Balding General

What is the evolutionary reason for this? And why does it seem like that more and more young people are affected by it? I am 25 and my hair is getting thinner every year and it scares me.

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vaccines and fluoride

It helps women determine people with bad genetics so they can reject them and keep the gene pool strong.

>Ayylmao's are just us from the future
>baldness in both males and females is the next step in our evolution to becoming Ayylmaos
>this is why women want the bald mans seed

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You have shit genetics Hans,don't forget to wear a toupee

Are you implying that people like Bruce Willis and Vin Diesel have shit genetics? Please...

Sensitivity to or overproduction of dihydrotestosterone. Baldies haven't become extinct because surplus DHT positively correlates with strength and virility otherwise, chrome dome aside.

It's 100% genetic, your genes dictate the pattern and rate, nothing you can other than take finasteride and apply minoxidil until better treatments come out. Some claim that those needle rollers and minoxidil work best.

are you dumb?
Women love bald men.

If they're not white yes.

Stop being a pussy.
Some men go bald.
Man up and deal with it.
Don't shave your head like a beta faggot.

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Rather just get a transplant
Then take all those chemicals

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The fuck are you talking about

Detumescence therapy

I'm going grey early (early 30s) so I feel you bro. I'm just going to end up shaving my head even though my hair is thick and I'm not balding.

black men cope by telling themselves they all look good bald

best looking bald guy is jason statham

Just shave your head its less sad

that's retarded you could just color your hair

My hair grows fast, so my roots will just be forever showing.

Has this board always been this retarded? How can ANYONE like this place...

Get finasteride. If you have problems with costs, just buy one of the Polish or Czech generics. You can get 100 tabs of 5mg fin for like 60 euros or something. That lasts up to 2 years (split one 5mg into 6-7 pieces for a week).

Once you scored a wife, you can discontinue taking the tabs and get bold within 6 months.

>taking testosterone blockers
Enjoy you onions physique and titty cancer.

kek it's like the male version of 'now i can get fat'

wish they would reject more bald men a hundred years ago so i didn't have to be a fucking hairlet

Gray hair kinda looks bad ass on a young face still

Hairlets BTFO

There's very few people that can pull off the bald look. Everyone else looks full JUST.

Women love fit blad men Like Jason
but not fat bald men

dead end genes
kys if you dont have a full head of lengthy hair through your 30s

i can pull off a shaved head(like completely shaved with a razor), does that mean i could pull off bald

Beard grows and top hair balds to show masculine age and experience.

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Don’t be afraid buddy my old friend balded at 27. He is now married to his highschool sweet heart (she is a cutie Irish girl) and he has a great buisness. I will say that start lifting, my buddy happens to be a big strong dude. You’re gonna have to transition from protector from pretty boy.

Just go gray you retard

Hair today, gone tomorrow.

Shaving head is best fix. People subconsciously know that you’ll be a national socialist when the time comes.

yeah and men love women with no ass and tits
fuck outta here faggot

They did, the problem with genetics is that shitty gene combinations are always popping up along with really good ones, natural selection is a continues process, it always approaches the best genetic combinations for the current but ever changing environment. In the case of baldness it's a strictly negative attribute though, like heart conditions or poor sight and hearing.

Mumbo jumbo. There’s no such thing.

>evolutionary reason

baldness happens at an age where a man traditionally already has had a bunch of children and is in a commited long term relationship. it has only become a 'problem' recently because people settle down and have kids about 10 to 15 years too late. people who go bald in their early twenties are relatively rare.

also, by the time you go bald you should have other things to offer than being a pretty boy, like providing a good and stable environment for your offspring.

Can you pull it off, or do you just think you can?

It doesnt work too well
A lot of bald people reproduce

Lol why do me get so sad over gray hair. Grey hair is a sign of age and women love that shit. Women don't like grey hair on themselves because it makes them look old

If it ever gets to the point of pic related, just take it all off. Use a knife and scalp yourself

>what is combover
im serious

Try balding at 17

God help me

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Based and common sense-pilled

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in the future all humans will be bald

i can definitely pull it off, i get more girls when my head is shaved or buzzcut, and guys act sort of wary around me

shaved > balding.
if god is taking it away you should simply let it go.
this applies to everything in the material world.

It's not fun watching your hairline recede. I was a handsome autistic manlet, now it's ruining my looks and now I have nothing going for me. I got no frens, no job, no lyfe, no social skills, no height and some day.... no hair. I am genetic trash, only 22 aswell

kill me

>tfw I'm one of those rare people.
Oh hey, good for me, I'm special.

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Because back in the day, bald men were rapists and killers. They would pillage entire villages and rape lots of women. You are the offspring of these rapes and as such, suffer through all the genetic defects these bad ass conquerors had. It's already proven that bald men are highly aggressive because of their defective genes. The more rapes committed by bald men, the worse it got for people in our time. Now you suffer with massive genetic diseases thanks to them. Your only hope is Chinese gene therapy to make you pure white again.

