The Federation has arrived, the power outages and Massachusetts 911 outages are them currently trying to land their troops and military vehicles on the ground.
The Galactic Federation has been cloaked away in our atmosphere for some time, the majority of their fleet arrived a month ago and they have been preparing for the perfect time to strike but certain complications have arrised for them. They had to push back their time once before a few months ago when their fleet was spotted entering the system. Now they are landing their orbital bases on Earth’s surface. The secret war between Aliens and Humans will be brought to light and we will be freed from the corrupt forces of this world. Our species will take a seat at the Galactic Council and will be the new intitate to be inaugurated into the Federation. The New Age has come. Hail Victory, Hail Humanity, Hail Gaia.
but do the ayys say lmao or veyy? serious answers only pls
Colton Hernandez
Nice nuke this shit planet from orbit aliens but before that beam me up to your shithole and lemme smash reptile pussy.
Jayden Barnes
The aliens are screaming behind windows " OH VEY " repeatedly. What do?
Eli Flores
That's not dancing, they're just walking around
Jaxon Richardson
Nolan Walker
Luke Collins
80% veyy and 20% lmao, approximately.
Jackson Thompson
Wasn't it actually those Skin-stealing murder Aliens that are supposed to invade after some major conflict due to turkey breaks loose because some Autistic guy dreamed about the exact thing some Alien LARPer explained?
>One grey had a stab wound on the side of its chest, after closer inspection of the gaping hole, chemical residue found suggested it was raped to death.
Josiah Phillips
No a satalite falls down first, then that happens.
Jaxon Gomez
OK Mr Wilcock. What et butt did you and Mr Goode fiddle to make this happen?
Cooper Gutierrez
le 56 is breaking the event horizon of reality itself
Gavin Ramirez
Any good webm conversions of the lightshow yet? I missed the habbening at the time, and fuck Youtube.
Sorry they only like Scandinavian humans. You can marry insectiods or midget reptilians.
Daniel Nelson
the pleadian larp thats been going on the past 2 years is the one larp id unironically want + hope to be true even though i know its not
Owen Diaz
David Wilcock is a homo.
Bentley King
What ever. Reality is just shit and piss
Isaiah Rogers
Reminder that according to the Book of Enoch, the Pleiades are a galactic prison. How desperate are you that you're waiting for this fake bluebeam shitshow to go down?
Gabriel Sanchez
Checked. Cuckorey Boobe is a liar too.
Nolan Butler
what makes you think all of the hot pleadian girls wouldnt just fuck the black athletes?
Jeremiah Wright
After the inter-dimensional portal closed, all that remained was a box of uncounted ballots from Florida.
Xavier Wright
nigga its been going on since the 1970s
Camden Stewart
Connor Nguyen
What are they going to do, use us as slaves?
Mason Price
it was me, i admit it, i did it all
Jaxon Rodriguez
The aliens that arrive first are the bad guys. They are not here to save us from ourselves.
The ones that come after them, those are the keepers of the universe, they will be led by a man known as Messiah....some know him as "Jesus"... I know him as friend.
I’m mostly Scandinavian, blonde hair green eyes, but I am mixed though, I’ll probably be good.
Try the 50s
Ian Watson
Don’t just read the book of Enoch, read the entire apocrypha
Leo Phillips
God if only. I’m so tired of this life.
Kayden Smith
I have green eyes and nearly brunette/dirty blonde hair, will the pledians accept me as a strange half breed? Or am I doomed to live out my life on this planet full of brown monkeys? We all know white people would be happier without brown people, and that brown people were happier before they made contact with white people.
Camden Ortiz
And is only functional because it's fiction?
Aiden Thomas
Oh man I'm suddenly getting such a RUSH!
Evan Fisher
Thats good fiction, 8/10.
Josiah Hill
Not sure gl though
Blake Russell
>When some inbred muzzies start an intergalactic war with space niggers
Jonathan Williams
post proofs
Isaiah Smith
Lol All I can say is lol. What about those Edge of Wonder guys? The name itself sounds like a spoof of an illuninati kids show.
