Can we fix the western woman?
Can we fix the western woman?
Trash breeds trash.
You’re doing it wrong, if you want to meet quality white women you gotta head to these places:
>trailer parks
>mental hospitals
>the VFW
No, it's too late.
I remember a obscure show about the American sex industry 15 years ago, there was a segment when they interviewed people on the street and there was a mother and daughter saying how they went to swing parties together.
She looks great for a 60 year old and she should show off her body.
The daughter is a fucking whore tho.
They belong to us!
No, but I'd take Mom over the younger one any day. I'm old, and finding women 45+ that aren't fat sacks of shit is rare as fuck,.
Fix? No. Fuck the crap outta both of them? Yes.
People in 1910
>I bet someday man will cure all disease and maybe even travel the heavens
People in 2018
id bang em both 2 for 1
So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?
That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)
stop bitching and do something about it
You know what to do...
ill take the mommy plz
There is no hope
I don't see anything wrong with this. Any virile man would want the entire blood line.
>fucking both mother and her doughter at the same time
>the entire blood line
the west is not worth saving
>Can we fix the western woman?
Women are a product of the times. There is nobody to blame for the behaviour of western women other than western men themselves.
I think the real question is can we develop an artificial womb before we go extinct
Gives us her name user!!!
I’m an immigrant due to my family moving here when I was a child from Eastern Europe. Western women are awful I would much rather be alone than pursue any of these uptight and boring women.
Who are you to say they're "broken"?
So the mom got beaned? Or why does the daughter look like la creatura 56%
We're not meant to fix women, we're meant to replace them.
Gimme that insta please
by this rate we already have, most men today are literally women.
There are literally zero consequences for women when they display bad behavior. Until this changes, women will keep seeing how much more they can get away with.
MGTOW is the only way to try to avoid misery. If you think you're more alpha than the state, which serves every whim of women, you're not thinking clearly.
I would, lord knows i would.
Stronger men who refuse to have premarital sex and a slut shaming society. Also mandatory headscarves for married women.
wtf i love islam now
heh yeah. I used to be a bouncer at this nightclub, where I was hitting on this leggy MILF on a day off. When I told her I was 26, she was like, "You are way too young for me, want to meet my daughter", who was barely legal.
good times.
Those are Christians. But Islam aint as bad as kikes make it out to be.
Well, you know she won't get fat and ugly when she grows up.
Jesus christ, I bet that's why her daughter wanted this picture kek.
First of all fix yourself sissy faggot!
Holy fuck her mum is hotter than her
I agree user, Mom has no tats either and looks fine af. Bet you that pussy is tight af as well.
cringe and blue pilled
wow! everything is black and white!
you're right. its the sandniggers that constitute most of its believers that are the problem
Yeah yeah cool story incel, please go and shoot up a school. Oh and don't forget to blame jews for everything.
This is self-referential logic though, and is basically repacked traditionalism of "man up", something that is utterly inept in a society with the internet, jet engines and birth control