Why did europoors give up their guns with zero resistance?

Why did europoors give up their guns with zero resistance?

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WW2 happened and the kikes won that's what happened

Another dumb american who thinks there are no guns in Europe....

Let this sink in, there is no place as "Europe" its a bunch of countries, whom have different laws per country because (god forbid!) the EU do not have total control yet.

I for example own 3 guns, show yours or shut the fuck up about guns.

Its pavement, not sidewalk
its nappies, not diapers,
Its school, not shooting gallery.

We didn't.
Or at least the 34 out of 44 countries which weren't involved in colonizing black and brown shitholes and don't suffer from white guilt didn't. Nor did anyone who was once under Communism or neighbored it. We all stash them away and act like they don't exist.

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Forks do not count as guns. Pics or GTFO.

>denying reality

You people are on the verge of not being allowed sharp objects lmao

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Because almost all those who had the spirit to resist were killed in WW2.

unironically it was banned in France when we were under Nazi occupation , now who's the real kike i wonder ?

You own 1 air rifle, a .22 single shot muzzle loading piece of shit and a break action shotgun which can only fire bird shot.


and we still have guns but not as much as before , because before the German occupation anybody could own one like in Murica , T-t-thanks Hitler.

because europoors haven't had to fight their govs in a long time and dont realize it not a privilege, the gov existing is a privilege to the people leaching off the public's taxed labor

post pics then mother fucker. you can buy a functioning tank in america, and armor piercing ammunition specifically designed to go through level 3 body armor and the body armor police and military wear.

maybe the gov lets you keep a shitty .22 as a penance. good luck defending yourself with that shit.

mother fucker you need to be 18 to even BUY PLASTIC CUTLERY

Because they showed pictures of crying children on T.V

>Says the mutt who is allowing the 2nd amendment to be chipped away every year

My Beretta SV10 i got out to shut up another burger the other day.

Not getting it out again just to take another photo you mong, I cleaned it after my boxing day shoot and im not oiling it again.

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Yeah, I have a knife collection and a gun collection.

Try again retard.

>because europoors haven't had to fight their govs in a long time
World War I and II

faggotry happened


Break actions can only shoot bird shot?

Oh dear....

I have a FAC and a SGC. I am also B class registered CPSA and NRA registered.

You non-gun people make me laugh....

Break action can only take bird shot....

Oh best joke ever

>that handwriting
Armed gays don't get bashed amirite?

how long did it take to get a loicense to buy that

I can walk into my local fudd shop and get 3 of those within the hour, legally of course

Imagine living in a country where you need to own a gun to feel safe.

Post yours then bitch

would you say a boating accident?

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This. Let's not kid ourselves, Eur*pe is about a generation ahead of us on the ZOGtrain

I live in cuckadia and we are able to own more shit then you

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A few numbers about germany:
There are currently 5.5 million registered private guns held by 1.4 million germans.

The police thinks that there are 10 million unregistered (therefore illegal) weapons in germany.

We are civilized not like you that descend from degenerated bandits.

As the frog says, totalitarian regimes like fascism and comunist use the called "policial state", and they disarmed the population to submit them. most of europe was at lest once in the XX century under fascism/comunism

>Beretta SV10
ok well i raise you my AK-103, I bet I can reach out and touch you before you set your gay little cookies and tea down to pick up MUH SHITGUN!

Not long for the paper work, then I walk into a shop and buy what I want, when I want.

Checks for mental health are a good thing, you should have no problem with at risk people not being allowed to buy guns.

while i generally disagree with burgers , mate , even drunkards can get an hunting rifle in france , it's not that hard.

t. has a family members who drinks and still has one and plenty of his drinking friends too.

this is the easiest permit desu (only need an hunting permit or something , it's incredibly easy to get) , it's still a gun but nowhere like what burgers have.

Guns are a great way of making you retards feel in charge while your actual civil liberties are corroded

Privately owned guns are of no concern

Yours is cute, here's one of my 11

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Post a pic or your just LARP

I did say I have a FAC but you ignored that part.

My CZ .308 will do me just fine.

A sidewalk is a particular type of pavement.
You should google the word pavement and see what the definition is.

>Why did europoors give up their guns with zero resistance?
What did he mean by this?

>Europe is one country
>Every European is unarmed

Burger kun please.I can't speak for the other countries but at least here people,especially in the countryside , are armed.Just a little folktale/urban legend that may have not been too far from the truth ; people in the island of Crete used to value and barter one handgrenade for one pack of Marlboro Reds. We have more guns than we do cigarettes, and iirc we are 3d in the world in smoking %.

