So THIS is the true power of wikileaks...

So THIS is the true power of wikileaks. This mentally ill traitor is masquerading as a woman in the DC metro area on degenerate dating apps as a woman looking to ply her boi pucci to cock.

Should transgenderism be classified as a mental illness once more?

Attached: 7B99F662-C361-4F59-ADE6-0B5CE0460F14.png (1125x2436, 2.95M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Can I get some context?

>is over 30, no straight man will want HER
>gay men dont like FEMALES
They're literally ensuring a life of loneliness and suicide at 35. Sad, yet hilarious at the same time.

Manning may be nuts but the dude did out some heinous shit the US was up to.

Attached: Image 2018-12-28 at 12.04.14 PM.png (210x198, 7K)

perhaps outing the US was his way of trying to suicide.

He should've been executed. He KNEW he might see some unsavary shit and he still CHOSE to sign a contract saying that he wouldn't tell anybody, and worked for those people, and suddenly grew a conscious and then leaked stolen, private property to the public with no care in the world on who it would affect or anything else.

>killing sand niggers
>exposing treachery

Choose one, faggot.

Disgusting. He should be shot.


"Her" stfu

>hates authority
>joins the military

I thought people got killed because of some of the info that got dumped?

he could have done it in a much more responsible way instead of some weird revenge against a couple of people around him

is this real? i can go on a date with bradley manning?

Those hormone nipple flaps though.

Attached: 5FEB1D7D-6A6D-4527-B823-435DCB21289B.jpg (1024x768, 217K)

It's a good thing, you know. Roasties and transgenders, mainly pic-related retards all set themselves up for suicide.

Attached: 1542096763587.png (400x201, 125K)

>hates being a man
>is a man

Attached: 1542720840704.png (741x945, 649K)

CHN breaks down Kevin Spacey word for word in the first 15 min of his show.
>cup mug is a symbol of the Queen of England and a threat
>he might be in witness protection
>he is definetly threatening Hollywood and elite
>he might flip

Interesting timeline this is

Enjoy >NEW VIDEO ON #GDL and Celebrities naming the Jew, 911 and USS liberty
Here is an opportunity to learn some unique redpills from The Based Man
>the nature of Chaotic-Good and Jow Forums

>100th monkey effect and shitposting

>NXIVM child cult in Columbia

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>article 13 is the great meme Iconoclasm of 2018

>prophecy of a cyber future IF we DONT act

>your leading a revolution and dont even know it

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>npc meme 3 part miniseries starts here

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>ingersoll lockwood and Baron trumps wonderful adventure

And LOTS MORE, here is a small window into a world you might not know,. .,,.,.,

Is he intentionally trying to like like Assange?

>Should transgenderism be classified as a mental illness once more?

It never should have changed

This traitor cant kill himself soon enough. Hope he falls repeatedly down a flight of stairs onto a pile of salt razor blades and rusty nails then dies of lockjaw and broken bones slowly over the period of a week.

Attached: Fuck you..jpg (667x1000, 434K)

Bradley Manning. Jewgle it.

No wonder this board is trash. You're all 12 year old faggots

He seemed familiar I just couldn't remember which meme tranny he was

how so?
you are asking an interesting question
Adrian Lamo is dead by the way, I wonder what happened.
They're all degenerates basically, not sure what the deal is with Assange but... Lamo and Manning were clearly degenerate.

Assange grew up in a cult.

btw to those who do not know, there were AOL/AIM chat logs (published by Wired Magazine) between Manning and Lamo where Manning confesses and also talks about being trans and whatnot.
I'm not saying its obvious statecraft but it all felt very cringe at the same time.