Jow Forums Humour Thread

the board is pretty low energy these days.
post some good stuff.

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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

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Get raked copypastafag

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Methinks the same leaf posts this every time

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not what i posted by a long shot

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I feel bad for the poo in the loo.

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Jesus christ that kid.

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>interracial babies are so cute!

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I know a paki and he's this stupid

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fucking jew made me laugh, i'm now a traitor

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Now you have no choice but to convert. You know the entry fee to our little club.

bumping for great justice

6 gorilion shekels coming right up

Its okay because jews from Israel are not the same jews that are in America.

this will never be not funny
and to think this woman is stuck forever with that monster

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I simply cannot believe that

they all must die

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i dont get the joke

look at the price tag Hans

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Who has the hand drawn impressions.

No one wants the brown toys.

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pls don‘t be real

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wtf I love the police state now

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>the board is pretty low energy these days.
>post some good stuff.

Low energy post

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>Le oven myth
Fuck off Schlomo.

we're almost there, little farming equpiment

Its a meme, you faggot.

based Durgesh patrolling poo pedos

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I leave 17 miles from this brewery lol


Dorry had too many Mohren today


Go back to where you found these and never return


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>I wanted to have sex and my weird bf could not
>Our children are also unsure about how to feel

If I were at home I'd have dumped guys

And he kicked that guys ass if he's that based we may have to find a hall of honorable mentions in Valhalla for Durgesh

You read that reddicked tier trash

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Can't fucking read this shit.

what the fuck?

So he's fucking a girl who's also fucking other guys who are insecure she's fucking a ripped guy too? Not that she's just fucking other guys? And then they ice out gymbro?

These cucks gotta get their shit together.

Oooh did I strike a nerve roasty?

What am I going to do? Help me out here I truly am at a loss

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Make me

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What a happy ending. Made my morning.

I wish I still had caps of the rest of the story. Where she assaults her pregnant sister, accuses a three year old of rape and ends up being given an ultimatum by her father to get professional help or fuck off forever. Last I heard she is still in a facility.

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Every damn time.

How did Redditch tm react.

Dude, these are fucking hilarious and I don't wanna have to wade through redditrash to find the gems. Please leaf, go and collect the stories of toasty roasties, collect and purify the consequences of progressive thinking so I and others may look upon them and laugh.
Pic related is you doin God's work.

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holy shit its a fresh one, just two days old

I don't get the joke.

he is right you know

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Come on , man...

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i thought this was some normie tier bullshit at first but after I saw it my sides went to orbit


I'm not reading all that considering the source it's reddittier and therefore garbage no matter the content. Baby thrown out with the bath water
Considering your mapleniggerish ways I guess you can't help it

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Oh fuck me I missed it too until you mentioned this I looked again and.....

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based, this is what we should do to niggers.

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Glad you pointed that out. I completely skipped over it because I thought it was the one about the roastie who went on a dickcation.