why won't you help people?". My family mainly blackmails me like this. I'm only contacted for help.

I am very likely autistic in some way, I believe I have OCD as a result of fear of failure. I over think and stress about things to an extreme internally, which means I research everything and come to the best answer before I do everything, so everything comes out "perfect".

I have tried to get mental help. They tell me I'm just over thinking things and I'm doing excellent. My first psychologist was blown away by everything I've done and just told me I need to step back and be happy.

From the 48 Rules of Power.

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Your fantasy fic is shit. You're not going to become a good writer at this rate.

Don't complain. Realize that people will deceive you, use you, abuse you, etc. Instead of complaining, either try to morally improve them. If you can't do that then just put up with them.

t. stoic.

>I'm a super smart genius
>Everyone worships me
>Girls drool at the sight of me
>I succeed at everything I do without trying
>I am literally a demigod
>I was a shut in for 15 years
>I have never accomplished anything in my life
>I have a dead end unskilled job
>Everyone hates me
>Girls don't like me
>I have never had a gf or friends

Sure thing. Completely legit.


Wait, so you are 32, delivers pizza for a living, yet you claim to be successful and at prodigy level with everything you have done?
Look, you might be a cool person, but you are so far up your own ass and that is why nobody wants to date you.

That's the thing though. People from my past see me now and go crazy even when they treated me like a shit when I was a shutin.

I have accomplished a lot in my life, effectively I've done everything alone. Did you drive by motorcycle for 18 hours straight to another country using 1000 bitcoins to lose your virginity to a "Jow Forums celebrity" virgin? Have you traveled at 320kph on said vehicle?

Have you rebuilt your car's engine in your living room without any training? Stripping it down, replacing valves and gaskets etc.

My very first job I was a IT worker bumped up to server administrator within 3 months and transformed an entire business within a year with remarkable growth after asking to work free for a month out of desperation to prove myself, but this also was a problem because I was bruising egos on the totem pole for people that spent many years in school and worked decades to get where they were. They did not want to pay me properly because of this, again used as a stepping stone.

Girls do like me. Last year I slept with over 10 women. But because I didn't like nigger music or didn't want to take selfies with them for their instagram or whatever I was discarded. Also not being dumb enough to support them with my wallet was a massive red flag for them.

None of this is good enough for anyone.

The money does nothing. I got sick of being used and underpaid by my previous job I did for 6 years. I am even a prodigy as a pizza delivery man - old boomers shake my hand, ask me my name and literally tip me $40 on a single delivery. There hasn't been a reason to get a better job, because I effectively make $70k/yr doing this.

I drive around in my nice car and listen to music all day and do nothing else. No uniform, no car-topper. If the rest of my life is shit I'm going to enjoy my job.

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Oh, and sometimes the boomers ask me to come back later to fuck their wives with them.

The world is fucking crazy.

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You're fucking delusional. Even if you had done all of those things, which is doubtful, you have accomplished nothing of note in your life. You're a nobody. Get over yourself. You are not successful. You lack the talent and will for it.

Is this a poor attempt at advertising someone's upcoming novel?

Good for you for making the best out of being a delivery boy.
I mean nothing you can say would make me jealous or make me approve of your decision.
It sounds like you are good looking and charismatic but you wasted every opportunity and settled for a job where at best you get to small talk to boomers.
I mean, it is nice you make money doing it, but at the end of the day, you still delivers pizza.
Nobody will look back in 100 years and remember a good looking delivery guy.

>no education, no skills, first job does better than skilled people with decades of experience
Lel. You just keep getting more and more ridiculous.

>If anything I have is new like a new coffee mug, there is a heavy focus on it and why I picked that mug - then they go buy a new mug themselves.
Do you seriously expect a single person to believe you on something like this?

And you've missed the entire point of my thread.

I do NOT care about social status or climbing any career ladder. Only the means and end result. I don't care about fame, or being known after I'm dead. I -want- to be a nobody.

I have enough money so I won't get another job. Why more stress so my investment number increases? Then there really is no reason to live if I'm that foolish.

