My girfriend just got attacked by her brother and he scratched her with the back of a hammer (one of the type that can pull out nails).
My girlfriend of 3 years who i have known for 9. She is not a roastie, I am the first person person she has dated ever. She has a strong work ethic (studying 3 weeks before an easy test just to always get an A). She loves animals and she is right wing populist by the 8values test.
Her brother who attacked her is 17 wheras she is 20. Her brother smokes and grows weed. He drinks alcohol and he smokes cigarettes. Her brother is violent and aggressive towards her and her dad refuses to side with her ever.
Recently(picture related) she was nailing something in her room at 10h30. Her brother came in saying not to make noise and he was sleeping.
She closed the doors to her room and continued making less noise. He returned and then demanded the hammer from her. When she put it down behind her, he went to go and grab it. This resulted in them fighting. She was body slanmed to her floor and he started trying to punch her.
When the fight ended her dad forced her to admit she was at fault and that her brother can do what he would like.
This is not the first time such double standards have occured. Her brother was expelled from school for dealing drugs and using them on school grounds. The father allows him to do as he pleases.
I cannot beat him or I will go to prison. My parents recommend i do not go to the police as they would not care in my country.
Pol please help me what do you think I do.