Mate UK gun laws are a fucking joke - FAC / SGC, sounds like cuck tier gimped guns which can only penetrate 2 pieces of A4 paper max.

You can a sense of how cucked we are when I go to my gf's country to visit her senpai in the Baltics and you can buy handguns and AK's from the village drunk with no paperwork.

No timestamp.

Sure buddy

Bolt-action and semi-automatic rifles are easy to obtain here in Sweden. You just need to pass some firearm accuracy tests and some written tests. It's mostly people on the countryside that own rifles, people in urban areas don't see any need for it.

As for pistols, they're harder to obtain for obvious reasons. The only people walking around with pistols are criminals, and even then, shootings are almost exclusively between gangs. Our most shittiest city that is by Swedish standards riddled with gun crime, would be by American standards one of the safest cities.

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Because after the end of the 2 great wars, where victors were declared, and the defeated subjugated. Europeans were able too enjoy a time of great peace, where neighboring countries lived in peace some at the expense of others, but peace nonetheless. If you were too live in a time of untold peace compared too your relative past, (the USA is not in this situation). Without fear of your age-old enemies and living in a cultural homogeneous society, I think you or I might not be so hesitant too give up your arm's either.

And heres where your ignorance shows.


Try tolling harder next time.

That or you are just a thick shit

I'd rather get risk getting shot at school than get groomed by a Muslim rape gang, you stupid Paki.

please explain the sketch user

>heres my break action government approved fud gun.

Lmao my shotgun is 8+1 someyou cant have. God thats just sad.
Also having to go to the government to get a gun isnt ownership. One of the biggest bong guntubers had all his guns taken away for offending queen mum.


it's Nazi Germany who did this to us.

What are you trying to say, burger? Owning a rifle is fully legal in most European countries. We just don't see why people should arm themselves with handguns.

Wrong - we can have a practical shotgun, you fucking burgers think you have all the answers.

When in truth you have none

The point is we don’t have to be on five different government registries to own a viable self defense weapon. Also nice spacing Nancy.

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Imagine after the 2 great wars, promises and proof of peace and stability would have been enough too convince the public of just about anything. Giving up their arm's would be a small request when weapons were so implicitly tied too warfare in the recent history of those countries.

My father was in Vietnam and I'll never forget how we'd be driving around Illinois, where at the time you couldn't get a permit to carry, and every time we got stopped by a cop he'd declare he was carrying and they'd just just say something like "That's fine, drivers license and registration, sir"
One in particular asked if he had a permit from another state and my dad showed his Missouri permit and that was that.

That kind of stubbornness is what I think is lacking in the european psyche.

Fucking dumb ass burgers

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|Neither do we, stop believing all the propaganda you div

Our current gun laws were encated by Hitler originally, who was afraid of a public uprising when he started fucking up the war. Most privately owned guns were taken away at the start of the war, when most men were already away at the frontlines.
Of course, the republic kept those laws since it is convenient.

And yes, we too do have guns. Takes about two weeks to get a permit, granted. doesn't matter, still have something if shit goes down.

the EU sucks, not Europe.
Europe is a bunch of countries, the EU is a bunch of kikes.
hello from switzerland. we let our 12 year olds shoot the same rifle the military uses.

(((We))) don't see why you should have the right to defend yourself. Moshe confirmed.

We didn't. Finland has high guns per capita

2 grand for a fucking mag pull LOL Jesus Christ.

Probably $1,200 for a mossberg and $1,800 for a remi wing master

>Haha look at all my guns that i will never use!

It's not the gun my american friend. It's the bullets you use

yeah but you forget we have laws regarding the maximum ammunition allowed and the maximum ammo per mags and all that crap.

hell , in France the maximum ammo per mags is 10 but you can still buy 30 capacity mags and have to modify them to put only 10 in it (the modification must be made so you can't put more than 10 in it), how dumb is that ?

It's piss easy to get guns here. They just make you jump through a couple hoops before you can purchase one.
Only problem is they're not legally yours as they can revoke your license whenever they want, but that's what fishing trips are for.

Oi bloke do you have a loicense for thos certificate, yea i thought not ya ponce

Zero resistance? You dindu no nuffin in WWII, right?

We didn’t. We just don’t let every cunt buy a handgun or an automatic. We still have shotguns and rifles though.

I only have my edc on me right now.

ec9s, small quick and dirty and gets the job done with 15 feet, which is what you want out of a self defence firearm anyways.

chambered in 9mm and is small enough it fits in my back pocket which is great for summer carry. i have put over 5000 rounds through it and it failed to feed once (didnt help I was using shitty steel cased ammo)

the best part? only cost me 200 bucks.

