Is it wrong that I wish we could have things like pic related and social credit as long as it were nationalist and not...

Is it wrong that I wish we could have things like pic related and social credit as long as it were nationalist and not (((subverted)))?

Attached: Screenshot_20181228-112650.jpg (1080x1314, 567K)

You'll eventually get your wish, but will be surprised about who makes the grade and who doesn't.

Beta as hell. No one, except miserable failures, needs a state to dominate them and tell them what to do. Totalitarianism belongs in the dust bin of history.

It will always be subverted though. Nationalism is a nice concept but the state is inherently controlled by the (((powers))) that be and as such this would be used for less of a "My little darling got to school

This is who Liberals want in charge

Apparently you think mass surveillance and control a lá 1984 is okay if it's "nationalist"? Pretty much anything can be twisted to justify it then.

Totally. Our work will not be done as Europeans until we have forced every person to adopt liberal values.

You're a cuck that despises self sufficiency, the kind that apparently is so uncapable of noticing subtleties that his mind can't comprehend anything other than ancap tier individualism and crushing collectivism, which would be more appropriately called slavery, as in the chinese model. Europe had a working collective from the ground up, the group functioned because there were capable individuals. Your own country was built like that. Such a thing is wholly different from China, where people are robots less capable of individual thought than ants.

If anything, it's the alt-right with their admiration of totalitarian states thst fawn over the idea of totalitarianism, so long it's "nationalist".

ummmm check your flag bro

>Facial Recognition

My ancestors fought against the twin evils of fascism and communism so I can shitpost on Jow Forums. OP doesn't realise boards like these would be the first thing to get shut down.

Duh? A benevolent totalitarian nationalist government is perfect

Yes, youre a boot licking retard.

Yeah? One of the world's most prosperous economies and safe countries. We do have problems with recent migrants, but we'll solve it in due time.

Fascists always take a issue, no matter how minor, and turn it into a civilization-ending threat. It's the only way they can justify their worldwide

What's stopping the "benevolent totalitarian" government from kicking in your door and shooting you in the face?

People praising totalitarianism almost always imagine themselves in charge.

Do you think everyone is equally capable of self-governance? Does your boss let you do your own thing on the job or do you follow his orders?

Assuming you have a job

>What's stopping the "benevolent totalitarian" government from kicking in your door and shooting you in the face?
What’s stopping a random psychopath from kicking in your door and shooting you in your face?

>facial recognition
>all chinks look the same
holy shit the chinese supercomputing power memes are real

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why would you want that ?

that's fucking weird

a dangerous freedom > peaceful subservience

My boss doesn't dictate my life. My boss doesn't care what I eat or what for porn I jack off to. My boss doesn't deduct points from my social credit because I didn't praise him enough.

My boss gives me a task/assignment, and I solve it using my own skills and reasoning. That's how it works in the free world. And I'm free to quit working when I want to.

There's two kind of people who like totalitarianism. Those who are miserable and try to find their purpose in life, or a sense of belonging. The state would provide to them that. The other group of people are arrogant ideologues who tend themselves fit to rule over others.

Your analogy is horrible. The psychopath would have no right whatsoever to do so, and I'd have the right to employ lethal force to defend myself.

A totalitarian state however, if they want you dead, you're dead. There's no trials, no rule of law. The words and edicts of the men running the state is the law.

Imagine your high school bullies. Now imagine then as sociopathic, ruthless and violent adults who run an entire country. That is how totalitarianism looks like.

Jow Forums fags, don't fall for fascist arguments. What makes western civilization superior is the values we have. It sounds cheesy as fuck, I know. But rule of law, free press, free elections, inalienable rights etc, that's what set us apart from everyone else. Everyone wants to live in a western country for a reason. Our system lets us run prosperous and productive countries.

Why is China allowed to exist? Other than the cheap human and natural resources, of course.

Yes, it means you're a gigantic faggot.

With the track record of your modern government, you'd have to be pretty mentally lacking in the big think department to want this.

Well said, Chang.