> Putin was speaking after overseeing what the Kremlin said was a pre-deployment test of the new missile system, called Avangard. > “This test, which has just finished, ended with complete success,” Putin told a government meeting. > Earlier reports say the Avangard has intercontinental range and the ability to fly as fast as Mach 20, more than 15,000 miles per hour > “It will be practically invulnerable,” Putin said when he boasted off the Avangard during a March address to the Russian Parliament. Alright burgers, show your cards now.
The russofags have a very bad track record with "new" weapons. Let them do a demonstration where it can be verified then we will all shake in our boots. Until then no big woop.
Lucas Bell
The Russians have claimed for 30 years to have unstoppable missile systems.
The entire strategic principal at this point is to get the US to waste billions of dollars developing and buying thousands of superweapons that will never get used.
Leo Long
It's russia, they still count their T-34's in the museum and on the scrap yard as "combat ready MBT's". >Yes comrade, gud technique. >It's from 1937. works perfect >we world powa nao
Jaxson Bell
>show your cards now. we have star wars defense grid, we are nuke proof,
That's what you get when you support a President who is a Russian spy. He won't stand up to the Russian KGB/FSB/GRU hackers who helped him become President, so now we have this.
Fun Protip: Russians cyber-attacked Estonia, Georgia, and Ukraine's power grid right before they INVADED and took land from these countries without cause.
Putin is probably preparing an invasion of the United States while:
- Trump intentionally fired James Mattis as Secretary of Defense because Mattis will not give Russia and their ally Iran free reign in Syria.
- The Trump Shutdown resulting from his INTENTIONAL last-minute decision to veto a bipartisan bill with 100% Congressional approval he promised to sign only days before, was intentionally designed by a compromised President to weaken America's ability to respond as a Joint Warfighting Force, and damage American military response time.
- Trump is still in office before Democrats impeach him in January.
Trump and Putin both know they only have a week left before Democrats crucify him for espionage against America: