Devs Dec 27 >DeZ:SDF storms IS held village of Buhasan backed by intense airstrikes >YPG forces digging tunnels around Manbij as Turkish military op approaches >Syriac Christian militia issues urgent call to Trump to protect them from Turkey >Israel claims it targeted Iranian storage facilities&SAA anti-aircraft battery on Dec 25 Airstrikes. SAA claims Israel bombed SAA storage facilities in Qatana town, 1dead,3 inj >Turkey reveals locations of French military bases in Syria: >US builds two military bases in Iraq along Syrian border: one in N Rumana subdistrict (in Anbar’s Al-Qaim district),2nd in city of Al-Rutbah >Syria to begin flights to Tunisia after long absence >UAE embassy in Sy reopened. Bahrain to reopen embassy in next 10 days >Al-qaeda militants claim they killed 20 Sy soldiers in N Lattakia >SAA deploys hundreds of soldiers west of Manbij >24000+ Syrian refugees return from Lebanon and Jordan over past month >Saudi Arabia denies pledging new funds to reconstruct Syria >IS carries out another attack on Egyptian forces in N Sinai >Iraqi MPs demand US withdrawal after ‘arrogant Trump visit’ >Russia, Turkey to hold talks on Syria soon
It's not gonna matter - Turkey will still enter the north syria to make sure the k*rds are removed. Funny how the k*rds think giving Assad ''''''''''control'''''''''' of Manbij will save them. It's such a pathetically weak trick. When it comes to North Syria, the ball is firmly in Turkey's court, and they won't think twice about engaging Assad directly >m-muh russia Highly delusional if you think Russia will go to war with Turkey over north Syria. It's not happening - Turkey will enter Manbij within the next three months. Screencap this post.
Brandon Gonzalez
>that ass
P-please /sg/ I'm o-on a n-n-no-fap
Joseph Perez
>return to Palmyra DLC >play as Tiger Forces too bad Repub Guard are absolute dogshit ingame
have mixed feelings about drumpf but I find it funny that in the midst of him being accused of being a Russian spy for the past 2 years he's being attacked for not siding with literal commies
a few things relating to posts about religion last night.
first of all this >God, as far as I see it, is the possibility of making a personal appeal to the mystery, and His law simply Is is an unfortunate saying of mine. God is greater. I have no power to define Him.
second this >The new testament was not written by prophets. It's entirely clear and obvious that it is an afterthought. It can not be believed to be religion. is an extremely unfortunate choice of mine. the new testament has led countless to the religion. All I can say in my defense is that I was colored by the jargon of this place, and chose a combative wording, when really mildness and reconciliation was the only right way. This is my mistake and in no way reflects on God or the religion.
as for this >I assume you are either young or are also someone who was brought up by practically atheistic parents but who hasn’t been searching for wisdom/enlightenment/God for too long. this is incorrect. >Choosing a religion isn’t possible and choosing to be religious doesn’t work either. instead of lying to yourself or wanting hasted premature answers, rather dwell silently and pursue reason. I have not said that I am chosing a religion. I am looking for the religion, and asking God, whom I have found, to guide me in this search. As for pure reason (german trademark) I'm fairly convinced that what can be said about it is that its reasonable endpoint is whimpering scepticism; that there are no strong arguments for free will, and therefore no strong arguments for its autonomous existence to begin with; And that it is my belief that the faculty we know as reason can only be realised through the belief in Another, that is: reason confined to and met only by itself, is inadequate, and is at best something which hinders action through self-doubt and at worst something which leads to godless hedonism through self-worship. Humble prayer is realisation of reason. And God knows best.
Evan Cooper
All religions are dogshit
Liam Harris
no you degenerate im a fit 18yo that lifts
David Thompson
>fapped his cock to the death >somehow I'm the degenerate
It's literally the only thing you have left if your cock doesn't work you glorious faggot
Jeremiah Ramirez
>can't get hard in his teens It's over for you desu
Jaxon Gomez
>fapped his cock to the death nope not even
and why the fuck would i wanna stick shit in my ass like a faggot thats disgusting
Hudson Turner
#Breaking #Syria #EasternEuphrates #Russia|n FM #Lavrov said that a #Turkish offensive against #SDF-#YPG in Eastern Syria is "a step toward cleansing terrorism and sustaining territorial integrity of Syria". Russia, so, said that YPG are terrorists.
>stop laughing at me i think its psychological not physical and this makes it better how?
Aiden Hernandez
>posted at 6-7am moscow time >#breaking >no source yea this is horseshit.
Ian Ramirez
>stop laughing at me i think its psychological not physical That's worse, not better.
Anthony Williams
im gonna head into the shower and see if i can hold on brb
Ayden Fisher
>stop laughing at me jesus fucking christ lad. Also maybe don't eat like shit >inb4 but aye lift!!!! Eating like shit still ruins your body even if you lift the weight gain away
Ian Rivera
ladd u arn't gonna find compassion here. at best you will find porn which pushes the problem one week ahead of you until you catch up to it again. lay off the man sauce for a while and think about what you're doing.
Camden Ortiz
in that case Not him, but i can get hard and beat off successfully, but for the life of me, i cannot ever seem to finish through screwing either man or woman, like it just doesnt happen, im too used to finishing myself off.
I was nervous my first time, but that was the first time that happened and never again, as far as I can see if it's not physical then you can overcome it. gotta embrace the bongroach mantra and do a lot of literal sexercise
Robert Ramirez
>Not him, but i can get hard and beat off successfully, but for the life of me, i cannot ever seem to finish through screwing either man or woman, >implying he's tried both What the fuck is going on in /sg/ today?
there is no reason for a harsh tone. we will see, but as yet it ought to be considered unconfirmed.
Nathan Murphy
Exactly, but they also want to put them into box themselves. Do you seriously think Assad is gonna forcefully remove the k*rds from the north?
Josiah Robinson
nope nothing, no avail my diet is really clean no joke.
Angel Taylor
Idk then, the podcast cumtown shills dick pills, maybe try them out
Nicholas Cook
It's all coordinated. Russia will let them butcher the kurds then retake it.
Jason Bell
/Syria "we're totally straight and can have erections" general/ /Syria "we practice erections every day of the week but only to biological females" general/
I just need to hold on for two more fucking weeks man
>reasoning with memeflag "jihadi" Sweden wake up
John Ortiz
Playing Syrian Warfare atm, how the fuck do i do the optional objectives on Damascus Suburbs within the time limit? i keep getting fucking bogged down in the building because my infantry keeps running out of rockets and my BMP's and T-55s get blown up. How did they do it irl?
there for sure must be some fucking intense plotting, scheming and negotiating going on right now. much at stake. but I don't think there is an outcome where Assad doesn't get oil fields, so that's something I guess. It would require some saudi fuckery, but no one believes in MBS anymore so it should be fine.
Dylan Johnson
Looks like they find political decision
Josiah Barnes
..why the fuck are you complaining then? Just don't drink your dick into a numb rod then dummy
James Brooks
>I just need to hold on for two more fucking weeks man how l ong have you been on? I tried a week earlier this year and somewhere around day 5 I realised that I had not ever, in my entire life from the time I first fapped, gone more than like 3 days without having an orgasm. it's a weird thing. at most I've gone maybe 2 weeks in the early winter here, and after some time I got to peace with it, but then I saw this thicc chick with a real, real short skirt being playful with her boyfriend and the rest is history.