All those people their job was secondary. They cared about holding the job at a bare minimum and being able to look smart. They heavily enjoyed prestige and praise, but they did not actually want to work or get an end result. Me, as the bottom of the totem pole, was meant to be used to "pay dues".

I never created this thread to brag, but I cannot explain things that have lead to me being burnt out in 2000 characters any easier way.

The job that I actually did that was skilled I worked with boomers anyways. Doing the delivery job I'm surrounded by young cute girls so it's a way better job.

There is absolutely no reason to strive to be remembered after you are dead. I will never understand this.

Narcissism is a crazy thing huh pizzaboy

Well sounds to me if you really want people to stop bothering you then just be yourself, once people see what a narcissistic delusional autist you are im sure they'll ignore you.

The only delusional people I see are the people that ignore the means and demand the ends, and eat everything up like selfish vultures.

Being a delivery driver, nobody calls me off work to say "hey, we have a client emergency that isn't bread and butter work, and we can't do our own job so can you do the real work for us? Btw you're being paid half of everyone else because they have kids and you've only worked 6 years while they've worked 10+".

>I never created this thread to brag
This is literally the only reason. You keep going on about how you are a superhuman in every way possible.

If you are such a genius why haven't you done something like study at a prestigious university and get a PhD and produce amazing research?

Let’s go OP.
Post %es and cake at the end.

im a psychologist btw, this is the fastest and most effective way I can tell you what you should do.

>There is absolutely no reason to strive to be remembered after you are dead.
Of course there is, what do you think the point of living is?
In my view, one is to reduce suffering, another is to not die.
Seeking one or both of these things leads to a happier life.
The not dying part is usually achieved through doing something that affects other people so you are remembered after you are gone.
>surrounded by young cute girls
You just bragged about other boomers hitting on you while you drive around in your sweet van.
You seem really insecure about this.
All I have ever said to you is that you could aim bigger.

>Narcissism is a crazy thing huh pizzaboy
>Narcissism is a crazy thing huh pizzaboy
>Narcissism is a crazy thing huh pizzaboy
>Narcissism is a crazy thing huh pizzaboy

Use that spare money and travel around, use the smarts to learn languages, if you are fit or eager to try then learn a new ohysical activity like sports or dance.

Maybe local girls aren't your thing

Lol so if you are so smart and know how things should be run then why don't you start your own company???

You're adorable

OP is an ass blasted nigfag trash-humpin son of a sex change daddy

100 pepperonis on my pizza motherfucker or I'mma call your manager

What makes you think you are smart? Because you surely don't sound like it.

> $2000/mo of spare money to basically shove up my ass

So I do and a lot of people at entry level. How much is in your pension, are you on track to retire at 50? What about your house, car, parents nursing and private school for your kids? You know, middle class stuff.

Maybe you're always getting into relationships with scummy people because you live like a low life.

You have to demand respect by acquiring skill. With skill comes power. Capitalize off your skill to make money. People will be forced to respect you because you have money and power. It's not easy and it's a long road.

My retirement is Mr Remmington as it stands right now. Half way through my life and haven't met someone that isn't a shit.

I might be "smart" but I'm extremely unmotivated. It's very demoralizing to be looked down upon by people failing even harder, or people that don't know how far I go to make things right. Most of my friends from when I was younger either had kids at 20 and never grew up at all, ended up in jail, or work in some mine in the middle of nowhere as alcoholics.

A house for myself means nothing. A retirement in a declined body ruined of possibilities means nothing, a bigger bank account number in exchange to going back to being "used" means nothing. Life means nothing to me because other people around me have raped it's purposs into the ground.

Most people don't do 10% of what I do and pat themselves on the back then shit on me.

Anyways thanks for replying everyone. I haven't been sleeping well or at all so I've been in a shitter mood. I knew I'd get flamed to fuck but I like getting to the point bluntly. Otherwise it ends up being paragraphs of garbage nobody reads, but I guess this is too.

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