Let's get some anons saved

Going to level with you folks.
If you haven't noticed theres been an uptick in Christian hate/bashing threads lately.
If your head is in the sand or are a braindead dumdum I'll help enlighten you as to why, Jesus Christ is returning and larpagans/jews/leftypol/etc. are not only terrified of that fact but like any cornered animal they are lashing out. Trying to dissuade people like you from the simple and easy way to guarantee that you can get into Heaven just by accepting Jesus as your savior.
That's all.
Don't have to join a church.
Don't have to get baptized.
Don't even have to stop sinning although you'll eventually want to stop on your own.

Sound too good to be true? Well today is your lucky day and this deal just so happens to be that good.

Don't end up in Hell because some VPN proxy kike called you a christcuck, they will have to answer to the Lord themselves at judgement day.

I hope at least one of you reads this and accepts Him as your only way to Heaven.

Why not take a minute to say this prayer,

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and deserve Hell for my sins. I accept the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and acknowledge his resurrection as payment for all of my past and future sins. Please grant me eternal life in Heaven Lord, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Bam. That easy.

God bless you all.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This image unironically made me believe in God.

Cheers based user


"What Denomination?" Copypasta

With this resource you can read a comprehensive, condensed, and doctrinally-sound version of the entire Bible in 1(one) day. Yes, you can have a general understanding of the entire Bible story in 1 day.

>Old Testament:
>New Testament 1
>New Testament 2

Other notable points:
-Research what's known as "NWO Bibles", and the argument for King James Only. (Kent Hovind and Steven Anderson provide great info)
-Look into Pastor Texe Marrs to satisfy your conspiracy theory itches.
-Key points of a proper church/denomination:
>Once Saved Always Saved
>Salvation = Grace through FAITH ALONE
>Jesus is the Son of God, and is God

Heavenly bumb

God's peace to you brother. Thanks for doing God's work.

"You will be hated by everyone on account of My name, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved." (Matthew 10:22)

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And yes, you are right that Christianity is coming back in a huge way. People just haven't conceptualized it yet, as it will arrive in this new form... Jow Forums is perhaps the closest thing we have to a modern day church, people just don't understand memetics and think it must be occult/satanic/jewish powers. They don't understand the new way in which Jesus is being DISTRIBUTED, like a virus for good, like a network.

In this moment, you are euphoric. Not because of some phony god, but because vikings got high from psychoactive remnants from drinking their shaman's piss. But now, you have to go, bcause Mom needs to vacuum the basement. Goodbye.

But seriously though. Repent, and accept Jesus as your Christ and Savior.

Post your Praystation

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It's okay dude, I still love you and hope you end up in Heaven.

Praise the Lord OP, you are doing God's work. Anons please accept Jesus as your Lord and savior, the time is short.

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>Let’s save some anons so that way they can accept fellow brown christians
No, Fuck you and your sandnigger religion. Christcuckery is responsible for all the shits that happening the Midwest when it comes to Somalis.

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Think of those Somalis as a metaphor for yourself. You and I aren't some amazing flawless people whose shit don't stink. We're full of flaws, compared to God we're basically retards wallowing in our own shit. So what do you want to happen when we die and face our maker's judgment? Do you want Him to show mercy on us like mercy was shown on those Somalis? Or do you want us to be rightfully sent to eternal punishment as we rightly deserve for being such degenerate sinners?

Bend the knee and pray to Christ, that He might save you, not because you deserve it, not because you're white, not because you're middle class in a first-world country, not because of anything like that. But because He in His infinite grace chooses to save you in spite of your egregious flaws and shortcomings.

>Once Saved Always Saved
I went through the motions as a kid, at my own parents directions atending protestant church. After going off to college though, I fell of the bandwagon as many college aged men do when presented with adult life away from their parents. I fell for the pride meme. I embraced prideful things and rejected the Lord, I even identified as an agnostic, fell for all the Jew propaganda that was so prevalent that taught me to hate religion in general (antitheism). I think if I had died at this point i would have had no salvation because i pushed it out. But there are those who think i would have been saved? I had a seared conscious and committed a blasphemy of the holy spirit. It wasn't until I was truly born again after college that I accepted Christ and repented and built a relationship with Jesus that i maintain to this day. I wish it was as simple as "once saved always saved"

Not that easy.
the point about the sin is very, very critical.
It's more like Jesus is an exit out of the sin and the circle of doing bad and causing bad.
It's meant to be an exit, not a free ticket.
The exit character should be more emphasized.

