Stop worshipping them Jow Forums.
Japan is actually a terrible country
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no a argument
Stop worshipping them Jow Forums.
For foreigners it is a paradise
And I will save pic in case people started another thread about east Asian womens
here, in HQ
nobody worships germans here though
Stop worshipping them Jow Forums.
terrible thread
Top left isnt bad at all
OP leave Jow Forums
bottom left fine
Dolphin murderers. Puke eaters. Other than that, they're cool.
it's literally a trap
Dolphins rape humans
Puke is just partially digested food
Tenno heika banzai
Based OP and Jap-pilled.
I hate to say this. But unless they get rid of the Jew-influence and allowing niggers to bang their women. They are more than likely doomed.
They think they are in decline on birth-rates. Wait until the boom comes and there are more hybrid of nig/jappys running around.
Crime rate explodes, drug problems increase. Then the sneaking-in of guns and other weapons.
Japan will be another shit-hole in the making. Better get serious Japs. Your ethno-state is about to become another Euro-cucked nation.
Japlacks? Blackans?
Top left is a solid 5, bottom left needs a new haircut and she's look 10 times better.
Japanese are not white piggus or Chinese ants
They're anime samurai
They will survive like they always do most likely
>hears well
>nose impervious to breaking
>bites like a mother
How can nip genes be soo based?
Japan seems to be an ok country, the Japs on the other hand are borderline retarded.
Xir, that is CLEARLY a 56% abomination. Perhaps you need spectacles.
OP , you will be killed by wapanese faggots.
>Not German Japanese q3.14s
Seriously, i dont know why you guys dont join the globalist revolution. Soon man kind will become what it was always destined to be.
>beautiful women
>amazing food
>put leafcucks in their place with CIC general
Wrongo, fren.
I always wanted to visit Japan, see Tokyo, the architecture, nature, samurais and stuff.
Top left can be saved.
The real David Davidson?
>stop worshipping them
I live in Cali. They’re wayyyyyyyy smarter than us, and every time i leave the house I’m reminded how ugly the average person is
The reason we have Jow Forums is because of Japan tho
No they make good porn and video games
>living in a 56% beaner state
Just do it, it's fun
Soon everyone will be a nigger you mean, then we can stop counting years of progress and just start grunting and fighting for day to day survival.
no, burger they are my salvation
Bottom right looks mexican.
Stop calling that Chi-com chink a "burger."
>Just to be clear, this is because I despise Leafs. I despise California just as much, and have no interest in defending it
Get raked.
Most of Nip girls are hideous isn't?
>kraut/nip alliance
Did the 40's teach you fuckers nothing...?
I don't worship Asian girls. Asian girls worship me.
>t. Shlomo
>next time, without italy
That mouse is 100% Japanese, some zipperheads are funny looking.
numbers 2, 4 and 11 are men right?
Female football players are all turbodykes
Maybe, if you're talking about some Yucatecan/Oaxacan indias. Some of them still have the epicanthic eyefold.
Jesus, why do they always act like this? Not that I'm complaining but white women never act this nice or upbeat. They really are like something out of an anime.
Because they are anime.
korean cutie!
omg what a qt
>if you only knew how bad things really are
>a protest of six people
She's cute but she's still a 3D. Only Mako-chan has my heart
Global homo is the real threat. Put aside our differences, and address the real issue.
>not fluffy yukari
What’s wrong with you
>Recent anti-hate speech protest, largest in Japan's history
>Tokyo just banned ALL forms of discrimination
>The national parliament just approved almost a half million low-skilled foreign workers, with many loopholes to residency and citizenship. Also, there is no legal cap to the number of foreign workers.
>Japanese universities now have (((required courses))) on discrimination, marginalized peoples, and gender studies.
>Muslim prayer rooms, halal accommodations, and mosques are increasing exponentially
"b...b...but it was only six people"
>women of every race were a mistake
What a huge surprise
Is this you?
(((newsweek))) has been pozzed for decades, user
look at top of his head
It’s not my account, but I can tell by how you try and lash out at the happa weeb that his post got you asshurt.
Poles are Asian now...?
anime titty boy is relentless
I'm not into race-mixing sorry, keep jacking off to your AFWM porn though.
Japan is a great country to visit but low wages vs cost of living thanks to shit yen makes it miserable to live/wagecuck.
Might as well do SEA and save a bunch of money
Looks exactly like all the blue eyes blond hair anime characters.
better women, better food, better tech, better culture, better music, better everything. I am so glad people are realizing this. Even the Japs who love Korean culture.
>posts female football players
most female football players are lesbian. they are not a typical cross section of jap women wrt looks.
Who cares?
Yep even this admits Japan is racist.
Oh. Another tiny protest, wow.
Who cares?
Not according to the numbers they aren't.
In the meantime, read this:
Wow literally none of those are true, but okay
looks like faked porn scene
Is this a commercial in Japan?
So which one of those four is the one that's done porn?
I hope Japan fights for itself.
They're following the west.
I'm going to press F for respects.
dios mio
She acts a lot like my Korean wife. But yes, I think it's an idol.
NewsWeek needs a good . .
talking to.
Perhaps a bit more.
If I may be so bold, sir.
She acts a lot like my Korean wife. But yes, I think it's an idol.
Why does that beverage look like liquified shit?
Japs are BASED and REDPILLED, Anime is one of the best things in life.
Probably because it's like kudzu root and angelica or something. Asians eat a lot of weird shit. I have stories.
christ i'm so alone
It's not so bad.
Read up on divorce horror stories. Or try talking to an NPC for more than a few minutes. You'll be glad
Japan is nice, Japanese are shit.