Christcuck hate thread 3.0

Previous thread got 404ed by christnigger mod. Jews love reporting redpilled thread it seems.

Christianity is a religion that turns weakness into a virtue. It's a death cult that worships suffering and death as a means of achieving eternal life. It has turned the west into a bunch of cucks that can be easily guilt tripped and manipulated by shallow appeals to Christian 'morality'.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who hurt you OP? Want to talk about it?

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It's OK to be a cuck
Stage 1: Anger
>spends all his time on Jow Forums
>hates blacks
>lonely and resentful
>hates life and finds meaning by connecting to racial identity
Stage 2: Shame
>alienation drives Jow Forumsack deeper into isolation and porn addiction
>taboos become attractive
>blacked spam starts having an effect
>begin jacking off to sissy hypno and BBC
>shame from anti-white perversions drive Jow Forumsack deeper into politics and isolation
Stage 3: Giving In
>in loneliness, horniness, and sheer boredom alt-right sissy hooks up with a black guy
>though shy and nervous, the moment black dick enters his mouth the Jow Forumsack is hooked
>months or years of porn and fetishism aligns to make everything- the black man's musk, his heavy, chocolate dick, the sissy's soft white hand on dark skin- reaffirm the sissy's fetishes and send so much pleasure into his faggot brain that there is no going back
Stage 4: Dedication:
>sissy white boi begins having gay hook ups at increasing frequency
>gradually loses interest in politics
>more body conscious, begins squatting and running for a better butt
>starts practicing a campy gay voice because it turns him on
>gets into cross dressing and make up, derives submissive thrill from looking slutty and ridiculous
Stage 5: Obsession
>completely broken by black cock
>flaming sissy faggot
>is a devout leftist because white extinction makes his penis twitch, votes for whoever increases immigration
>mannerisms so excessively campy they make his family uncomfortable
>no longer alienated, now extroverted and sassy
>has circle of faghag friends who he gossips with and makes BBC jokes around
>loves going to gay clubs and twerking his white booty for black men
>shameless size queen slut who fucks several strangers a week
>views alt-righters with mixture of pity and bemusement, uses Jow Forums only to post interracial and ERP
>thanks black cock daily for changing him from an angry, resentful loner into somebody with a full spectrum of human emotion

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This thread needs more REAL Germanic music

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Fuck niggers and fuck the army


> sup cuck
> your thread is garbage and will be archived

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Do you think they’re fucking?

Who else remeber when christcucks ass raped islam in Spain?

Great job posting the most reddit comment of all time

I think seeing so many pictures of trashy, tattooed blonde women in relationship with negroes on the internet, and especially on Jow Forums, made me unconsciously hate white women. All these years of browsing internet made them repulsive to me to the point that I'm now exclusively chasing brown or other non-white girls.

Later on that night

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I'm harsh on White christcucks because as Whites, they should know better.
If I had my own way, if there ever was a leftist purge, I surely hope a christkike purge would soon follow.
But definitely would not allow them religious freedoms if there were to be a new constitution written. They can keep that shit to themselves in private and with no tax exemptions. That's the price if they are allowed to live among us.

Christnigger die

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Atheistic (((Bolsheviks))) murdered Christians by the millions all throughout Europe and mainly the largest gathering of Protestant Christians in Ukraine. My family was one of those Christians, I am a descendant of the survivors of the Red Terror, the war of 1918, the 3 separate Holodomor genocides. Our parents were the generation of survival in the 60’s-80’s. To be a pastor, a deacon, a preacher, took courage because you knew you were marked for death by the State. No one wanted to lead churches, be on the board of elders, where they would come in the middle of service and take down names and the next Sunday your pastor is missin, your deacons are being hung from the trees next to their houses. But more and more kept stepping up and becoming hardened warriors for Christ. My family, my cousins, my uncles, my grandfathers, my own father, took up these positions and managed to survive and maintain their faith in trying times of death, famine, and despair. When I was 2 months old it was custom to bring a newborn into church and have the pastor pray for them, it’s called a dedication, that this new life would be set upon the path of righteousness for Christ. The pastor would hold you in his arms, then your parents would put their hands on his shoulders, then your grandparents in theirs, so on and so forth until the entire congregation made a human chain of prayer for this newborn. After my dedication our church was raided mid service, they asked “Whos child is this?” My father spoke up proudly, “This is my son, we brought him to be dedicated to Lord”. They arrested him, threw him into prison for the first 3 years of my life. Before they left they told everyone “This child and everyone in here is property of the state. Your body, your minds, your work, your abilities, all belong to the state and work for its success.”
We are not the generation of survivors, I am the generation of revenge. By Gods grace I will have my vengeance. In this life or the next

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calm down there elliot

girls can poop out of their vagina??