Hunter Howard
Eli Allen
>cut wounds in the neck
Jaxon Clark
Ayy lmao, fuck off we are full
Anthony Russell
oh, scathing.
Lucas Green
> 911 outages
They are so feeble they could only take out centurylink?
Noah Thompson
You seen the Brazilian prison video where the exact thing happened?
Eli Long
If they want in they better apply for a travel visa or amnesty. We don't need anymore illegal aliens fucking shit up around here.
Jayden Ortiz
What makes you think he is white
Bentley Jenkins
ayy lmao
Ryan Fisher
Von Braun warned judeo-America would try to shill ayy lmaos to push globalism.
Now where the fuck would that come from, secret nuclear facility leaking? Someone tried to set off an EMP in DC?
Gavin Bennett
What if ayys show up and they are insufferable leftists.
What if they hate white people and believe equality is the highest virtue towards which to strive? What if they are appalled that we want to build border walls and keep foreigners out?
What would you guys do? There is no fighting them, they are insanely powerful.
If they couldn’t make my life and the lives of my kin better, and they insisted on us sharing our earned wealth, then I would die fighting them I think.
Leo King
At least all the myths of the “tall whites” point to them literally being natsoc.
Josiah Cooper
>Cherenkov Radiation
Joseph Brown
They better be Nazis.
Hunter Taylor
We will fight them no matter how advanced they are. Before we all die we should nuke the planet as a last fuck you.
There was a very nice Discovery show about fighting a superior alien invasion. One of the proposed weapons was mining shafts full of water with nukes at the bottom and heavy metal corks on top. Once you blow up the nuke the water vaporizes and the pressure shoots out the metal cork with incredible speed, FAAAR more destructive than any weapon we currently have.
Jacob Martinez
*sound of crickets* FUCK.............................YOU............................... *sound of crickets*
Christopher Harris
Brody King
Imagine how hard that’d be to aim. You’d have to wait for a mothership or something to be orbiting directly above the mine shaft, wouldn’t you? Or would we build these things all over the place so that we can harass the enemy craft wherever they are?
Best source that doesn't "interpret" shit for you?
Tyler Hall
Yeah exactly that. The idea was to watch where they hover if they are stationary or where their orbits pass if they are in orbit and dig underneath. It was super inefficient, but a last resort of desperate people kind of thing.
John Gonzalez
checked I want to believe
Brayden Watson
Jews retaliating for US pulling out of Syria. They are this close to dying.
Mason White
Alien.Invasion.Are.We.Ready Curiosity.S01E02
This is the name I got on the torrent, I can't find the thing on youtube, there is some shit that's hour and a half, but it's fake. You could prolly torrent it.
Jordan Reed
That's clever but like those giant stationary cannons in video games. Who would stand right in front of it like a dumbfuck?
Connor Price
Well they are not visible from above since it's mine shaft, you can camouflage the entrance
Elijah Stewart
Carson Turner
What if this is Trump's doing? What if the power outages or whatever are preparation for martial law? If the power is out, it'll make it easier to round certain people up.
Eli Smith
REMINDER Jews are sided with Greys We are sided with Pleiadians t. member of Technician Corps, Outpost 47C
Luke Cook
I’ll look for it. I know no matter what we do we can’t hope to win that sort of war, but I’d happily die fighting for earth, it’d be cool to know what kind of heat we’d be packing. At least we have home field advantage.
Lucas Davis
It looks like most reptilian ayys don't give a fuck about us and this is the Milky Way's brazilian shithole full of their retarded rejects.
Cooper Flores
plasma wind stream hitting earth during the waining of magnetosphere strength. This will keep happening in the weeks, months, and years to come. Then the mininova from the sun hits us in less than three decades. You are fucking welcome. Start prepping.
Jaxson Fisher
Too bad we don't have good alien invasion shows. The First Wave was too campy and low budget, Falling Skies was shite, Colony was cancelled, the V remake was cancelled, Defiance was cancelled...