Why do people refuse to take the real Red pill?

Why do people refuse to take the real Red pill?

Attached: 4wounpD.png (1080x1080, 173K)

Dude, flag.

oops shit forgot

how do I delete threads?

The RED pill

Attached: WOTWU.png (309x251, 127K)

Hahahah nice try juden

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I can't even tell if it's a joke anymore.

Reminder that kike flag on on post is like red cloth on bullfights: your reaction is calculated and counted upon

the semite subversion pill


Great b8 though. You don't see shit like this on Jow Forums every day

sage goes in all fields, kys kike.

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Also, replace the right column with the Federal Reserve and you'll have a nice cocktail.

Attached: 1542082490744.jpg (1073x805, 503K)

Instead of "The Capitalist Class" say "(((Them)))"


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Based bait is based

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Attached: OilyIdealGrouse-max-1mb.gif (240x157, 292K)

>The 1%
The jews

>The establishment

Jewish subversion

>Crony Capitalism


too easy

Unironically though, the far left will ally with us on this issue

>the Jews
>the globalist Jews
>Saturnist Molochite Judaism
>merchant banking
>the Great Chosen / Goyim Divide

this is pol kino