The Deep State has attacked the US power grid to implicate siege tards.
In retaliation against the Government shutdown, and the Trump Administration, they blew up tansformers, shutting down 911 call lines in an attempt to cause mayhem so they can blame it on Right Wing Americans.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Trump good
>Siege bad
>Government good
>Independence bad
Shut the fuck up retard.
The Deep State already tried this with the Las Vegas shooting.
They're going to use these false flags as an excuse to treat our shitposts like acts of sedition.
SIEGE is behind the yellow jackets, they repeatedly asked Macron to resign despite the concessions he made. I guess he's not enough Israel friendly
Someone post the full image of this
I fucking knew there would be a happening during the shutdown and you'd all fall for it.
75% shills on this board.
bullshit fuck off
Prepare to be treated like a siege tard in secret government trials where you have to represent yourself.
This. go fuck yourself.
Nothing I said implied any of that shit, you sub-literate imbicile.
If you dont like trump and you are on pol you are a fake poster/shill
these shills are fucking braindead
>read siege faggot
Oh yeah the ole guilt by association by bringing the hammer down on a group you created. I don't mean you I mean the power structure.
checked and sauce faggit
It's this:
That's what you get when you support a President who is a Russian spy. He won't stand up to the Russian KGB/FSB/GRU hackers who helped him become President, so now we have this.
Fun Protip: Russians cyber-attacked Estonia, Georgia, and Ukraine's power grid right before they INVADED and took land from these countries without cause.
Putin is probably preparing an invasion of the United States while:
- Trump intentionally fired James Mattis as Secretary of Defense because Mattis will not give Russia and their ally Iran free reign in Syria.
- The Trump Shutdown resulting from his INTENTIONAL last-minute decision to veto a bipartisan bill with 100% Congressional approval he promised to sign only days before, was intentionally designed by a compromised President to weaken America's ability to respond as a Joint Warfighting Force, and damage American military response time.
- Trump is still in office before Democrats impeach him in January.
Trump and Putin both know they only have a week left before Democrats crucify him for espionage against America:
If you're American and you don't want to be invaded by Russia, you'd better start RESISTING TRUMP at EVERY OPPORTUNITY you have, while you still can.
Coming after (you)
Siege fags are retards. Siege is shitty book for retards.
Violent white revolution is however good and highest level of redpill.
Go back to bed, it's literally nothing. you need to get out and get some fresh air and turn off all your electrical devices, and stay away from all media and television programming for at least a week straight. You will feel better after this and I'm sure you close friends and family can help you through these hard times in your life. Be well.
As far as I know the book is a work of fiction that entails what to do when it has already happened to control the chaos and establish a national socialist government. Aka be the "saviour" after we reach the crisis point of our ideological subversion started in the 60s. It's more about let the left do what they do best and rise from the ashes. That's how it was explained to me anyways.
That's correct my fellow Jow Forumstard
Let's all build explosive devices and visit our local synagogues
Your local FBI can show you how!
This is good advice and I am definitely not the same user
Here you go friend
I agree with these fine fellows
Trump is obviously controlled by the jews
Let us all consult Siege and The Turner Diaries to plan our next actions
>no power
>no 911
>"You don't NEED a gun, user!"
>Deep State
Neo-nazis were created by the CIA to demonize Europeans who resisted the Bolshevik NWO. Fight back with love or failing that logic... hatred is bore of itself it is not a medicine.
This feels like an attempt to transform Nazism into a Christian ideal... don't go there son.
>This feels like an attempt to transform Nazism into a Christian ideal
what's wrong with that?
Read the 1st page of siege and felt bored with it. Might is right is a good read though, why would you not want to destroy something that's harming you? Begging the government doesn't work, no state or revolution has ever occurred peacefully.
Ok, list the steps to prevent white genocide without violence, smartarse
>muh white genocide
The best part is that these events took place in leftist strongholds with no strategic value.
>Must be siegetards
Call me when mailmen start going missing and I might believe you.
We are at stage 6/7 currently.
The Jow Forums golems here love a controlled opposition.
This feels like it is highlighting the parts of nazism that revolve around love for your country and peace, or you know, things that dont scream and guy in every single movie western men have been brainwashed by. If your group is all downfall of society and destruction nobody in this modern time will sign on. If you can subvert and use the same tactics as promising peace and happiness to the downtrodden and unhappy it will gain more traction.
>Tl:dr read siege, gheres a time and place for violence, now is not it.
too bad they're too fat to actually round anything up
>Russian KGB/FSB/GRU hackers
will he stand up to the Tavistock institute that hired those Russian hackers?
>Your local FBI can show you how!
no they can't, they did a terrible job that first WTC bombing