I am confused.
Why is the taser a non lethal weapon when american police own it?
But lethal weapon when criminal own it?
I am confused
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because criminals usually aren't professionally trained to use it, tasers can cause permanent damage if used incorrectly
Get a license before you post you sissy bitch faggot
Less lethal
i have a better question: why would you grab anything from a cop and point it at them and not expect to get blasted?
is it really that fucking hard to comply?
Because cops won’t beat you to death once you’re on the ground.
Wat? Let me put it this way - police taze people to detain them. If a criminigger has a tazer, he isn't going to be using it to detain you and put you in his own private jail. He's going to use it to incapacitate you so he can do some criminigger shit to you, and that last thing you need is an incapacitated police officer with a gun on his hip within reach.
But you have this
18 in
I can’t tell if you’re an unironic bootlicker or if this is high tier bait.
Because the taser can be used to incapacitate the officer and take his firearm. Sage.
>Cop has taser and gun
>Nigger manages to take taser
>Uses taser to incapacitate cop
>Take cops gun
>Nigger now has lethal weapon
Considering the nigger deployed the taser (but missed) as soon as he took it shows what his intent was. It wasn't to run away, it was to try and incapacitate the cop.
Lol thats when they scream stop resisting
they shot him in the legs. he survived. /thread
The real world is not a videogame, you mong
>sir, you're bleeding. let the medics check you out
>no white boi
>(man is acting erratic after striking several vehicles and crashing into a river)
>sir, please sit down
>no white boi
>sit down or you're going to get tazed
>grabs tazer, runs, turns, shoots at cop, misses
>gets shot
>gets arrested
>goes to jail
why did this happen, anons?
Who said it was lethal in different hands? Nobody. Ok, great thread mr English teacher.
Kek, his name was Jahmal
>I am confused.
You have already set the stage for your own destruction.
>goes to jail
Because cops suck at gunz
It is called less lethal for legal terms, no "non lethal"
i had a cop pull a gun on me once when was young. i was doing twice the speed limit on a random road at night, and i didnt realize a cop was behind me (in my own head, listening to music, being a dumb teenager). i pulled over as soon as i realized he was behind me, but that must have been after a few miles. cop thought i was trying to flee. he hops out like rambo with pistol drawn, bulging veins, yelling. i stuck both hands out the window and complied with his orders. he then realized i was just a dumb, scared shitless teenager. holstered his gun, gave me a stern warning, an expensive ass speeding ticket, and somewhat apologized for his overaggression--said he never knows who he's dealing with or what is going to happen. no hard feelings--i deserved it for disobeying the law. thankfully i'm not a tard who spergs on cops and tries to get shot.
>be american
>take shower
>get electrocuted to death
>Burgercops are overweight
>Overweight people have weak hearts
>Tasers can kill people with weak hearts
Get it now?