About the church: (short) They are places to meet and exchange. So you have some sort of community. (also I havent been in one, for YEARS;)

You should get baptizesd (I'm not yet)

Also I insist on Jesus Christ :P
I save and share some of the graphics, because they seem "good enough" to me. Also they arent perfectly straight/right.

You should find older Translations of the bible in your language and compare it to translations from other languages.
the older the translation, the more likely it will be of a better quality and less NWO-influenced.

Don't let the actions of man cloud the holiness and righteousness of a God that loves you no matter what.

We have free will and abuse it almost every second of every day for some.

I'll admit that I was a fedora tipper myself and it ultimately brought me nothing but misery. Now that I'm up there in years and see the fruits not only in myself but others who followed a similar path are not only lacking but non-existent.

In desperation to try anything to pull me out of the mire of my life I gave religion a shot. Why not? I thought. I had little to live for and was open minded to at least giving it a fair chance.

I don't expect or care if you believe me but I can swear at the seat of God himself that I've seen and experienced things I never thought possible. I won't get much into the details as this thread isn't about me, it's about saving some of you.

It's okay to be skeptical and it's okay to have doubts. We all do.

But you still need to take that first step towards God and my friend I guarantee He'll take three steps towards you.

Sounds like a hallmark greeting card I know and I'm almost embarrassed to share it but it's true.

God bless you dudes.

To me the question is more of whether you were genuinely saved when you were just going through the motions as a kid. I have a similar background, growing up in a religious family, church was just this annoying thing you have to do on sunday. I definitely wouldn't say I was genuinely saved then. Cut forward to when I rediscover Jesus on my own as an adult, suddenly I understand there's so much depth and spirituality to it which I just didn't grasp AT ALL when I was just tagging along with Mom and Dad.

>But because He in His infinite grace chooses to save you in spite of your egregious flaws and shortcomings.
why doesn't he just do that anyway? why do we have to try to figure out which religion out of several possible choices is the right one? if i'm going to be sent to hell because i wasn't able to figure out the right answer in a relatively few short years, god is punishing me for being dumb. he is like a sadist pulling the legs off an insect.

>why do we have to try to figure out which religion
You can't figure it out on your own, it has to be revealed to you. All you can do is pray to Jesus to save you. In time, you'll receive the Holy Spirit and your eyes will be opened and you'll be able to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. Trying to "figure it out" on your own without the Holy Spirit would be like a cockroach trying to figure out multivariable calculus.

Dude, you are being misleading with your bullshit. I'm Christian also, and appreciate what you're trying to do, but you're leading people astray and on your head be it.
It's not enough just just say "hey Jesus, you're cool, I believe in you now!" You gotta actually fucking believe, and another thing, it's hard as fuck to be a Christian in today's world in the west. Prepare yourselves gents. Once you swallow the breadpill and actually come to Christ the Savior, he's going to expect you to get off your ass and improve your life and the lives of those around you, otherwise it's lip service.
God bless.

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I think that's similar to what I'm getting at. A Damascus road conversion like Paul's or an experience like Christ explains to Nicodemus in John 3:1-21 of being "born again" is necessary. So is a cultural Christian upbringing enough? If you push Christ away completely in college are you still saved?

Verses proving salvation to anyone that believes and not of works.

4:14(John 6:35)

7:21-23(John 6:38-40)


3:3(Acts 19:4)

19:4(Luke 3:3)


1 Corinthians

2 Corinthians




1 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians

1 Timothy

2 Timothy



1 Peter
3:21(Colossians 2:12)

1 John


All that is true, but it's not something you do out of willpower. Believing in Jesus is Step #alpha and also Step #omega. I'll never transcend my lazy, degenerate nature by my own willpower, but only through the assistance of the Holy Spirit, which comes by the grace of Jesus *because* I believe in Him and ask Him to save me. So OP is right but also you're right, in different senses, with the Holy Spirit being the missing ingredient linking you and OP together.