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looks like all shotguns lol


>1695 brit money
holy hell boyo

Europeans RISE THE F*CK UP

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>chambered in 9mm
Is Ruger any good anymore?

Are you people too retarded to make your own bullets? Shotgun shells are really easy.

>stop believing our laws

God damn youre insane. This is the worst thing about bongs. You will ride a sinking ship to the bottom of the ocean.
Your gun laws are public knowledge dumbass.

Yeah it seems counter intuitive - restrict magazine size.... OK....I'll import box mags for my Saiga and buy an extension for my Beretta a303 - which holds 5+1 anyway without being a practical gun.

I have no idea why they are called practical, they are anything but. My a303 can shoot slugs, buckshot, bird shot, has 5+1 and a 26" barrel with multichoke.

It doesnt have a huge magazine tube sticking out past the barrel. Really gonna be useless room clearing or defence wielding that mother fucker around.

lol cuck

I live in CT, arguably one of the worst states for guns. and this is on the page of gun broker for me. I even made it fair by only showing shotguns.

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Those are ridiculously overpriced and ugly. I could buy a Stevens 320 for 200$ bucks at the grocery store and have it home in an hour.

Some ones a salty bitch

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Because ALL i searched for is SHOTGUNS because you made a point about us not owning them in large capacity you fucking nigger

Quote the law then and ill show you how we DONT HAVE TO HAVE 5 DIFFERENT AGENCIES APPROVAL.

Which is what you said you fuck nugget brainlet.

its not .380 auto, its 9mm.

the trigger on this gun is sublime and its by far the best part of the gun. I was surprised how good it was when I tried it, its even better than a lot of the higher end striker fire pistols.

Because everyone with genes worth a damn left during the colonial era. Only the cucks stayed behind. They're left with the genetic results of cucks breeding with cucks and those genes reinforcing each other for hundreds of years.

I can't buy a gun because I tried to kms irl but you can get a license for a self-defense low cal pistol.
You need a reason and renew the license every 2 years.

Why do fatties need a lie-sense to screw a couple of whores? They soooo fat.

These maps are all made up.

All shit names I wouldnt use a knock about gun.

Come to Europe, we have Beretta, Perazzi (whom hold all the medals in the Olympics) George Digweed the greatest shooter ever alive 24 times world champion. Purdy, Holland and Holland.

But yeah, keep acting like you have the corner on guns.

CZ... Mauser... Beretta... Benelli...

Just to name a few names of non american guns.

Why do burgers boast about their guns all the time and how their going to overthrow their government but never do anything? It's almost as if yanks are nothing but hot air.

Why do burgers boast about their guns all the time and how they're going to overthrow their government but never do anything? It's almost as if yanks are nothing but hot air.

What are you on about? Of course you can make your own bullets. I believe you misunderstood me.

Why do fatties need a lie-sense to screw a hooker? Is it because they are fat and

All shit names I wouldnt use a knock about gun.

Come to Europe, we have Beretta, Perazzi (whom hold all the medals in the Olympics) George Digweed the greatest shooter ever alive 24 times world champion. Purdy, Holland and Holland.

But yeah, keep acting like you have the corner on guns.

CZ... Mauser... Beretta... Benelli...

Just to name a few names of non american guns.

Guntrader and Gunstar shows better quality guns than your fucking gun broker, who wants to buy a fucking mossberg.....

Remind me how many medals have shooters won with a mossberg or remington?

mass jewish brainwashing, many europeans are huge pussies when it comes to firearms and freedom
i for one look forward to the day where we have a 2nd amendment


Note he didn't deny that his weapons are break action. Lol. Good luck with that.

They project their failings.

Amerimutts can't hack the fact Europe own the corner on firearms quality and america shit has never won a medal in the olympics.

all guns are america because only americans can truly enjoy them

I cant even imagine how much these guns cost in your country, or the hoops you have to go through to get them. In most states you can just walk into a gun store and leave with a rifle if you are not crazy or a felon.

when did i give up my guns? i never had them, i was born into tyranny and i had no choice whatsoever. but you could argue that people here are really against it, even if they'd be allowed to have guns.

Europe is exactly like the US. Britain is like Texas.

I get along with Texas, why can't Britain get along with Europe?


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Grants are at the police digressions .

Fucking cucked

That’s more like it. Imagine paying more than $600 for a fucking 12 gauge lmao.

At least I can still get a $150 Mosin, $250 SKS and Russian Steel Surplus by the case. The one good thing about Canada. I could buy a crate of 20 Mosins for less than one of those shotguns. It’d be like 3 grand to arm a platoon with Mosins in Ontario.