My cousin is a single mother who is the typical couch potato in the media trance. All her 10 year old son is facefuck his iphone and play shitty phone vidya. They are pretty much both addicted to lowest common denominator media bullshit.
I told her she should try online dating as I think it'd be healthy for a man in the house. She tells me "its never been my personality to talk to guys randomly." And "its my truth"
she is a little heavy set but not fugly and could be good for some guy out there.
I offered her 2.4 grams of shrooms to break out of her shitty pattern. Is that enough for her? She has never taken any substances before. I don't want to be responsible if she accidentally hurts herself. Feedback please.
My cousin is a single mother who is the typical couch potato in the media trance...
Don't give her shrooms if she's never done anything like that, you extreme fucking idiot,
I've had shrooms that put me in extreme ego death on 2gs and some that 3.5g was just a trippy fuckin time. Do you know how strong these particular ones are?
you are one ridiculously dumb fucker, with family like you who needs a random to step in and destroy her life with drugs.
Let her be, not your problem. You are not her savior.
Just tell her, you're there if she needs help and stop messing in her life. Many people won't listen and you will just waste your time.
Well, what if she sees things differently? Will it lead bad 8/10 times?? I'd appreciate more constructive advice, thanks
seems like another one trolling thread
Its not. Can I get genuine reasons why this is a bad idea? its not crack. its not even LSD.
just fuck her op
I'm honestly surprised with this reaction
Where does she live?
Shrooms are babby's first drug
Grow a fucking nut
im supposed to hand it to her tomorrow. but this thread is giving me second thoughts. should i just renig
>shrooms destroying anything
So do people agree that shrooms is not damaging? I'm gonna give it to her
Do it and update us. BE THERE FOR HER during the experience. If she fucking bad trips, be there to calm her the fuck down.
God speed user.
Thats enough for whatever it is you are doing. but its entirely up to her wether the mush's message will get across. Just don't be stupid and induce negitivity during a trip.
Oh i didnt plan on being there during her trip
Seriously what the fuck. How is taking drugs going to make her life better?
Get your cousin and her kid out of the house and away from their screens. Go for a walk or hike. You can go get a book of local flora and fauna and try to identify different trees and plants.
Go biking. Go swimming. Hit balls at a tennis court (or if there's no open courts nearby, you can hit balls against a wall). Play catch with a baseball or a frisbee.
Whatever. Get them outside and get active. At least do this for the kid. Your cousin may be a lost cause.
Yeah she needs a trip sitter if this her first time, especially if this her first time doing any sort of drug. She might go on a bad trip and do something stupid so you should be there to make sure she doesn’t.
>addicted to technology
Leave her alone. She's not going to change until she wants to which is likely never. Despite being massively interested in technology I've come to hate smartphones and social media and I've been singing from the mountain tops about how destructive they are. The addicts still sit there crunched over looking at their phones all day, getting little dopamine rushes from every unimportant bing and wahoo their phone makes. It got to the point where it was really bringing me down to even think about it so I just stopped paying much attention to them. I do the cordial thinga and talk a bit when we hang out but otherwise I do my own thing. I'd rather find people who aren't hopelessly addicted to their phones (usually people in their 30s who aren't that into tech) and can hold a conversation than try to save someone who doesn't want to be saved
I know exactly what you are trying to do. You don't have a life nor any prospects nor any female around so you are trying to fuck and woo your cousin.
maybe im fucked up for this idea guys. i may keep my mushrooms..
>How is taking drugs going to make her life better?
Shrooms can give a moment of introspection and self analysis to the dumbest monkey in the world.