Based user. For the history of man, every nation had a religion and all people within practiced that religion. Religious worship should not be shifted towards the material, but should be actualized via a religion. The history has proven God's wisdom and the truth of His message, which is why I chose Christianity for myself. It is important cultural heritage, too. In most white countries that's what 90% of the culture is.

I believe such "Damascus road" style conversions are actually a lot more common than people realize. A cultural Christian upbringing probably isn't enough, though I'm not really sure [anyone who would claim to be sure about such a tricky question probably shouldn't be trusted]. I myself had a Damascus road style experience, though for me instead of the roads of Damascus it was the roads of hedonistic drug abuse.

every religion says it's the only correct one. why should i believe in christianity in particular?

Just as you would need a savior if you were lost in the jungle, so too do you need a savior if you are lost in a metaphorical theological jungle. You will never in your lifetime figure out with certainty the correct religion by your own brainpower. You'll never be able to get rid of that nagging doubt that maybe you've chosen the wrong one. Even within Christianity itself, you'll never figure out for certain whether you should've actually gone catholic, or (if you're catholic) whether you should've gone protestant.

The good news is, Jesus has so much grace that He will save you not only from the real jungles of the world, but also from the spiritual jungles of religion.

Thanks for this user. I'm a lifelong atheist that has started going to church occasionally lately. I'm full of doubts, but i don't doubt that the Sermon on the Mount is basically the moral compass of Western Civilization. i hope that I can accept Christianity and spend my days doing good for the poor and unfortunate.

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>My sony smartphone has to be repaired. There are many repair shops, and they all claim they have the best experts & prices, one of them is of Sony. Hmm.... That means I shouldn't go to any of them hah.


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Faith is delusion

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No worries man. Just paying it forward as some other user years back also got me started on my path with God.

It was a post explaining how "turn the other cheek" wasn't a greenlight to get slapped silly but a way to make the attacker acknowledge the other as an equal.

Blew my mind as I thought I knew everything about Christianity at the time.
What else was I wrong about I thought?

If I were to tell myself even five years back I'd be trying to win souls on Jow Forums of all places I would have never believed it in a million years.

Repent and accept Christ. The difference between a Buddhist and a pig wallowing in mud: the Buddhist is a pig wallowing in mud in the lotus position. I say this not to condemn you, for I am just as much a mud-wallower myself. Let us pray to Jesus together, that in His grace we might both be saved.

You have compared Christianity to extinct pagan god worship. They are just incomparable. The Holy Bible has no equal. It has withstood the attacks of jews and atheists for centuries and through every advance in science and historical knowledge giving it a Unique status, that it is written on the canvas of Historical Fact. Every Codex or Scroll found of an ever earlier version of the Bible shows we still have the true and correct word that the Apostles wrote of their eye witness accounts.

Most religions you give credit too don't even have a Holy Book: Pagans Shintu Hindu Buddhism Tao Zorast

Judaism is a dead religion.

Islam is the only other religion with a Holy book, and it is Pamplet sized in comparison. It has incorporated into it many "tales of early Christianity" from Apocryphal books Pseudo-James, proto-Matthew, the Gospel of Thomas and the Arabian gospel childhood of Jesus that were shown to be forgeries in the early church, used only to propagate Christianity to pagan lands in Arabia. Mohammed would have been very familiar with them. Yet, the Koran is presented as the directly transcribed word of God and includes these several falsehoods.

Another fun fact is there have been 30-40 "codex" versions of the koran found, and each version is wildly different than the next, with "major" differences not just in books missing but in edited sentence stuctures and nouns, each offshoot sect rewrote the koran to show themselves favor and to be successors, often in ways that draws into question entire books.