Arab occupation of Spain lasted over 800 years. If anyone got their ass raped it's the jew worshiping christian sodomites.

Pagan Europe = All White, kept Europe strong and white. Zero bloodshed over religion. Pagan Greeks kept Persian invaders away from Europe for a long time.

Christian Jew OWNED Europe = Christcuck greeks lost to ottoman shitskins. Even after the liberation a lot of shitskins and half- breeds converted to christianity and got to stay. They just said praise rabbi Yeshua bar-Yosef and christcucks had no choice, they either had to accept that they are racist heretic cultural Pagans and kick them out or accept them as brothers in christ. As a result modern day greeks are basically Turkish rape babies.

Christian Spain got conquered by Arabs. Arab occupation lasted for More than 800+ YEARS. As a result most Spaniards today have Arab admixture.

Mongols conquered christian slavs as a result most slavs were unsuccessful at resisting communism and have low iq.

Western European christcucks got lucky, because of the location and the climate. Mother Europe kept non white invaders away from western eu.

Europe was stronger and Whiter when it was Pagan. Christianity united us with wrong people (black and brown christians), it made us kill our own kind for religion, it made us worship our enemies aka the chosen people, it made us die fighting wars for (((their))) desert holy land (crusadecucks and deus vult LARPers) instead of defending mother Europe. Prove me wrong. Pro tip you can't.

How can christcucks defend Europe when they are too busy fighting wars for (((their))) holy desert land (eg. Crusadecucks and deus vult LARPers)? When they are too busy killing White people for keeping Pagan traditions (Northern crusade, Baltic crusade, witch burning/human sacrifice)? When they are too busy killing other Christians for not following the same christian denomination (30 years war, countless other religious conflicts).

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True white nationalists abandoned the church ages ago, if they were ever followers to begin with. All abrahamicism is Jewish horse shit, and both Hitler and Dr. William Pierce knew that allowing christfaggotry in the movement is just to pacify the low IQer foot soldiers at the lower levels of the hierarchy.

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The debate was over when Nietzsche assbalsted these abject cucks. Now it's just taking down to mentally challenged. No point other than entertainment I suppose.

Did she miss that shit in Deuteronomy about the tattoos?

Yahweh still hates miscegenation, tatoos, stature idolatry, title seeking, mammon.

Love endures the most literal blasphemy of The Law. To not repent for sinning, to be a haughty, proud sinner, is licentious freedom. Not actual freedom.

Nope. I support this.
You kiddie fuckers had your chance.

>be europe, fractured by 100 different pegan religions
>Islam shows up and dominates because no central authority like the pope to unite christians

epic timeline

Is this how big a normal black man is?

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Show yourself meme flaggot. Funny how these Christian hate threads started popping up more consistently when the meme flags were implemented. Usually the people spouting this type of hate had this weird flag w/ a Moloch Star and 2 blue strips on either end. Wonder where those star flag posters went? Seems like they’ve been missing for some time now. Although a lot of these nihilistic threads, the BBC wh*tboi threads, the “blah blah aren’t white” threads. Who could be behind this divide and demoralize campaign on Jow Forums? If we could just figure out which subgroup of people use social usury as a method of control via chaos that would be great. Oh well I guess we’ll never know.

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Youre not gunna do a damn thing, neither will any other christcuck.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

christcucks gonna go ballistic soon just you watch

Attached: cross-burning-1989-stone-mountain.gif (470x270, 86K) really reads better with it in the background

Turn the other cheek, as always.

Here is the truth. Christianity as pure idea is great. Problem is the application and the fact it was created as a pure 100% effective kool-aid to brainwash euro tribesmen into submission on conquered Roman territories. So was monogamy which basically severely limits alphas normal reproduction rates by law. You see, entire post-tribal human culture is man-made with one goal only - to submit humans to non-tribal rulers. So it doesnt really matter that Christianiaty is has MANY nice aspects to it. It is still a kool-aid made by outsiders to defeat you.Cultural Matrix you are plugged in. wake the f up.


Weakness into a virtue.
They only want to inherit the earth

Thats a lot of words to post for a shitpost from a memeflagging Poo

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You again. Atheists are the most likely to do all the things that are wrong with the West. But you are Jewish, so you accuse your opposition of what you do.

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