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women do not care how much hair you have. you can be hideous or beautiful to them with literally any length of hair at all. i suspect this is the evolutionary reason men actually do go bald. why waste the resources producing hair? sexual selection for hair is much more intense the other way around.

your insecurity over it is what women are going to pick up on. not the thing itself. feel good about yourself. lean in to your situation. worry about shit you actually have control over like muscle and fashion.

same man. best i can hope for now is some plain ethnic girl


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god help him

Everyday I give thanks for having such great hair genetics and a full head of hair, my dad is 65 and still has all his hair and my brother who is 7 years older than me also has all his hair so I know I'm good for the next few years to come

Sorry about you all

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Check em

you wont lose your hair ever, consider yourself fortunate

lol just shave your head or get a good haircut (aka long on top and faded on sides). just be alpha about it. i have the same issue

OI mate, just wait for it. Maybe one of your new overlords would stab you

It's simple Heat Transfer. Hair is an incredible insulator, so grown white men who use more caloric energy in their brains, generate more heat, and thus need a more efficient heat transfer mechanism to maintain homeostasis.

> feel good about yourself
I just can't though. There's nothing to feel good about. Did lifting and boxing before a few years ago, got fit and put on a lot of muscle but stopped because I got too depressed about life to do anything. I can't crawl out of this pit again, I just give up

Recent studies show that the reason for MPB is epigenetic (lack of gene expression). DHT doesn't seem to be the major problem. It is related to protein signaling in the scalp. There is an upcoming topical solution known as SM04554 which addresses this problem. Hope FDA doesn't fuck up.

Turns out, little monkey fella

try onion juice

Eat vitamin B, eat fish oil, by red hair laser and use regularly

T. 29 year old boomer who regrew a large balding patch so far

Some combination of nofap, minox/dermarolling, and keto have halted my recession and I've been stable the past 4 years. Probably going to just get a hair transplant because i'm still in my 20's

Maybe. But I live in N.I so it would be a protestant if it happens

now that i think about it, in really primitive times having a receding hairline sounds kind of useful for keeping the hair out of your eyes when hunting and fighting.

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>Evolutionary reason
Might as well look for answers in Star Trek.

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>What's the evolutionary reason for this

Shit genes.

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It's probably Telogen effluvium nothing serioous you can regrow it in 6 months. Stress is the main factor, diet aswell a sharp cut in calories and eat enough protein, and the most imporant thing is to take enough Zinc, it's probably safer and good for you anyway if you supplement Zinc via pills.

that sucks brother. have you looked into meditation or cognitive techniques like re-framing and self talk? i have been seriously depressed in life (runs in the family) and these techniques have helped me manage such episodes better.

its the white gene. I noticed that everyone at my work place over 30 are either bald or in the process of balding

Why do I see so many women dating bald men then lol

Nope, baldness is a genetic liability. Because it renders the scalp defenseless against UV damage and the elements. Only a freshly shaved dick head would assume it's a benefit to be bald.

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See, now that's not bad user. You have hair everywhere, the trick is to keep it shorter so you don't have thin spots.

Use a really short clipper attachment, like ¾". Buzz everything. Retake picture. Still looks patchy? Try the next shortest.

Once you have it short enough so people can see your skalp through your hair, it will look more even. Helps if you're tan up there, too.

Makes a YUGE difference. People will just see short hair, not patchy hair. Then get yourself some killer long facial hair, keep it neat by trimming and beard wax.

They're the exception to the rule,and are generally compensating by using some other trait in their phenotype which is appealing to women.

No it's universal, got a uncle who's going bald in his 30s.

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>women: eww!
>balding and decide to shave head
>women: (insert pussy juice filling up a kiddie pool)

Just 10 minutes with a Bic and that bitch is on my Dick.

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There are white people left in canada?

based non hairless bro

Actually the ladies get wet for the Bruce Willis or Jason Statham look. Oh, it requires you not be a fat slob too.

This is the mindset.
If I ever see so much as a spot develop it's all coming off.

Let's see if the Troubles would return after Brexit

Yeah no, the studies have been done. And most women are sexually disgusted in regards to bald men. The men who look good bald, are usually of some higher echelon in terms of facial symmetry. And or are rare and few in numbers.

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> 5'8
> hairlet
> beardlet
> brown eyes
> lazy eye
> 5.5 inches hard
> chubby with love handles
> 95 iq
Is there any hope for me?

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Yes, go to the Brausebad

Bro you’re a fucking pussy. After I got blown up the marines sent me over to the wounded warrior battalion to heal up and I’ve talked to dudes that got their junk blown off by semi retarded incestual goatfuckers in the ‘Stan that whines less than you.

Actually I have. Learnt to meditate and was doing it regularlywhen I was lifting but now I can't muster the will to keep doing it. Really It is the first thing I should do daily, then maybe I can get back into lifting again. I think the meditation should come first, it's very good if you practice it regularly.

Yup, shave it bald with a razor. Get some facial hair.

Jeff bridges in Iron Man. Badass.

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No you're a dead end, and you probably shouldn't have any children. It's bad enough that you're ugly, but on top of that you're also stupid. Sad times famalam.

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>all """washing" shower products
>All the chemicals in the Swimming pool
> Bad food, bad alimentation, bad hydratation
> Not consuming good products for air (Brewer's yeast, coconut oil ,...)
> Low test
>Sexual immorality (too much fapping and ejaculation causes early balding)
>Taking hot showers directly in your hair and not good cold showers

>beard follicles
You're stuck with it. Build charisma, conversation, personality value.
Worry about that once girls start actually seeing it.
When you have game they treat your dick like they think it's 9 inches long.
>95 iq
Go into trades and make six figures within the decade.
You can fix that.
This is the biggest problem and you can fix it too

You are the epitome of the average American. Could be worse.

>brother is bald
>i'm not

Can families have one sibling balding and the other not or did mum fuck the milkman?

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