If you like that, another point about the koran is that it has in it every 5th word is untranslatable giberish. Gobbledygook. It's frequent and in every book. Some books have chapters where the first 10 verses are like someone was playing a joke. The giberish is different inbetween codex versions too. This is corrected in English translation so nobody asks, but they also translate all the "kill infidels" into palletable word like "fight".

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>Repent and accept Christ.

I found god without meditation, I followed the path of no doctrine and no dogma and meditated, just like the original words of the buddha were.

As a result, I knew god and thankfully am saved.

If I had chosen your religion, I would be an ignorant idiot condemned to hell shouting very loudly about how some jew saved me.

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>without meditation
*thanks to meditation, I'm not sure what I was thinking.

God damn it. Prots have infected Jow Forums. Any of Christ’s Church still here?

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Faith is the key that unlocks the door to your salvation, you're still saved if you believe on Christ but don't do shit about it/with it. You're just an asshole at that point.
Your faith and belief should drive you under it's own power to do works in his name, even small ones like giving alms or something. The key is that it's not you doing the works, it's him working through you.

How can peter be the first pope if he had a wife?

Go back to Facebook you nigger loving scum.
>an uptick in Christian hate/bashing threads
What the fuck are you talking about? There a dozen daily christcuck threads and barely one made against. Hour christcuck victim complex is sickening.



Funny that Jow Forums or all places has given me some of the best support in learning about religion. I mentioned attending church to a coworker and he basically hung his head as if ashamed of me, sighed and said I could be a good person without all "that."

I asked why he was criticizing church attendance, and said, "Hey, I'm exploring my spirituality. If I said I was going to sleep with another dude to explore my sexuality you wouldn't have a problem with it." That shut him up real fast!

I'm still a renegade and I will never leave Ebola-chan, who helped me all these years.
But I shall join you in case the crusades start again.

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>you cant figure it out
>so just pretend like you did!
If it can't be reasoned out it isn't true.

>Lords name in vain

I'm just a nobody oldfag trying to help some anons out, never claimed any denomination...

...begome babtiz tho ;)

He was a widower before he became a disciple

It seems that Europe is hella atheist, it explains a lot...

The Holy Bible is unequaled and presents the Nature of God in the only true and reliable source that exists that has held up to scrutiny.

If this better description of how the Holy Bibles "ranks" among religious books hasnt helped you, I hope you as a western man would be able to recognize it foundational cultural identity to Europe and walk you spiritual walk in silence until you do arrive at the truth.

Everyone wants to know more about the nature of God, wants proof, and if you seek it you will find it.

I appreciate the temperament or niceness but the Catholic Church was literally started by Christ. It is Christ’s Church. I’d rather have my church which uses every book in the Bible and was started by Christ than one made by Luther or someone else.

Buddhism is proto nihilism. It has no deity and is more a philosophy than anywlthing because there is no worship. The central theme is "life and the human condition is pain, the reason there is pain is because of desire, if you don't desire anything there is no pain". That's nihilism. Enjoy your soul crushing depression.

>"you'll never figure out the truth so just pick the one i happen to like and don't think too much about it"
why did god give us brains if he didn't want us to think?
this is a retarded metaphor and does not apply at all
it is more like: people say i need a phone, and every phone manufacturer says theirs is the best phone. each one of them also tells me that if i don't buy their phone, they will send goons to beat me up. maybe i will just not get a phone at all and see what happens.

All those "self-aware universe" type books are way too feel-good and agreeable. I guarantee you if you find a book which genuinely teaches you the secrets of the universe, it won't be in convenient bite-size pieces you can post on Facebook for insta-likes. So invest your time wisely. Read the Bible, and wrestle with it, and grapple with it. You'll come to see that in its crazy, bizarro stories, there is much deeper truth than in all the Buddha's fortune cookies.

>recognize it foundational cultural identity to Europe
No, I cant because that isnt fucking true. Jewish scriptures are NOT the cultural foundation of Europe. But it is in a Christian's nature to lie constantly.
>wants proof, and if you seek it you will find it.
No, you won't because that proof doesn't exist because God doesn't exist.

