Death Penalty for LITERALLY EVERY Crime

death penalty
>petty theft
death penalty
>riding a bus without a ticket
death penalty
>lawnmowing during lunchtime
death penalty
>every crime worse than the ones mentioned
death penalty

Should this be a thing? Should indiscriminate, wanton capital punishment even for the slightest infraction be in the national interest?
Is constant, brutal, primal fear of being eradicated like vermin a good social corrective?

Attached: proper_procedure.png (480x2605, 613K)

Don't forget about littering.

That's a good way to ensure your overthrow
Someone in your cabinet will have family do something stupid and you will have to kill them or spare them

Spare enough of them and you're simply a criminal authoritarian and the people will rise up
Kill the cabinets family and the cabinet will kill you

No, Sharia law is the way.

sound modest proposal, but i don't understand pic related

Yah, I saw that episode of Star Trek too.

500 hours community service for any misdemeanor, death penalty for felony and up. Also three misdemeanors and you're out.

Dead man's switch with millions of nukes, known to everybody.

So you received input, huh, reddit.
Good for you.

No, but we should bring back lighter capital punishment, such as cutting someones hand off for theft.

Yeah, in a conquered apartheid state of European Afreeca for the niggers happy enough to live there.

>get on train and realize I left my ticket at home
>dread sweeps over me
>ticket collector comes over to check
>I'm going to die anyway, so what the fuck?
>knock him to the ground and stamp on the side of his head until he dies
>run away when the train stops and steal a car
>drive across town with police cars chasing me
>might as well go out with a bang
>slam car through window of nearest cafe killing several pensioners inside

>Should this be a thing?
No dummy

>An unhinged psycho could snap under pressure
>Unironically positing this as an argument
Yeah, no.

Starting with you for this awful post

Maybe even that is a tad too much. Especially because then you have to pay him since he's disabled.

But boy would people enjoy propper whippings.

It pretty much has to be, for laws to have any meaning. Otherwise people will break the law and escalate their resistance to the law straight to killing any cop that tries to enforce it, secure in the knowledge that the cops aren't allowed to use lethal force against them in return.

Littering and?

Whites are humans and therefore deserve to be treated with humanity and compassion. Negroids and other subraces should be dealt with in a strict and aggressive judicial system.

Attached: 1541146069356.jpg (1732x1682, 1.43M)

That clearly wasn't my point. The point is that in that type of system, a person who has committed a tiny crime is considered just as bad as someone who has committed a horrific crime. This will inevitably force criminals to become worse because their lives are already forfeit.

Do you ever notice how overly strict parents often have very rebellious children? The problem is that they use the nuclear options all the time, which means that they have nothing else to threaten them with when they do something really bad. It's the same with the legal system. Capital punishment should be reserved only for murderers as this is the worst crime. Mass shooters and serial killers should be given painful executions too, to diffrentiate between them and other murderers.

No eradicating You is the way.

In a perfect society dirt monkeys and such would be eradicated and Whites will be the only inhabitants.

Nah, strict parents tend to have really fucking timid children. Your argument is invalid.

How about this? Instead of killing them why not just fine them? Was that so hard to do? Punish those where it hurts the most.

I fucking hate strict parents they make their kids literally the definition of NPC.

Nah, death penalty for felonies, harsh physical labor or punishment for misdemeanors.

>Should this be a thing? Should indiscriminate, wanton capital punishment even for the slightest infraction be in the national interest?
It's the best way to solve both dysgenic genes, and overpopulation at the same time.

>a person who has committed a tiny crime is considered just as bad as someone who has committed a horrific crime.
No. The idea is that someone who has committed a crime at all is worse than someone with the IQ and self-interest to follow the rules. When food is in short supply, you can't be generous.


Doesn't work in my country because we are fucking retarded. It would kill our whole race.

during the Qin dynasty it was a capital offense to be late for a government job. some army officers were late for a deployment, delayed by a fierce storm that they could do nothing about. Instead of arrive late and hoping they would be forgiven because that shit was out of their control, they strait up rebelled against the state. The risk of arriving late was less than civil fucking war.

Also you need to implant a punishment system for the companies that can’t hold up their end up of their bargain. Example here in Georgia our subway system Marta is utter trash so when you pay money to their machines, it sometimes eats youd cash and so you don’t have enough to go back home or work so you are forced to jump over their shitty doors.

That’s called draconian law and it’s proven to be ineffective. The problem is that when society treats every crime as capital crime than people paradoxically take the law less seriously and police stop enforcing it. You end up with people killing each other because murder is now no worse than jaywalking. If you get the death penalty over the tiniest mistake than why not just kill that annoying neighbor you always hated or rape that hot chick who turned you down?


>500 hiurs of community service

Work at it 48 hours on followed by 24 hours of rest, you'll be do in about a month. It better be 100,000 hours at least mate. That would take roughly 17 years.

Most of the time they tend to just tell their kids to do certain things but without reason. Look at tiger parents and their kids and how they interact. You have to be tough on your kids and reward them for good behavior not just be strict just because. Also one of my family member is very strict on their kids and what that user said is very true they become shy also devoid of humanity.

You better belive that's a paddling

ask a woman on a date
>it's rape to ask
death penalty

The overbearing parent portion of the argument doesn't make sense. That being said, the first part does make sense. If you're already dead, there is no impetus to behave. Not everyone will follow through on this logic because people are stupid, but many will understand.

retroactive death penalty for crimes committed in the past that havent been atoned for. it's time to weed out all the dysfunctionals that stole candy bars when they were little shits.

it was tried before