im new to Jow Forums what do i do
New to Jow Forums
lurk moar faggot
How old are you? :)
5 in
Just lurk and have fun. Check the boards related to things you like.
How old?
Never tell people it's your first time posting. Also, use a name so people can recognize you and make conversation easier
Solid advice
not op but new to posting as well. where/how can i create pepes? he's my favorite
get out before it's too l8
Leave with whatever you have left.
**use a name so everyone hates you before starting a conversation with you
This. x10000000000000000
Dont let Jow Forums ruin your mind.
Don't tell anyone you're a newfag.
Don't put anything in "Name".
Come on here about once or twice a week. Barely any boards here are wholesome or chill and you will become bitter very quickly. In fact, don't go on Jow Forums before going to sleep. You don't want to end your day on that note.
Don't do the reddit spacing (unless you're planning on writing a novel). It's fucking gay.
If you're underage, don't tell anyone. You'll get banned and everyone will yell "UNDERAGE B&".
Don't go on Jow Forums; it's fucking cancer and you'll be unhappy 24/7.
Try to contribute to the thread instead of just shitting out memes or unnecessarily bumping threads.
Speaking of threads, don't make stupid ones.
>What are the stupid ones?
You'll know if you lurk for long enough.
Use the catalog.
That's all I can think of. If you have any more questions, then I'm sure a quick google search wouldn't hurt. Good luck out there.
There is no way to describe Jow Forums. Any attempt by an outsider to describe us will completely miss the point. And I get where you're coming from because I was once there myself. I've been here for years, but when I'm asked to describe Jow Forums I'm at a loss for words. To truly understand what it is like here, you must stay for at least a month. It's not about the memes, it's about the apathy, the hatred, and the intentional stupidity. The Internet (despite what people say) is not taken seriously by Jow Forums. In real life, I smile and wave to people, I say thank you. But on Jow Forums, I discard my morality. I encourage people to commit suicide. I call respected members of the black community niggers and say that the Jews did the World Trade center. So, my friend, you would to best simply to say we are being assholes for the hell of it. Because the Internet is not serious business. Also, I know I'm going to get flamed up the asshole for this, but fuck off.
Go to reddit instead
Leave before you get addicted for life