The idea with buddhism is that you should be preocuppied with attaining and not with religious dogmas because religious dogma can very well be a falsehood, while your own experience prevails, which is why buddhism doesn't argue religious dogma, irrespectively of if there is a god and if this god himself will be the reward of your buddhist path.

>Read the Bible
So I can get your likes on facebook?

The book I posted is from a scientist, the book you suggest is shit smeared on paper for fools to believe.

>Worshipping Mary
bro, do you even monotheism? May Jesus forgive your heresy and idolatry, and while He's at it, may he forgive mine too, for I'm sure I've got plenty myself

Christianity is nihilism. It says that life and your people fo not matter. It says that the only thing that matter is "the next life"(that doesn't exist) and the best way to get to Heaven is being weak and poor and being martyred. That's nihilism.

Repeat after me: Dear Jesus, although I am the lowliest of sinners and fully deserving of eternal torment in hell, nevertheless please have mercy on me, and save me, for I am drowning to death in sin.

Note the hidden flag. This user is jewish. He makes no attempt at discussion and only wishes for someone to join him in misery on his side of hell.

the bible is a collection of old jewish mythology in the first part and the letters of someone who lived decades after jesus died in the second, with a smattering of apocalyptic cult stuff that was very popular at the time.

it has withstood the attacks of jews and atheists not because it is true but because when inconsistencies and impossibilities are pointed out, christians either deny the science, say the evidence was fabricated, or claim that we simply cannot hope to understand god.

the fact that other religions are not true does not mean that your particular religion is true.

You're doing God's work out here.


I can answer any questions you anons might have.

Before too many people start coming into the thread and start picking fights I just wanted to say thanks to all who took the time to read my babbling and I hope someday we can all meet in Heaven.

underrated post. blessed and breadpilled


confession booths
rosary beads
10 hail mary's
nice modern day pharisee rituals ya got there, mcgrady

So as long as you recognize it isnt a religion, enjoy. How's that nihilism treating you? How do you cope? Hedonism, Materialism?

Jow Forums and other websites with sinners are very fine desu.
For Christ came to the sinners, but didn't wait on a throne for them to come.
You have to reach the sinner, where they are. And the deeper and more surrounded by sin they are in that place, the more likely, even a new scholar, becomes a bright light over there.
You make them think or have a conversation and let them see some more and give them a view behind the scenes

It's alright. to stop sinning is not a work, eventhough it might be hard ;)

yea and be a rolemodel, so language please!

It's he 3rd Great Awakening happening in this day.

Why would I argue Christianity specifics with a jew who has no inclination towards religion, and is in a Christian thread for no reason other than hatred? Nothing I say will be responded to, you're only here to blaspheme. But thanks for the bumps I guess.

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Go away kike.

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Is there a uncucked version of trad Christianity that isn't afraid to shoot boarder hopping spics with crosses around their necks? Can you even name one single Church in America that will say being fat is the sin of gluttony and if they don't repent of their sin they're going to hell? I'm agnostic but looking for the true church, if there ever was one I think it's dead. Pro tip, this is what Nietzsche meant when he said God is dead, Protestant fucks killed him.

If I want insights from the human mind, I'll go study science and mathematics. If I want spiritual insights, I'll avoid anything cerebral, because the whole point is to transcend the worldly. If I were on a desert island, I could invent all the wishy-washy new-age religions and Buddhism on my own. I could never invent the Bible.

No, thank you. You can go talk your dead Jewish friend elsewhere. Leave us non-retards out of it.
>although I am the lowliest of sinners
But I'm not. I know to Christians simply being alive is the worst crime imaginable but to normal people you have to do bad things to be a bad person.
Note the cry of the newfag. They can't address anything you say so they'll pretend identifiers matter on an anonymous forum. What retards.

Christcucks are jew slaves. Sorry for your brainwashing faggot. I think they have some great ideals, however the evangelical faggotry, faith heals, jew cucking, and all around retardation needs to go.

Pro-tip: any scientist who feels compelled to include "PhD" on their book's byline, isn't a very good scientist.

>So I can get your likes on facebook?

