
Is it true Bavaria is the "texas" of germany? How are the demographics there. Is the politics more right wing

Attached: WV-Bavaria_regions.png (3000x2909, 1.3M)

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All the Bavarians I met have been closet neo-Nazis desu

Bundesland Franken now! Freedom from Bavarian oppressors!

Politics are never more than lip service by spokespeople allegedly representing the public while only pushing corporate agendas
Everyone is a closet Nazi, everyone halfway sane that is

Give up on Germany, user. It is the definition of a lost cause.

Says the American fucking top kek

Bavarians are discount Austrians when it comes to politics. Bavarians are cucks, the Green lunatic party almost got 20% in the last election while in Austria the only reason why the Austrian equivalent to the AFD isn't the biggest party is because the center-right party made a shart drift to the right. But the nationalistic party is still in government and campaign in South-Tyrol low key for Anschluss.
And within Germany itself places like Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Saxon are far more right than Bavaria.
But yes, it a way Bavarian is in a way like Texas, they lose more and more of their conservative spirit because they let in too many shitskins.

>baby names
No, it's not

Bavarians and Austrians are the same race. North Germans are not the same like Bavarians. There are clear distinct differences.

North Germans tend to have a more square face, are a little taller, and have a little higher number of blondes.

Bavarians and Austrians are much more conservative and anti-immigration than North Germans. They also tend to be more "laid-back" in terms of working ethos than North Germans. Even though Bavarians are bit more disciplined because of the German rule.

Oh and Bavarians and Austrians are heavy boozers. All the stereotypical Oktoberfest stuff that Americans connect with Germans are actually Bavarian traits.

Also how's nearby baden-wurttemberg

pozzed af

Don't bavarians/austrians have that heavy accent also

Catholic Germans > Proddy Germans

How bad?

Exactly. North Germans speak a very clear High German (Hochdeutsch). Bavarians speak a little more rough.

It is very easy to spot the German in Austria by the way they speak. And lots of Germans are here in Vienna, because Germany has strict restriction to Universities access.

>Bavarians are discount Austrians when it comes to politics. Bavarians are cucks, the Green lunatic party almost got 20% in the last election

Pretty sure these elections were rigged. Something really off about the Greens in Bavaria. They all speak perfect Hochdeutsch, so they are unlikely to be natives. And lots of them indeed move here and run for office right away. Seen several cases like that already. If lots of strangers suddenly pop up and get 20% in the elections regardless, they are cheating. Shitskins are not the only invaders...

The Bajuwaren were a Germsnic tribe not a different race.

Not as bad as commiefornia but they're doing their best to get there

Why do they go there? Is BaWu a rich state or something

You're retarded. There isn't one German language, High-German was created for better communication between all Germans. You Austrians speak upper Bavarian, we Swiss speak in Alemannic dialects similar to the Swabians, Ellsaser and Austrians in Vorarlberg. There is Frankish, Saxon and the people in the north have Plattdeutsch as their native tounge but it's dying out.
But you can't differanciate between an Austrians and German like you do as there isn't one German. It's like saying that blue is different from a rainbow, it doesn't make sense and blue is part of the rainbow.

southern germans>northern (((""germans"")))

oops forgot pic

Attached: big bavarian cock.png (4711x1785, 1016K)

We at the very least know that the Hessian elections were rigged and only the ones were caughed which made it retardely obvious. The media barley talked about it and when they presented it as simple mistake. Oh what a coincidence many votes weren't counted and most of them happened to be AFD votes... It's quite surreal how the left is killing democracy while acting as the protector of it. And the people don't even care...

Do you understand arnold swarzineiger

>Everyone is a closet Nazi, everyone halfway sane that is

lol das hätte Ronny wohl so gerne

Bayern, Baden-Württemberg and Hessen are Germany's most productive states
The rest of Germany is to us what the rest of Europe is for Germany, leeches

Pan-Germanists get mad when I say this, but it's true. The alpine race and the nordic race is different from each other. It's just that they talked the same language and the nationalism meme made them unify (and than separate again).

Even the religion is different. Austrians and Bavarians are Catholics, North Germans rather Lutheran.

Bavaria is where Illuminati started.

> anglo expertise on germans or prussians
You have to be a retard to trust this.

Nah, that's Frankfurt.

Some of My Best Friends Are Bavarians...

there are moslem-style loos in Munich

my dad is from krasnodar
It was literally bavarians.

My wifes kid is half-Bavarian.

The eternal Habsburg strikes again.

my husbands they identifies as half ukrainian mongoloid hohol

>Germany past WW2
>More-Right Wing
Why would any part of Germany be more Right-Wing? they all basically act sensitive as shit and only really act racist on here.

Wew being a simple nationalist is being a Pan-German now.
Matter of fact is that Austrians knew they were Germans for most of the time. The most famous Austrians talked about how they were Germans and the only reason Austria didn't join the second Reich is because they had their own Reich. Most Austrian voted to be in a state with the other Germans after WW1 but the French didn't let them.
So in your mind what your ancestors knew about themselves and what they fought is "just a meme".
I'm not mad but rather disgusted. Your acting like a "proud Austrian" while doing exactly that what the French and Soviets wanted and on top of that you're making fun of your ancestors.

Where do you get the idea that Austrians love Germans or something? There a tons of "Piefke" jokes here in Austria. And the only Austrians that call themselves Germans are FPÖ types. No one else does, not even conservative Austrians do.

Aren't these both in East Germany, and isn't East Germany as a whole a lot further right than West Germany?

East Germany is actually run by "Die Linke". The official (!) successor party of the former Stasi party.

I thought it was just Thuringia. Isn't AfD based in Dresden?

Why the fuck is upper bavaria below lower bavaria?

Where did I wrote that current Austrians say they're Germans? I've stated how Austrians clearly expressed that they were Germans for most of their history and the only reason it isn't like that today is because of the French and Soviets. So you modern Austrians just do what the French and Soviets told you to and you're inderectly making fun of your ancestors as they clearly viewed themselves as Germans and fought as such.
And yes, the Austrians who value their identity and heritage the most are more likely to view themselves as Germans, what a surprise.

How is hessen?

Classic Mutt comment ^^

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is North-East. Plattdeutsch used to be spoken there in some parts but it's dying out. It's also the state where you can probably find the highest amount of Prussians... but they're also fading away. The AFD is indeed gaining massively in the East, of course the old communist party in form of the left is also present there but the basically all the parties in those Eastern states have to work together in order to keep the AFD out of the land governments,it's comperable to Sweden where all parties throw their ideals overboard to keep the SD out. Difference is that the AFD is more right wing than the SD.

They're based cause they're Catholic.

Not really much different from Bavaria I'd say
Many shitskins in big cities, less so in towns and bare to none in villages
South Hessen (where I live) is in many aspects like bavaria minus the Oktoberfest

They just think they are special snowflakes. Also they always emphasize that they are a ”Freistaat” (Free State) even though it has no meaning anymore. Also they claim they are best beer brewerers but their most famous beer type the Bockbier is from my city in Lower Saxony and they just headhunted our brewery Master back then and copied the recipe.


der amerikaner ist ein dreckada nega.


Person who has lived in Bavaria
Place is full of niggers and Syrians, totally fucked

What's going on in Switzerland

I’ve been to Munich and Garmisch-Partenkirchen many times. I think most of the white people I’ve seen there were tourists.

Bavaria seems to have more state nationalism. Your state lower Saxony seems nice.