My toddler has been at Spanish daycare this week, and she is now telling me she wants "Mitos...

My toddler has been at Spanish daycare this week, and she is now telling me she wants "Mitos." I don't know what mitos is,,, she might be misprounicng it because she is only 2.5.

Any ideas what is mitos?

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..I have no idea probably a Mexican thing and not proper Spanish.

Spanish is my first language and as far as I know mitos can only mean myths. It might be some obscure slang from some south american country. Do you know what nationality they were from?

I'm not sure. I think she is probably mispronouncing it, but is there anything that sounds like mitos a kid would like? A food maybe? A drink?

have you asked her what she means?

Yea she said that we have it in the house. I asked her where and she said "I don't know." Then she told me her frog stuffed animal also likes mitos. Who knows what it is. She is at the age where she calls a banana a mananda so it could be anything. She just keeps talking about it.

The kid wants mintos bro.

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she meant "Pitos"
I'm sorry OP

Maybe she means Fritos, like the corn chips?


that's probably it

This actually make sense and is probably right. op should take note
or maybe is this? both seem plausible.
Why are you such a juvenile cunt? that makes no sense given her age.

Muñequitos, maybe? Kids television? Dolls?

Slap her ass and tell her to speak correctly

Yeah it's Fritos

ask some one at the day care?

This, no self respecting aryan would tolerate this fucking spic tantrum of hers. Beat her ass with the belt OP, take care of her like an aryan mother would her child. Fuck those dirty mexifaggot el goblinas too, get her out of that care they are probably molesting her filthy taco goblins. Good luck OP

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She wants to be told a story.


aka mitos

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I dont know how to spell it, but my grandma use to say dolls in spanisb for my barbies. She called them miniatures "monitos".
Maybe that?

This is also what I thought

>inb4 a monster called mitos begins visiting OP in his dreams
Jokes aside OP this sounds kinda spooky desu

This is really simple... ask the daycare not Jow Forums. Smh

Damn toddlers and their interest in mythology. Kids these days amirite

It's nachos.

Mitos is a slang for cock

based and redpilled

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This. It is known.

>Spanish daycare

>paying money out the ass to poison your kid's mind with as retarded sounding a language as fucking Spanish

>language as fucking Spanish
Look at this anglo cuckold point and laugh at him.

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Mitos = Myths

Myths as in folkloric tales, like the story of "La Llorona, la mano peluda, el chupacabras", etc.
So she's basically saying she wants you to tell her some campfire stories or creepypastas.

Do some research and go for it. That would make for a nice evening.
Pic very related.

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Actually that was funny.

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There are many languages way more valuable in success and business. Slang Spanish only is helpful in the food industry. Mexicans speak shit Spanish, it's like talking to a hillbilly vs talking to the average person from a flyover state. Talking to a Costa Rican or Spaniards or Argentinian is more valuable, and the difference between them and the average inner city Mexican illegal Spanish is like trying to understand ebonics if you're Japanese.

Mandarin, German, French, even fucking Slavic languages have more use.

Might as well know a different language than none at all, just because she could theoritically learn a "more useful" language.
Or hell, why not TWO languages? The one that is easily available to her, and enroll her to learn Slavic or whatever.

Also if chicanos were educated people, they wouldn't have crossed the border. That's like watching MTV and then saying that all americans talk like in Honey Booboo or Jersey Shore.

>she might be misprounicng
What if she isn't? Try to read some stories to her.
Or perhaps it's this Just do both to be sure

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>two languages
"useful" being the connotation. As I specified before.

You could know Sawhili, but honestly it wouldn't benefit you like learning Mandarin would.

I'm not an Anglo. Also, don't use the word cuck as a catch-all term for anyone you disagree with. It makes you appear like an imbecile, unless that's your point?

I'm not quite serious either, as it's better to know another language than not, but I do feel that Spanish sounds moronic. I have to listen to it at work and it's one of the factors that is motivating me to look for another job.

What's weird is that I can listen to Spanish in television and film and not be repulsed by it. But in person that's usually a different story.

We can probably assume that the OP lives in the States, but there are countries where there's a lot of reasonably well-paying jobs to do if you know Spanish. I live in a Slavic country where there are lots of outsourced shared service jobs, and there's a lot of demand for Spanish-speaking employees there.

But you could say the same about German, Portuguese, French, and those languages don't sound retarded, so yeah.

Mimitos. Your toddler wants cuddles.

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The act of learning a language alone is already incredibly good for the brain, especially for that of a young child.

And what part of "easy accessible for her" don't you get.
You could send your children to a concentration camp to meticulously minmax their development for all I care; but if someone else's kid is in a daycare where she can learn Spanish as a bonus, there's nothing wrong with that.

Meat hose

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