"You adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore, whoever chooses to be a friend of the world renders himself an enemy of God." (James 4:4)

>If I were on a desert island, I could invent all the wishy-washy new-age religions and Buddhism on my own. I could never invent the Bible.
you could never invent one of shakespeare's plays, either, so what?

I'm not nihilistic

>It was a post explaining how "turn the other cheek" wasn't a greenlight to get slapped silly but a way to make the attacker acknowledge the other as an equal.
But that isnt true. It's a made up post hoc explanation of an indefensible teaching of pacifism. Tell me who among Rabbi Yeshua and his followers practiced this "you actually ARE supposed to defend yourself" interpretation? None of them. Because they were stupid cultists who didn't need new versions of their leaders retarded teachings.

If you're thinking a big "nuh-uh" disproves a foundational book like The Holy Bible you're a fool. I thought your tribe would have better arguments.

Also, if you are so dismissive, why are you in a Christian thread with the only motivation of hate and blasphemy?

>that's right goy reality is evil!
>dont work hard or care about your family
>this imaginary bullshit is all that really matters

>deny the science, say the evidence was fabricated, or claim that we simply cannot hope to understand
None of these are going to do you much good when you're literally being fed to lions in the Colosseum.

>evangelical faggotry, faith heals, jew cucking, and all around retardation
Yep! Let's go back to the ooga booga age and sacrifice babies for dorr and zeus!
Or we can continue down the secular/atheist way we are going down right now and soon we will legalise paedophilia and zoophilia worldwide! Go seculars and larpagans!

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I kinda see faith as like falling in love. It's not really rational who you fall in love with.

Peace to you brother.

>I can answer any questions you anons might have.

Something I've been struggling to understand and I'd be grateful for your thoughts. Why was the death and resurrection necessary? Why couldn't Jesus just have ascended like Elijah, and interceded on our behalf anyway, without having to die on a cross?

>>dont work hard or care about your family
The bible says if a man doesn't work he doesn't deserve to eat.

What a day that'll be on Heaven's Bright Shore!

Back in the Old Testament, they would sacrifice the very best animals to God to make up for their sins.

When they nailed Jesus to a cross, they were (unknowingly) sacrificing him to God. Obviously God's son is a much greater sacrifice than a freaking sheep, so God forgave all sins.

The point of the resurrection was so that Jesus could teach the disciples and give some last instructions before he ascended. Of course, there is also the greatest miracle of all: raising yourself from the dead.

Just as a frog can't notice as the water slowly starts to boil, in the same way you and I can't notice that we're drowning in our sin. Be careful, bother, for when you say things like "But I'm not [a sinner]", you are on a very dangerous path and it leads to eternal torment in the lake of fire. Swallow your pride! Admit your shortcomings, and accept the free gift of Christ's sacrifice!

just because

>this book is true, no one can disprove it
>any evidence against it is just a trick of the devil
>you cannot disprove that a man was swallowed by a fish and lived for three days, several thousand years ago
>you cannot disprove that there is an invisible magic being that just chooses not to show himself
>why are you even here if you just want to tell me i'm wrong?

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If I were on a desert island a long enough time, I could invent plays that at least are as pleasing to me (if not to other people) as Shakespeare's plays are pleasing to me. But I could never invent the Sermon on the Mount, the Olivet Discourse, or the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

>he denies the self-evident nature of God

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That's a very good way of putting it, brother. May Christ be with you this fine day

Secularism is a Protestant sect, where the adherents have become holier than God, like in other Gnostic heresies. Christians need to acknowledge that the egalitarian nonsense didn't come from outside, but from their gospels. Christianity worked when only trained priests and quarantined monks could read scripture. You need a way to make lay people know they can't do plain text reading and need a priest to understand the bible for them or else Christianity is forever cucked.

Peace to the Lord, brothers! My you walk side by side with our King today, may His grace and love shine brightly upon you.

Thanks. I'm hoping that someday the passion/resurrection will "click" for me in the same way as e.g. the Sermon on the Mount. May the Lord unlock the mysteries of Jesus's life and words for us!

I hope you all comeback to your old and true faith. It's never too late my brothers.

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