>I am an average looking guy >18 years old >christian straight guy >I used to be in a very christian comunity school >moved to xyz state >a gay dude hits on me >I told him I am not interested in guys >he goes rage mode, and tells me that he is a girl >I ignore him and just carried on with my life >I got called to the principal office >He tells me that I am discriminating >I kindly explain that I am not into guys >He warms me that I might get sue for calling "her" a guy >I told him that I dont give a fuck, that I wont date him
2 months later, and I actually got sued for discrimination
>dad is furious >our lawyer is telling us that I must say sorry for calling him a him >and that I must "lie" and tell the judge that I would not date "her" because I was not into "her"
So basically I must lie, In court, Or I will go to jail
sue them back saying the faggot did not call you Xenhypezyx, because that's the pronoun you're used to hearing and any other pronouns make you suicidal
Brayden Thomas
You lost to the north? You are using a meme flag you asshole. But being that you are probably a Canadian. It’s called social Marxism
Jaxson Sanders
>Christian school >gay dude that wants be called her it's all so tiresome
There is a thing called freedom of religion in America, refuse to apologize on the grounds that your faith does not allow for you to recognize transexuality.
Alexander Gutierrez
Bullshit Individuals can not be sued for "discrimination" especially not in this ridiculous instance.
Stop posting completely falsified shit purely meant to get people riled up you fucking jew.